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Bob Inglis Calls Out Climate Change Deniers


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WTF? Seems we are wining the race to the bottom of any category you wish to choose. It's not anti-intellectualism, it's anti-common sense.


Somehow the conservataive movement has determined that the proper course is to send truckloads of cash down the military rathole as the rationale choice for defending our country, rather than building up the skills, education, and technology that will be needed in coming decades to successfully compete in the changing world economy. Go teabaggers!

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like yeast feverishly consuming all the sugar in the wort we are, only to drown in our own alcohol!


could be worse i guess? :)


at least we're being consistent in washing our hands of raging current problems in favor of handing them off to the next generation to do the same.

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WTF......Somehow the conservataive movement has determined that the proper course is to send truckloads of cash down the military rathole as the rationale choice for defending our country, rather than building up the skills, education, and technology that will be needed in coming decades to successfully compete in the changing world economy. Go teabaggers!


WTF is right. As the democrats have owned the house, senate and Presidency since the last election that brought us all the hope and change....it brings the question to the forefront. How have the 1 and and a half teabggers actually in congress, who's main agenda of reduced government, deficit reduction and actually spending less has been trampled into the mud like a gopher trying to halt a cattle stampede in the democrats rush to stimulate themselves, gotten to steer the truck while surrounded by all of these brilliant, anti-climate change, Democrats?




Hope and change baby hope and change!

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WTF......Somehow the conservataive movement has determined that the proper course is to send truckloads of cash down the military rathole as the rationale choice for defending our country, rather than building up the skills, education, and technology that will be needed in coming decades to successfully compete in the changing world economy. Go teabaggers!


WTF is right. As the democrats have owned the house, senate and Presidency since the last election that brought us all the hope and change....it brings the question to the forefront. How have the 1 and and a half teabggers actually in congress, who's main agenda of reduced government, deficit reduction and actually spending less has been trampled into the mud like a gopher trying to halt a cattle stampede in the democrats rush to stimulate themselves, gotten to steer the truck while surrounded by all of these brilliant, anti-climate change, Democrats?




Hope and change baby hope and change!


Democrats had controlled the house and senate since '06 and Bush didn't veto a single bill put forward.





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Democrats had controlled the house and senate since '06 and Bush didn't veto a single bill put forward.


....Wait, half a wit libturds and democrap deniers like Pat are still blaming all this on Bush.....right? No need now for an alternative version that might shake them up. Still Bush's fault. Nothing to see here. Same-same as it's ever been with an extra slice of hope and change and this time we mean that last part.

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Democrats had controlled the house and senate since '06 and Bush didn't veto a single bill put forward.


....Wait, half a wit libturds and democrap deniers like Pat are still blaming all this on Bush.....right? No need now for an alternative version that might shake them up. Still Bush's fault. Nothing to see here. Same-same as it's ever been with an extra slice of hope and change and this time we mean that last part.


The AUDACITY of hope. LOL. :lmao:

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Democrats had controlled the house and senate since '06 and Bush didn't veto a single bill put forward.


....Wait, half a wit libturds and democrap deniers like Pat are still blaming all this on Bush.....right? No need now for an alternative version that might shake them up. Still Bush's fault. Nothing to see here. Same-same as it's ever been with an extra slice of hope and change and this time we mean that last part.


Correct you are. Reps - dumbshits, Dems -chickenshits.

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Correct you are. Reps - dumbshits, Dems -chickenshits.

don't know if its' chickenshit when you figure a huge % of the country thinks al gore is full of shit and threatening their freedom to be bloated assholes, and therefore likely to rain down vengeance if action is taken on the issue, as well as the fact that the economy has been priority #1 for 6 years at least now, and the repubs would crow to the moon that the democrats values were in the wrong place if they'd fought more over it


the green revolution as a path to jobs thing needs to be sold much more strongly, but i guess the problem is there's not innovation occured yet to create the jobs?

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While I have some sympathy, I expect, well, leadership out of our leaders. Now cowering sheep.

hard to lead if you're not in charge, and hard to stay in charge if you propose unpopular action


i'm cynical as hell on the environment - we're just way too dumb and unmanageable as a species to deal w/ the mega-complex co2 issue i think - deny it/don't deny it, whatever, it'll do its damage and either we'll adapt and survive or we won't - the sooner we're all dead the sooner we can all shut the fuck up at least! :) as for mama earth, i'm sure she'll do just fine w/o us (and all the other species we take down w/ us)

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While I have some sympathy, I expect, well, leadership out of our leaders. Now cowering sheep.

hard to lead if you're not in charge, and hard to stay in charge if you propose unpopular action


i'm cynical as hell on the environment - we're just way too dumb and unmanageable as a species to deal w/ the mega-complex co2 issue i think - deny it/don't deny it, whatever, it'll do its damage and either we'll adapt and survive or we won't - the sooner we're all dead the sooner we can all shut the fuck up at least! :) as for mama earth, i'm sure she'll do just fine w/o us (and all the other species we take down w/ us)


"deny it/don't deny it, whatever, it'll do its damage and either we'll adapt and survive or we won't"





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Democrats had controlled the house and senate since '06 and Bush didn't veto a single bill put forward.


....Wait, half a wit libturds and democrap deniers like Pat are still blaming all this on Bush.....right? No need now for an alternative version that might shake them up. Still Bush's fault. Nothing to see here. Same-same as it's ever been with an extra slice of hope and change and this time we mean that last part.


Why is it that only morons trip over each other to be my spokesman? This blue ribbon runner up would have difficulty interpreting the ruminations of one of my turds. I could probably have a more enlightening conversation with my toaster.

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