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Everything posted by rr666

  1. Google
  2. Sounds like a layoff... Sorry to hear that. Enjoy the unemployment benefits. They
  3. What size?
  4. rr666

    Another Car Theft

    I know you Mr. Roark, you love hanging out at the mall. Wandering through Nordstroms, The Bon, and lets not forget, Bath and Body Works!!
  5. rr666

    Joke. Laugh.

    What about the man in the dreads? He didn't have a label. Give him credit where credit is due.
  6. rr666

    A Challenge

    Hell no!!!! how about no music that is played on MTV, or Top 40 stations...
  7. rr666


    kucinich should get out of the race while he still can. I know absolutely nothing about the man, but if he doesn't have a clue yet that he is not going to win. Something is definitely wrong with him, and I would not want him as the president. Plus, we have enough ear jokes about our current president, we don't need someone looking like spock going in there and continuing the saga.
  8. Great looking wall, when is it going to be dry and warm enough to climb? All I see out my window is the gloom of rain...
  9. rr666

    lingerie bowl.

    It is amazing how almost no one is talking about the great game (well, as great as watching games can be), and everyone is just talking about Janet!! In a press release later, someone stated that the Chinese Throwing star is jewelry she regularly wears!! Wonder what's on the other one?
  10. Unfortunately the new vision of going to Mars within 20 years means that just about every NASA dollar gets spent on this vision... Hubble is basically scrapped. I think it is a damn shame. I believe that the only real reason why we are not scrapping the shuttles earlier (like right now) is that we have a few commitments that we need to live up to, as soon as that is done we turn them off. The whole thing with the international space station is a big mess as well. Basically we are saying, no we are not interested in it anymore. It is not on a grand enough scale. Headlines is what we are looking for. Having a flying space station is so 1980's. Mars will stay in the news. I do agree that space exploration is a grand endeavor that we should continue, and Mars is a great goal. But to forego all of the existing projects such as the Hubble and the ISS to put the money towards mars is a bit of a headline grabber...
  11. but if you pay it off every month, you get that whopping 1% back!!! I am almost up to $10, I think I might go buy a carabiner
  12. rr666

    music you listen to

    <cough> homo <cough> that's kinda harsh.......unless you're winking to get his attention.... especially from a guy who listens to death metal, which, as everyone knows, is only listened to by nerdy little black-wearing Columbine wannabe goths of indeterminate gender to "rebel" against the popularity of hip hop. And I just thought it was because hip hop sucks!!!
  13. rr666

    music you listen to

    CD's in my car right now are: Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse High on Fire - Art Of Self Defense Burzum - Det Som Engang Var Behemoth - Thelema 6.66
  14. relative of yours?
  15. Looks like a great wholesome place to get in touch with the outdoors. Such a shame. We need to find some old abandoned warehouses, and just let the druggies have it. they are going to do it one way or the other, we should just control it...
  16. When you use the discover card, what are you really discovering?
  17. Flying down to SLC early friday... bringing the ski's!!! Going to be a blast, not sure where I am planning on going, my buddy is going to pick me up and drive me to the mountain!!!!
  18. rr666

    State Of The Union

    All depends on the number of semi-illegals that vote, and there is no way to stop them. They will definitely vote Bush. It is the legal hispanics that are now pissed...
  19. rr666


    Web browsers suck....
  20. rr666

    State Of The Union

    This is what he wearing under the flight jacket:
  21. rr666

    Erik is...

    I thought he already did
  22. rr666


    I know a guy who went on a fishing trip with two of his buddies and they had a farting contest in the truck on the way there. The person who broke first and rolled down the window lost. My friend was proud of the fact that although he did have a round of the dry heaves, he did not open the window. Apparently the fellow who gorged on Del Taco bean burritos and lots of pickled herring brought something really special to the festival. I think that is just one of those urban legends... just like this one: A dairy worker who heard that bovine flatulence was largely composed of methane, and potentially explosive, decided to apply the scientific method to the theory. While one of his contented cow charges was hooked up to the milking machine, he waited for the slight tail lift which dairy workers know signals an impending expulsion, generally something to avoid. Our hero struck a match. His satisfaction at seeing the resulting foot-long blue flame lasted mere seconds, before the flame was subsumed by a rectal contraction. The poor Holstein exploded, killing the worker who was struck by a flying femur bone. "
  23. That rocks. I bet that was a sight to watch!!
  24. Those maxcams look interesting. And if they are that light and cover the range of the #2 and #3, they would be great for those long easier alpine climbs. I would be interested in playing around with one. They do look a little floppy, not sure if it is just the pics, or if they would be really loose. Now that BD's double axle patent is running out, it will be interested to see all the new cams that come out within the next couple of years.
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