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Everything posted by Bug

  1. For some reason this does not sound quite right... a 20 degree bags that weighs less than 1 pound? Is it a half bag or sumpin? You were right. http://www.rei.com/product/731678 29 oz. It just feels so light though.
  2. Bug


    Makin Bacon
  3. Bug

    Thank Obama!

    KKK thinks Obama already did fail. There is a party in his head right now.
  4. Hell if you are a Sufi you can find it by spinning round in a circle for a couple hours. It helps to wear a funny hat.
  5. Does your bed smell like cat spray this morning?
  6. Bug

    Thank Obama!

    I had hope that he would pull us out of this republican mess.
  7. I had my wife review the exercises in your book last night. She has been a physical therapist for 31 years. She gives you an excellent review! Cheers.
  8. Mine just arrived. I read the "Praise" section by a bunch of really famous climbers and got all fired up. I went out and ran 12 miles with big hills and pulled a hamstring. F.... you Mike! This is your fault! Just kidding. No injuries yet.
  9. Bug

    Post Send Spray

    The afterglow thing was a little too personal. Otherwise, totally cool!
  10. I just got a nice 20 degree bag from the REI scrathc and dent sale. Weighs less than pound so now I can throw in my insulated P3D pants and Das Parka.
  11. Burn camel dung in the basement.
  12. Dang. I was just going to post this story. Jeez Dru. Don't you work?
  13. Not that there is anything wrong with being Celtic.
  14. Just another Celt to die on his own sword.
  15. Bug

    Lazy Sod

    They'll fuck anything. Or die for failing.
  16. You're going to get burned at the stake now.... Sprayed at the stake.
  17. Thank you for validating this thread.
  18. Clearly there is no God because spraying exists.
  19. Bug

    Lazy Sod

    Celts gave em hell.
  20. Bug

    Lazy Sod

    Please keep your sex life to yourself.
  21. Bug

    1000 foot face

    Leave it in spray. Be sure to wash your hands when you are done.
  22. btw, I got mine free by signing up for the Amazon credit card.
  23. Is it OK if my wife wears her yoga pants? She got them at Goodwill. Congratulations Mike!!! I have ordered my copy.
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