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Everything posted by rr666

  1. Do you have a problem with your eyeballs drying out? I would think with a constant airflow in the goggles, it would eventually dry my eyes out, any problems with this? For me, my goggles only fog up when I have my scarf or neck gaiter thing pulled up too high, similar to what TLG mentioned. I couldn't see spending $200, or even $100...
  2. My mom tried to convince us to go shopping, after awhile my mom and brother actually went to Fred Meyers to buy 50% off socks... i think the deals were probably great, I just don't think I could handle all of the crowds. Hiking around our orchard with no one around was the place to be to keep my sanity.
  3. So how many of you were up at 5am to go shopping on Friday? Not I. I was up to my other holiday tradition, heading out with my family and shooting guns. Dad just got a new to him .45, also played with a 12-gauge, Glock 9mm, semi-auto 22, and of course my .30-06 rifle. Ahhh...
  4. Sounds like crap music to me. Just bring them in to the police station and have a good conscience that you do not own any of those disks... Actually, I have no idea who most of those are either... Definitely not what I listen to. Anyone catch the show at the Showbox last night. Great show indeed!!!
  5. I chatted with John Long down at Mt. Williamson near LA a few years back. Cragged with him for a few hours, he can still climb...
  6. I saw GregW the other day. He told me he gave up climbing and spraying and is dedicating his life to canoeing. He has been working hard on the Ship Canal and making it through the locks. He is hoping to do a marathon trip around Lake Union by next Spring.
  7. rr666

    Bizarre Movies

    Those are all great flics. Spun and Requiem for a Dream could almost be sequels. How fucked up do you want to go!! If you ever think about getting hooked on any of them heavy drugs, those movies just might keep you off.
  8. rr666


    Sweet! Did you do Lovin' Arms? Toxic is great too, I love the upper hand crack! Busted my ass the first time I led that one, but now I just LOVE it. Was feelin' a bit too out of shape to head up to the top on Lovin' Arms, as much as I love that climb as well. It was the first time I was on Toxic. That hand crack rocked I will definitely hit that one again!!
  9. I just love getting out on good rock. For me, I hate the scene. Climbing with some buddies is all good. But crowds, egos, expectations and all that rolled into climbing just doesn't make it as much fun. For instance, I love climbing at Smith, but I haven't been back there in years, partly because it is now a 6 hour drive for but also because there are too many people there that care too much about the scene and how they look, and what hard climbs they did. Other places get like that too, Index gets hella crowded on nice spring weekends. Try to stay away from there on days like that. Give me a good rock, with not many people around, and I love it. Give me great rock with too many people around, and it is miserable...
  10. That is some scary shit. a friend of mine in high school died from the hantavirus. He caught what was like a really bad cold, went to the hospital, a day later he died... Survival rate is not good. Makes you think twice when you see a pile of shit.
  11. I've heard that it has just been cold up there, even down in Bozeman... Let's keep it like that
  12. rr666


    tho index sucked ballz didnt it mike?? i mean i was misrable the whole time. . completely miserable an hour drive, no crowds, dry rock, good weather, great climbs, I don't know how I stayed around as long as I did
  13. That was a great first ascent article too. That blue route at Stone Gardens just looks mean. They must have worked on it for months... Hard to believe what they can do.
  14. I just have 2, one for my left foot, and one for my right foot. I want to get a fatter pair for hitting all o the powder we are going to get this year. But I am sure that I am just going to suffer and stick with what I have because it works and skis are spendy .
  15. rr666


    Sounds like a great time in the Eastern Oregon desert!!
  16. rr666


    Headed up Davis Holland, and Toxic Shock . Both great climbs . Loved the lack of crowds. Temp was perfect. How many more of these weekends are we going to have?
  17. thanks....
  18. Long nights and short days really hurts the motivation. For me, I just need to pull my ass up and do something. I know that once I am there, I am having a blast, it is just getting out of the house. I would agree, reading about climbing, climbing pics, doing easy fun routes are all ways I have used to get my ass off the couch. Throw that tv away as well, you'd be amazed how much more time you have, and more motivation you have to do other things.
  19. Saw the preview on Tuesday night. Looks great. Thanks for all of the hardwork pulling it together. Looking forward to getting me a copy of it on Monday. Also, I tried your link, it doesn't seem to be working??
  20. Thanks for the setting the show up, thanks for the beer, great slides. Good times were had by all. Now let's get out there and do some climbing!
  21. Just left there after eating a great sausage and having a Mack and Jacks. yum yum yum!! Had to run for a couple hours, but will be back for the slideshow. Anybody thinking of heading there, the food is great!! and the beer ain't bad as well.
  22. rr666

    what a surprise!

    I don't know the answer, but how are normal newsrooms run. Doesn't the boss, or head editor tell each person to go do a story on XX or XX? i.e. go do a report on how many civilians are being killed. I do not think (I also don't know for sure) that the boss would say go do a story on the Iraq issues. Then have it played on TV that night without much prior knowledge of how it is going to turn out. Maybe it is just me, but I do not believe that the actual reporters have enough clout to do any real reporting, but are always making stories based on their bosses needs. The TV channels have too much to lose (advertising dollars) by letting the reporters report as they would really want to. Anybody out there with real experience that can show me otherwise?
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