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Everything posted by rr666

  1. Them brits shore are funy!
  2. rr666


    hope you have a great time. Wish I had a couple of weeks to head over there and enjoy the rock and the beaches.
  3. I'd be dead if I tried any of that... Looks like fun though
  4. 11worth saturday and Sunday, got up some good climbs, Off Duty, Bale/Kramar, 4 of the climbs on Keen Acres, a few more on Fish wall. All in all a good weekend. Loved the weather
  5. Border guards are weird... The last couple of times I've been to Squish, they have not really cared. First time, just had my driver's license. The dude said we should of had our passports, but let us in anyway. The next time, we were asked where we were going, how many guns we had and the dude didn't even look at our passports. Sometimes they are anal, sometimes they just don't give a shit.
  6. Just think of all those million dollar homes going up in smoke... Too bad for the dead people though...
  7. rr666

    life ...

    Life Rocks!!!!!
  8. A fun few hour hike is to head up to the top of Angel's Landing. for a tourist trail, you get quite a bit of exposure. Most of it is paved, but it is a quick trip to the top, great views. That trail makes the walk-off after climbing a piece of cake.
  9. ahhh, those smart college kids...
  10. Let's pose a question. How many of you all have your very own gumby pictures like these hidden away in some shoebox in your closet? I am sure there is a few out there.. (however, some of these are fucking hilarious)
  11. rr666

    New Clock

    Dude, now it is all coming clear to me.
  12. rr666

    ugly building

    Shit, with all this rain, everything is getting flooded...
  13. They are getting ready for the porn shoot right after the ceremony...
  14. rr666


    boy I shore could uze one aboot now...
  15. rr666

    New Clock

    speaking of time, we all get an extra hour this weekend. now how does that work with the theory of relativity and all...
  16. rr666

    Music taste?

    What's wrong with "rap and hip hop" Everything..
  17. rr666

    Music taste?

    Black Metal Death Metal Doom Metal Goth Metal Thrash Metal
  18. Pull out the gas powered Bosch hammerdrill and place bolt every 2 feet (on rappel of course). Then climb.
  19. rr666


    Having personal problems Trask?
  20. rr666


    I'm waiting for the Dimmu Borgir, Children of Bodom, Nevermore show myself. November 30th. There will be many sacrifices that night!
  21. Are you testing that thing out 2 feet off the ground?
  22. Have you been looking at my ass again? you gotta stop that man
  23. rr666

    urinal or stall?

    I just always head out back by the dumpsters. Never know who or what you are going to find back there
  24. actually it only works that way if you are a honky
  25. rr666

    More on taxes

    So I would guess that this guy is our friend Mr. Gates?
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