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Everything posted by Bug

  1. I took mnt bikes up there one year and road beyond a swollen creek I didn't want to drive across. Might be some snow banks too.
  2. Bug

    GOP to waterboard Cheney

    Don't get me wrong. I am not liking the pae of change but at the same time recognize that changing too fast is often not a healthy or sustainable thing. And, as I like to say, anyone who wants the job should be automatically disqualified. Never the less, I still hold out hope that some meaningful change will come about as a result of Obama's administration. I hold out hope that the groundswell of support from previously disenfranhised voters will be sustainable. If this is the case we could have an "anti-Reagan" revolution. Reagan enjoyed a strong groundswell as well and marshalled it into a series of executive acts that initiated this trend of modern presidents to write their own laws "ad hoc" so the story goes. In saying this I do not intend that Reagan was wrong through and through but that what he started has to be revisited and revised. The process is organic to some degree in that our system of government depends on the support of the currently most potent political base. It may also be the case that our constitution needs some more ammending. If this is the case, I would prefer to see a less potent corporate lobby in DC. As they are currently by far the most potent force in national politics any new ammendments would not bode well for you and me. Witness our latest meltdown. A trillion $ to big business from both sides of the aisle. So far, a few hundred million to the likes of you and me. Obama cannot fight that lobby for long without support from somewhere else. Bicker if you must but I'm goin with the man who talks the talk. Any president needs more than a hundred days to prove what he is made of.
  3. Bug

    GOP to waterboard Cheney

    Here comes the response from KKKK & FW. Domocrats bad stupid people who don't supply links. Republicans good (no links).
  4. Yes. That under-the-nose area is where I use the block-wipes.
  5. Bug

    trees and climbing?

    How about the old rotten log on Royal Arches direct? Was that in?
  6. I have an old REI ax I would sell you for $20. Probably about a 60 or 65.
  7. Bullfrog stays on if you put it on while you are dry. Others are the same way - must be applied while skin is dry. Another common mistake is using old sunscreen. If it is more than two years old, it is probably not up to the task on snow. I also carry sunscreen wipes to hit those spots that get rubbed - like the nose. Best be is to cover with a bandana like an arab. Also use the nose cover that hangs off the brdge of the glasses. When all that fails, apply a light dose of vitamin E oil to burned areas.
  8. I would give it three days unless you ar travelling very light. Day 1, leave trailhead at White River (if the road is even open). Hike up to east side of Carbon Glacier. Camp1. Day 2, Get up to thumb rock and assess conditions. The Black Pyramid at the top of the chute can be very active (raining rocks) if it is warm. If it is raining rocks, camp at Thumb rock. If it is not, continue up. Keep to the left side of the chute to stay out of the bowling alley regardless. There are not a lot of options for bivies until the top. But you could dig in at a few spots if you needed to. FYI, The arbon glacier was the most technical part when I did it. Big gapers with scary bridges. Hit it early. Day 3, up to summit and down Emmons route. Thumb rock can get hit by rocks too. Don't let your guard down.
  9. Bug

    trees and climbing?

    I did a route in Blodjett that used a rotting tree. Once the tree is gone, the route is going to jump a few grades. And it is right below the best climbing.
  10. I started abusing mine with sugar at an early age. The rule was "there are no rules when camping". I carried two for awhile. One in front and the other in a pack. At 60# I quit and bought a double jogger. They loved that thing cause I'd stock it. It was their little camper. Finally, they got too big for that and went to college. Actually, they're still young (11 and 13) and love the outdoors. I'm taking the 13 up Rainier in June at her request. They both love backpacking to lakes and hangin. We now have two little rubber rafts we take along. They are also pyromaniacs. Fires are a major draw. Keep em wanting more. Sugar is the key.
  11. Cool. That mine looks like a nice perch.
  12. I finally learned what a tauntaun is. Sport climbers use them when the sun goes behind a cloud.
  13. Bran flakes are for sport climbers. I am into the void now. Oatmeal with fresh ground flax seed for breakfast. Pee in the bran flakes all you want.
  14. Bug

    GOP to waterboard Cheney

    That woman would eat Dick.
  15. Bug

    GOP to waterboard Cheney

    How did you know I was going to fart in your general direction? PPfffffffffffffft. Pfffft? pFffffttttttt!
  16. Bug

    GOP to waterboard Cheney

    What a coincidence. Because frequently it's torture just reading your posts. I would say that you are quick but you only reworded what I said. Good stab at being witty tho......
  17. "While I have yet to be convinced that man’s 3% contribution to the planet’s greenhouse gases affects the climate, I do recognise that oil is a finite resource and that as it becomes more scarce, the political ramifications could well be dire. I therefore absolutely accept the urgent need for alternative fuels." I remember reading the same thing about acid rain. But I guess it really could be coincidence that acid rain significantly decreased when sulpher emissions were limited. Otherwise a fairly good article about how unfriendly current hybrids are to the environment. His last statement is the clue; "use the profits to come up with something better" or something like that. Which seems better than buying another Eldorado from Detroit.
  18. I predict a black market for advertisements.
  19. Bug

    GOP to waterboard Cheney

    I've been for torture all along. Just read my posts.
  20. Bug

    GOP to waterboard Cheney

    Pelosi should be fired. But so should Bush and Cheney,and,.................... DC is a cesspool. "Holier than thou" in national politics is a joke.
  21. Bug

    Climbing Hood

    Don't hang out on the summit and let the warm sun catch you. Most accidents happen in the afternoon when things are thawing. I try to be out of the avy chutes and out from under potentially falling cornices and the like by 1PM.
  22. Bullshit, the combination of Pacific infrared satellite and Jetstream positioning were a complete no-brainer for staying off the mountain then - it was in no way a matter of either a 'hindsight' or a 'had to be there' sort of deal in any way whatsoever. It was more akin to playing Russian Roulette with five rounds chambered. Not meaning to raise your blood pressure again, I would have to say that you are exceptional in your ability to predict exactly what you are getting into by looking at a sattellite map. If everyone stayed home every time bad weather was predicted, Tvash and Ivan would never post a trip report. You just have to get out there to know for sure. It often results in a short time in a storm bracketted by long drives but the converse is possible. So to get back to the thread at hand, we cannot say what the exact conditions were when various decisions were made on that fateful Hood climb. It very well may have been one key mistake that caused such a bad outcome. One slip, one bad anchor,... , Change that and the rest might have turned out very differently. I have climbed up through some storms and been trashed by others. Weather or not I go on partially depends on how I am feeling and who I am with. There are no blanket answers on how to proceed with a particular weather prediction. Second guessing other climbers after the fact is pure speculation and says more about the speculator than about the speculatee(s). imo
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