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10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage is Wrong


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Now you're talking! But really, marriage is different from those actions IMO. But obviously people have fundamental differences of opinion on this and all issues.


You compare gay marriage with marrying a tree or a dog, and intelligent people realize you are a dumbshit for doing so. Clearly its just a fundamental difference of opinion.

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I was talking to my cousin, who I dearly love but who believes that gayosity is unnatural and against God's law. I asked her this question: If it's so unnatural, why are mouths and assholes so tailor made to receive cock?


She's still pondering that one.



yup and i know a few artist who think welding junk together is a useful pastime... seriuosly tvash, what do u know about being gay other than YOU ARE a HOMO sickie

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how could it be unnatural? Homosexuality is well-documented within the human species. Just cause you don't like it doesn't make it unnatural. Chimps kill each other. Monkeys fling poo. Gorillas kill baby gorillas. Is that all unnatural?

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Now you're talking! But really, marriage is different from those actions IMO. But obviously people have fundamental differences of opinion on this and all issues.


You compare gay marriage with marrying a tree or a dog, and intelligent people realize you are a dumbshit for doing so. Clearly its just a fundamental difference of opinion.

So why do you think men are made for eachother? Or women are made for eachother? Give me a rational argument.

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how could it be unnatural? Homosexuality is well-documented within the human species. Just cause you don't like it doesn't make it unnatural. Chimps kill each other. Monkeys fling poo. Gorillas kill baby gorillas. Is that all unnatural?

dude, seriously? Because entities are capable of doing something it is natural? Okie Dokie. Talk about moral depravity.

Ya, the Holocaust was really natural Rob.

Edited by summitchaserCJB
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I suspect Slumit ain't gettin' much; the predictable result of having only a barely functioning brain stem to work with. The resentment towards those who are is understandable. It's a good thing that palm calluses are perfectly natural in the eyes of our Dear Lord and Savior.


Chicks love bigotry, though, so at least he's workin' it. Having a self-inflicted Goodyear Blimp flashing the word 'DOUCHE' 4 feet over his head at all times might present a handicap, but I'm sure his fly debate skills can overcome that. I can see it now...."You had me at 'gay marriage is as natural as the Holocaust'".

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List Of Animal Species That Have Exhibited Homosexual Behavior:


* Ginger Daywalkers

* African Buffalo[21]

* African Elephant[22]

* Agile Wallaby[23]

* Amazon River Dolphin(Boto)[19]

* American Bison[21][24]

* Antelope[25]

* Asian Elephant[22]

* Asiatic Lion[26]

* Asiatic Mouflon[27]

* Atlantic Spotted Dolphin[19]

* Australian Sea Lion[28]

* Barasingha[29]

* Barbary Sheep[30]

* Beluga[19]

* Bharal[31]

* Bighorn Sheep[30]

* Black Bear[32]

* Blackbuck[33]

* Black-footed Rock Wallaby[23]

* Black-tailed Deer[29]

* Bonnet Macaque[14]

* Bonobo[34][35][36]

* Bottlenose Dolphin[19][37]

* Bowhead Whale[19]

* Brazilian Guinea Pig[38]

* Bridled Dolphin[19]

* Brown Bear[32]

* Brown Capuchin[39]

* Brown Long-eared Bat[40]

* Brown Rat[41]

* Buffalo[30]

* Caribou[42]

* Cat (domestic)[43]

* Cattle (domestic)[44]

* Cheetah[26]

* Collared Peccary[45]

* Commerson's Dolphin[19]

* Common Brushtail Possum[46]

* Common Chimpanzee[47]

* Common Dolphin[19]

* Common Marmoset[39]

* Common Pipistrelle[48]

* Common Raccoon[49]

* Common Tree Shrew[50]

* Cotton-top Tamarin[51]

* Crab-eating Macaque[14]

* Crested Black Macaque[14]

* Cui[52]

* Dall's Sheep[30]

* Daubenton's Bat[40]

* Dog (domestic)[53]

* Doria's Tree Kangaroo[23]

* Dugong[54]

* Dwarf Cavy[38]

* Dwarf Mongoose[55]

* Eastern Cottontail Rabbit[41]

* Eastern Grey Kangaroo[23]

* Elk[29]

* Euro (a subspecies of wallaroo)[23]

* European Bison[21]

* Fallow Deer[29]

* False Killer Whale[19]

* Fat-tailed Dunnart[56]

* Fin Whale[19]

* Fox[57]

* Gazelle[25]

* Gelada Baboon[58]

* Giraffe[25][4][59]

* Goat (Domestic)[30]

* Golden Monkey[60]

* Gorilla[61]

* Grant's Gazelle[25]

* Grey-headed Flying Fox[40]

* Grey Seal[28]

* Grey squirrel[disambiguation needed][62]

* Grey Whale[19][20]

* Grey Wolf[63]

* Grizzly Bear[32]

* Guinea Pig (Domestic)[38]

* Hamadryas Baboon[58]

* Hamster (Domestic)[38]

* Hanuman Langur[64]

* Harbor Porpoise[65]

* Harbor Seal[28]

* Himalayan Tahr[66]

* Hoary Marmot[67]

* Horse (domestic)[68]

* Human (see Human sexual behavior)

* Indian Fruit Bat[40]

* Indian Muntjac[69]

* Indian Rhinoceros[70]

* Japanese Macaque[14]

* Javelina[71]

* Kangaroo Rat[41]

* Killer Whale[19]

* Koala[72]

* Kob[15][73]

* Larga Seal[28]

* Least Chipmunk[62]

* Lechwe[73]

* Lesser Bushbaby[74]

* Lion[26][75][76][77][78][79]

* Lion-tailed Macaque[14]

* Lion Tamarin[39]

* Little Brown Bat[40]

* Livingstone's Fruit Bat[40]

* Long-eared Hedgehog[80]

* Long-footed Tree Shrew[50]

* Macaque[81]

* Markhor[82]

* Marten[49]

* Matschie's Tree Kangaroo[23]

* Moco[83]

* Mohol Galago[74]

* Moor Macaque[14]

* Moose[84]

* Mountain Goat[30]

* Mountain Tree Shrew[50]

* Mountain Zebra[85]

* Mouse (domestic)[86]

* Moustached Tamarin[51]

* Mule Deer[29]

* Musk-ox[87]

* Natterer's Bat[40]

* New Zealand Sea Lion[28]

* Nilgiri Langur[64]

* Noctule[48]

* North American Porcupine[88]

* Northern Elephant Seal[28]

* Northern Fur Seal[28]

* Northern Quoll[56]

* Olympic Marmot[89]

* Orangutan[90]

* Pacific Striped Dolphin[19]

* Patas Monkey[91]

* Pere David's Deer[29]

* Pig (Domestic)[92]

* Pig-tailed Macaque[14]

* Plains Zebra[93]

* Polar Bear[32]

* Pretty-faced Wallaby[23]

* Proboscis Monkey[60]

* Pronghorn[94]

* Przewalski's Horse[85]

* Puku[95]

* Quokka[96]

* Rabbit[97]

* Raccoon Dog[98]

* Red Deer[29]

* Red Fox[99]

* Red Kangaroo[23]

* Red-necked Wallaby[23]

* Red Squirrel[62]

* Reeves's Muntjac[69]

* Reindeer[42]

* Rhesus Macaque[14]

* Right Whale[19]

* Rock Cavy[38]

* Rodrigues Fruit Bat[40]

* Roe Deer[29]

* Rufous Bettong[100]

* Rufous-naped Tamarin[51]

* Rufous Rat Kangaroo[23]

* Saddle-back Tamarin[51]

* Savanna Baboon[58]

* Sea Otter[101]

* Serotine Bat[40]

* Sheep (Domestic)[30][102]

* Siamang[103]

* Sika Deer[29]

* Slender Tree Shrew[50]

* Sooty Mangabey[91]

* Sperm Whale[19]

* Spinifex Hopping Mouse[41]

* Spinner Dolphin[19]

* Spotted Hyena[16][18]

* Spotted Seal[28]

* Squirrel Monkey[104]

* Striped Dolphin[19]

* Stuart's Marsupial Mouse[105]

* Stumptail Macaque[14]

* Swamp Deer[29]

* Swamp Wallaby[23]

* Takhi[85]

* Talapoin[91]

* Tammar Wallaby[23]

* Tasmanian Devil[105]

* Tasmanian Rat Kangaroo[23]

* Thinhorn Sheep[30]

* Thomson's Gazelle[25]

* Tiger[106]

* Tonkean Macaque[14]

* Tucuxi[107]

* Urial[108]

* Vampire Bat[40]

* Verreaux's Sifaka[109]

* Vervet[91]

* Vicuna[110]

* Walrus[111][112]

* Wapiti[113]

* Warthog[114]

* Waterbuck[115]

* Water Buffalo[30]

* Weeper Capuchin[39]

* Western Grey Kangaroo[23]

* West Indian Manatee[116]

* Whiptail Wallaby[23]

* White-faced Capuchin[39]

* White-fronted Capuchin[39]

* White-handed Gibbon[117]

* White-lipped Peccary[118]

* White-tailed Deer[29]

* Wild Cavy[38]

* Wild Goat[30]

* Wisent[21]

* Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby[23]

* Yellow-toothed Cavy[38]

* corn Woodpecker[18]

* Adelie Penguin[19]

* American Flamingo[20]

* American Herring Gull[21]

* Anna's Hummingbird[22]

* Arton Nyugen

* Australian Shelduck[23]

* Aztec Parakeet[24]

* Bengalese Finch (Domestic)[25]

* Bank Swallow[26]

* Barn Owl[27]

* Bicolored Antbird[28]

* Black-billed Magpie[29]

* Black-crowned Night Heron[30]

* Black-headed Gull[31]

* Black-rumped Flameback[18]

* Black Stilt[32]

* Black Swan[16][17]

* Black-winged Stilt[32]

* Blue-backed Manakin[33]

* Blue-bellied Roller[34]

* Blue Tit[35]

* Blue-winged Teal[36]

* Brown-headed Cowbird[37]

* Budgerigar (Domestic)[38]

* Buff-breasted Sandpiper[39]

* Calfbird[40]

* California Gull[41]

* Canada Goose[42]

* Canary-winged Parakeet[24]

* Caspian Tern[43]

* Cattle Egret[44]

* Chaffinch[45]

* Chicken (Domestic)[46]

* Chilean Flamingo[20]

* Chiloe Wigeon[36]

* Chinstrap penguin[47]

* Cliff Swallow[26]

* Common Gull[41]

* Common Murre[48]

* Common Shelduck[23]

* Crane spp.[49]

* Dusky Moorhen[49]

* Eastern Bluebird[35]

* Egyptian Goose[23]

* Elegant Parrot[24]

* Emu[50]

* Eurasian Oystercatcher[51]

* European Jay[29]

* European Shag[52]

* Galah[24]

* Gentoo Penguin[19]

* Golden Bishop Bird[53]

* Golden Plover[51]

* Gray-breasted Jay[29]

* Gray-capped Social Weaver[54]

* Gray Heron[44]

* Great Cormorant[52]

* Greater Bird of Paradise[55]

* Greater Flamingo[20]

* Greater Rhea[50]

* Green Sandpiper[56]

* Greenshank[57]

* Greylag Goose[58]

* Griffon Vulture[27]

* Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock[14][15]

* Guillemot[48]

* Hammerhead (also known as Hammerkop)[59]

* Herring Gull[21]

* Hoary-headed Grebe[60]

* Hooded Warbler[61]

* House Sparrow[37]

* Humboldt Penguin[19]

* Ivory Gull[62]

* Jackdaw[29]

* Kestrel[27]

* King Penguin[19]

* Kittiwake[63]

* Laughing Gull[62]

* Laysan Albatross[48]

* Lesser Flamingo[20]

* Lesser Scaup Duck[23]

* Little Blue Heron[44]

* Little Egret[44]

* Long-tailed Hermit Hummingbird[22]

* Lory spp.[24]

* Mallard[36]

* Masked Lovebird[24]

* Mealy Amazon Parrot[24]

* Mew Gull[41]

* Mexican Jay[64]

* Musk Duck[23]

* Mute Swan[65]

* Ocellated Antbird[28]

* Ocher-bellied Flycatcher[66]

* Orange Bishop Bird[54]

* Orange-fronted Parakeet[24]

* Ornate Lorikeet[24]

* Ostrich[50]

* Peach-faced Lovebird[24]

* Pied Flycatcher[67]

* Pied Kingfisher[34]

* Pigeon (Domestic)[68]

* Powerful Owl[69]

* Purple Swamphen[49]

* Raggiana's Bird of Paradise[70]

* Raven[29]

* Razorbill[48]

* Red-backed Shrike[35]

* Red Bishop Bird[54]

* Red-faced Lovebird[24]

* Redshank[57]

* Red-shouldered Widowbird[71]

* Regent Bowerbird[72]

* Ring-billed Gull[41]

* Ring Dove[73]

* Rock Dove[73]

* Roseate Tern[43]

* Rose-ringed Parakeet[24]

* Ruff[39]

* Ruffed Grouse[74]

* Sage Grouse[74]

* San Blas Jay[29]

* Sand Martin[26]

* Satin Bowerbird[75]

* Scarlet Ibis[20]

* Scottish Crossbill[45]

* Senegal Parrot[24]

* Sharp-tailed Sparrow[76]

* Silver Gull[21]

* Silvery Grebe[60]

* Snow Goose[42]

* Steller's Sea Eagle[77]

* Superb Lyrebird[78]

* Swallow-tailed Manakin[33]

* Tasmanian Native Hen[49]

* Tree Swallow[79]

* Trumpeter Swan[80]

* Turkey (Domestic)[81]

* Victoria's Riflebird[70]

* Wattled Starling[37]

* Western Gull[1]

* White-fronted Amazon Parrot[24]

* White Stork[82]

* Wood Duck[36]

* Yellow-backed Lorikeet[24]

* Yellow-rumped Cacique[64]

* Zebra Finch (Domestic)[83]

* Amazon molly[34]

* Blackstripe topminnow[35]

* Bluegill Sunfish[35]

* Char[33]

* Grayling[33]

* European Bitterling[36]

* Green swordtail[36]

* Guiana leaffish[37]

* Houting Whitefish[33]

* Jewel Fish[38]

* Least Darter (Microperca punctulata)[36]

* Mouthbreeding Fish sp.[35]

* Salmon spp.[39]

* Southern platyfish[36]

* Ten-spined stickleback[36]

* Three-spined stickleback[36]

* Anole sp.[40]

* Bearded Dragon[41]

* Broad-headed Skink[36]

* Checkered Whiptail Lizard[41]

* Chihuahuan Spotted Whiptail Lizard[41]

* Common Ameiva[41]

* Common Garter Snake[36]

* Cuban Green Anole[40]

* Desert Grassland Whiptail Lizard[41]

* Desert Tortoise[42]

* Fence Lizard[41]

* Five-lined Skink[36]

* Gopher (Pine) Snake[35]

* Green Anole[40]

* Inagua Curlytail Lizard[41]

* Jamaican Giant Anole[40]

* Laredo Striped Whiptail Lizard[41]

* Largehead Anole[40]

* Mourning Gecko[43]

* Plateau Striped Whiptail Lizard[41]

* Red Diamond Rattlesnake[36]

* Red-tailed Skink[36]

* Side-blotched Lizard[41]

* Speckled Rattlesnake[36]

* Water Moccasin[36]

* Western rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis)[36]

* Western Banded Gecko[43]

* Whiptail Lizard spp.[41]

* Wood Turtle[40]

* Appalachian Woodland Salamander[44]

* Black-spotted Frog[45]

* Mountain Dusky Salamander[44]

* Tengger Desert Toad[40]

* Acanthocephalan Worms[46]

* Alfalfa Weevil[47]

* Australian Parasitic Wasp sp.[47]

* Bean weevil sp.[47]

* Bedbug and other Bug spp.[48][49]

* Blister Beetle spp.[50]

* Blood-flukes (Schistosoma)[51]

* Blowfly[50]

* Box Crab[52]

* Broadwinged Damselfly sp.[53]

* Cabbage (Small) White (Butterfly)[54]

* Checkerspot Butterfly[54]

* Clubtail Dragonfly spp.[55]

* Cockroach spp.[56]

* Common Skimmer Dragonfly spp.[55]

* Creeping Water Bug sp.[57]

* Cutworm[58]

* Digger Bee[59]

* Dragonfly spp.[55]

* Eastern Giant Ichneumon (wasp)[47]

* Eucalyptus Longhorned Borer[57]

* Field cricket sp.[60]

* Flour beetle[61]

* Fruit Fly spp.[62]

* Glasswing Butterfly[54]

* Grape Berry Moth[63]

* Grape Borer[57]

* Green Lacewing[64]

* Harvest Spider sp.[65]

* Hawaiian Orb-Weaver (spider)[65]

* Hen Flea[64]

* House Fly[66]

* Ichneumon wasp sp.[47]

* Incirrate Octopus spp.[52]

* Japanese Scarab Beetle[67]

* Jumping spider sp.[65]

* Larch Bud Moth[63]

* Large Milkweed Bug[49]

* Large White (Pieris brassicae)[49]

* Long-legged Fly spp.[68]

* Mazarine Blue[49]

* Mediterranean Fruit Fly[62]

* Mexican White[49]

* Midge sp.[68]

* Migratory locust[69]

* Mite sp.[68]

* Monarch Butterfly[54]

* Narrow-winged Damselfly spp.[53]

* Parsnip Leaf Miner[68]

* Pomace fly[68]

* Queen Butterfly[54]

* Red Ant sp.[68]

* Red Flour Beetle[49]

* Reindeer Warble Fly (Hypoderma tarandi)[68]

* Rose Chafer[68]

* Rove Beetle spp.[49]



Male flour beetles are believed by scientists to engage in gay sex to practice mating as well as rid themselves of "old, less effective" sperm.[61]



* Scarab Beetle (Melolonthine)[70]

* Screwworm Fly[68]

* Silkworm Moth[63]

* Sociable Weaver[68]

* Southeastern Blueberry Bee[59]

* Southern Green Stink Bug[49]

* Southern Masked Chafer[68]

* Southern One-Year Canegrub[68]

* Spreadwinged Damselfly spp.[53]

* Spruce Budworm Moth[63]

* Stable Fly sp.[68]

* Stag Beetle spp.[49]

* Tsetse Fly[68]

* Water Boatman Bug[49]

* Water Strider spp.[49]



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List Of Animal Species That Have Exhibited Homosexual Behavior:


* Ginger Daywalkers

* African Buffalo[21]

* African Elephant[22]

* Agile Wallaby[23]

* Amazon River Dolphin(Boto)[19]

* American Bison[21][24]

* Antelope[25]

* Asian Elephant[22]

* Asiatic Lion[26]

* Asiatic Mouflon[27]

* Atlantic Spotted Dolphin[19]

* Australian Sea Lion[28]

* Barasingha[29]

* Barbary Sheep[30]

* Beluga[19]

* Bharal[31]

* Bighorn Sheep[30]

* Black Bear[32]

* Blackbuck[33]

* Black-footed Rock Wallaby[23]

* Black-tailed Deer[29]

* Bonnet Macaque[14]

* Bonobo[34][35][36]

* Bottlenose Dolphin[19][37]

* Bowhead Whale[19]

* Brazilian Guinea Pig[38]

* Bridled Dolphin[19]

* Brown Bear[32]

* Brown Capuchin[39]

* Brown Long-eared Bat[40]

* Brown Rat[41]

* Buffalo[30]

* Caribou[42]

* Cat (domestic)[43]

* Cattle (domestic)[44]

* Cheetah[26]

* Collared Peccary[45]

* Commerson's Dolphin[19]

* Common Brushtail Possum[46]

* Common Chimpanzee[47]

* Common Dolphin[19]

* Common Marmoset[39]

* Common Pipistrelle[48]

* Common Raccoon[49]

* Common Tree Shrew[50]

* Cotton-top Tamarin[51]

* Crab-eating Macaque[14]

* Crested Black Macaque[14]

* Cui[52]

* Dall's Sheep[30]

* Daubenton's Bat[40]

* Dog (domestic)[53]

* Doria's Tree Kangaroo[23]

* Dugong[54]

* Dwarf Cavy[38]

* Dwarf Mongoose[55]

* Eastern Cottontail Rabbit[41]

* Eastern Grey Kangaroo[23]

* Elk[29]

* Euro (a subspecies of wallaroo)[23]

* European Bison[21]

* Fallow Deer[29]

* False Killer Whale[19]

* Fat-tailed Dunnart[56]

* Fin Whale[19]

* Fox[57]

* Gazelle[25]

* Gelada Baboon[58]

* Giraffe[25][4][59]

* Goat (Domestic)[30]

* Golden Monkey[60]

* Gorilla[61]

* Grant's Gazelle[25]

* Grey-headed Flying Fox[40]

* Grey Seal[28]

* Grey squirrel[disambiguation needed][62]

* Grey Whale[19][20]

* Grey Wolf[63]

* Grizzly Bear[32]

* Guinea Pig (Domestic)[38]

* Hamadryas Baboon[58]

* Hamster (Domestic)[38]

* Hanuman Langur[64]

* Harbor Porpoise[65]

* Harbor Seal[28]

* Himalayan Tahr[66]

* Hoary Marmot[67]

* Horse (domestic)[68]

* Human (see Human sexual behavior)

* Indian Fruit Bat[40]

* Indian Muntjac[69]

* Indian Rhinoceros[70]

* Japanese Macaque[14]

* Javelina[71]

* Kangaroo Rat[41]

* Killer Whale[19]

* Koala[72]

* Kob[15][73]

* Larga Seal[28]

* Least Chipmunk[62]

* Lechwe[73]

* Lesser Bushbaby[74]

* Lion[26][75][76][77][78][79]

* Lion-tailed Macaque[14]

* Lion Tamarin[39]

* Little Brown Bat[40]

* Livingstone's Fruit Bat[40]

* Long-eared Hedgehog[80]

* Long-footed Tree Shrew[50]

* Macaque[81]

* Markhor[82]

* Marten[49]

* Matschie's Tree Kangaroo[23]

* Moco[83]

* Mohol Galago[74]

* Moor Macaque[14]

* Moose[84]

* Mountain Goat[30]

* Mountain Tree Shrew[50]

* Mountain Zebra[85]

* Mouse (domestic)[86]

* Moustached Tamarin[51]

* Mule Deer[29]

* Musk-ox[87]

* Natterer's Bat[40]

* New Zealand Sea Lion[28]

* Nilgiri Langur[64]

* Noctule[48]

* North American Porcupine[88]

* Northern Elephant Seal[28]

* Northern Fur Seal[28]

* Northern Quoll[56]

* Olympic Marmot[89]

* Orangutan[90]

* Pacific Striped Dolphin[19]

* Patas Monkey[91]

* Pere David's Deer[29]

* Pig (Domestic)[92]

* Pig-tailed Macaque[14]

* Plains Zebra[93]

* Polar Bear[32]

* Pretty-faced Wallaby[23]

* Proboscis Monkey[60]

* Pronghorn[94]

* Przewalski's Horse[85]

* Puku[95]

* Quokka[96]

* Rabbit[97]

* Raccoon Dog[98]

* Red Deer[29]

* Red Fox[99]

* Red Kangaroo[23]

* Red-necked Wallaby[23]

* Red Squirrel[62]

* Reeves's Muntjac[69]

* Reindeer[42]

* Rhesus Macaque[14]

* Right Whale[19]

* Rock Cavy[38]

* Rodrigues Fruit Bat[40]

* Roe Deer[29]

* Rufous Bettong[100]

* Rufous-naped Tamarin[51]

* Rufous Rat Kangaroo[23]

* Saddle-back Tamarin[51]

* Savanna Baboon[58]

* Sea Otter[101]

* Serotine Bat[40]

* Sheep (Domestic)[30][102]

* Siamang[103]

* Sika Deer[29]

* Slender Tree Shrew[50]

* Sooty Mangabey[91]

* Sperm Whale[19]

* Spinifex Hopping Mouse[41]

* Spinner Dolphin[19]

* Spotted Hyena[16][18]

* Spotted Seal[28]

* Squirrel Monkey[104]

* Striped Dolphin[19]

* Stuart's Marsupial Mouse[105]

* Stumptail Macaque[14]

* Swamp Deer[29]

* Swamp Wallaby[23]

* Takhi[85]

* Talapoin[91]

* Tammar Wallaby[23]

* Tasmanian Devil[105]

* Tasmanian Rat Kangaroo[23]

* Thinhorn Sheep[30]

* Thomson's Gazelle[25]

* Tiger[106]

* Tonkean Macaque[14]

* Tucuxi[107]

* Urial[108]

* Vampire Bat[40]

* Verreaux's Sifaka[109]

* Vervet[91]

* Vicuna[110]

* Walrus[111][112]

* Wapiti[113]

* Warthog[114]

* Waterbuck[115]

* Water Buffalo[30]

* Weeper Capuchin[39]

* Western Grey Kangaroo[23]

* West Indian Manatee[116]

* Whiptail Wallaby[23]

* White-faced Capuchin[39]

* White-fronted Capuchin[39]

* White-handed Gibbon[117]

* White-lipped Peccary[118]

* White-tailed Deer[29]

* Wild Cavy[38]

* Wild Goat[30]

* Wisent[21]

* Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby[23]

* Yellow-toothed Cavy[38]

* corn Woodpecker[18]

* Adelie Penguin[19]

* American Flamingo[20]

* American Herring Gull[21]

* Anna's Hummingbird[22]

* Arton Nyugen

* Australian Shelduck[23]

* Aztec Parakeet[24]

* Bengalese Finch (Domestic)[25]

* Bank Swallow[26]

* Barn Owl[27]

* Bicolored Antbird[28]

* Black-billed Magpie[29]

* Black-crowned Night Heron[30]

* Black-headed Gull[31]

* Black-rumped Flameback[18]

* Black Stilt[32]

* Black Swan[16][17]

* Black-winged Stilt[32]

* Blue-backed Manakin[33]

* Blue-bellied Roller[34]

* Blue Tit[35]

* Blue-winged Teal[36]

* Brown-headed Cowbird[37]

* Budgerigar (Domestic)[38]

* Buff-breasted Sandpiper[39]

* Calfbird[40]

* California Gull[41]

* Canada Goose[42]

* Canary-winged Parakeet[24]

* Caspian Tern[43]

* Cattle Egret[44]

* Chaffinch[45]

* Chicken (Domestic)[46]

* Chilean Flamingo[20]

* Chiloe Wigeon[36]

* Chinstrap penguin[47]

* Cliff Swallow[26]

* Common Gull[41]

* Common Murre[48]

* Common Shelduck[23]

* Crane spp.[49]

* Dusky Moorhen[49]

* Eastern Bluebird[35]

* Egyptian Goose[23]

* Elegant Parrot[24]

* Emu[50]

* Eurasian Oystercatcher[51]

* European Jay[29]

* European Shag[52]

* Galah[24]

* Gentoo Penguin[19]

* Golden Bishop Bird[53]

* Golden Plover[51]

* Gray-breasted Jay[29]

* Gray-capped Social Weaver[54]

* Gray Heron[44]

* Great Cormorant[52]

* Greater Bird of Paradise[55]

* Greater Flamingo[20]

* Greater Rhea[50]

* Green Sandpiper[56]

* Greenshank[57]

* Greylag Goose[58]

* Griffon Vulture[27]

* Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock[14][15]

* Guillemot[48]

* Hammerhead (also known as Hammerkop)[59]

* Herring Gull[21]

* Hoary-headed Grebe[60]

* Hooded Warbler[61]

* House Sparrow[37]

* Humboldt Penguin[19]

* Ivory Gull[62]

* Jackdaw[29]

* Kestrel[27]

* King Penguin[19]

* Kittiwake[63]

* Laughing Gull[62]

* Laysan Albatross[48]

* Lesser Flamingo[20]

* Lesser Scaup Duck[23]

* Little Blue Heron[44]

* Little Egret[44]

* Long-tailed Hermit Hummingbird[22]

* Lory spp.[24]

* Mallard[36]

* Masked Lovebird[24]

* Mealy Amazon Parrot[24]

* Mew Gull[41]

* Mexican Jay[64]

* Musk Duck[23]

* Mute Swan[65]

* Ocellated Antbird[28]

* Ocher-bellied Flycatcher[66]

* Orange Bishop Bird[54]

* Orange-fronted Parakeet[24]

* Ornate Lorikeet[24]

* Ostrich[50]

* Peach-faced Lovebird[24]

* Pied Flycatcher[67]

* Pied Kingfisher[34]

* Pigeon (Domestic)[68]

* Powerful Owl[69]

* Purple Swamphen[49]

* Raggiana's Bird of Paradise[70]

* Raven[29]

* Razorbill[48]

* Red-backed Shrike[35]

* Red Bishop Bird[54]

* Red-faced Lovebird[24]

* Redshank[57]

* Red-shouldered Widowbird[71]

* Regent Bowerbird[72]

* Ring-billed Gull[41]

* Ring Dove[73]

* Rock Dove[73]

* Roseate Tern[43]

* Rose-ringed Parakeet[24]

* Ruff[39]

* Ruffed Grouse[74]

* Sage Grouse[74]

* San Blas Jay[29]

* Sand Martin[26]

* Satin Bowerbird[75]

* Scarlet Ibis[20]

* Scottish Crossbill[45]

* Senegal Parrot[24]

* Sharp-tailed Sparrow[76]

* Silver Gull[21]

* Silvery Grebe[60]

* Snow Goose[42]

* Steller's Sea Eagle[77]

* Superb Lyrebird[78]

* Swallow-tailed Manakin[33]

* Tasmanian Native Hen[49]

* Tree Swallow[79]

* Trumpeter Swan[80]

* Turkey (Domestic)[81]

* Victoria's Riflebird[70]

* Wattled Starling[37]

* Western Gull[1]

* White-fronted Amazon Parrot[24]

* White Stork[82]

* Wood Duck[36]

* Yellow-backed Lorikeet[24]

* Yellow-rumped Cacique[64]

* Zebra Finch (Domestic)[83]

* Amazon molly[34]

* Blackstripe topminnow[35]

* Bluegill Sunfish[35]

* Char[33]

* Grayling[33]

* European Bitterling[36]

* Green swordtail[36]

* Guiana leaffish[37]

* Houting Whitefish[33]

* Jewel Fish[38]

* Least Darter (Microperca punctulata)[36]

* Mouthbreeding Fish sp.[35]

* Salmon spp.[39]

* Southern platyfish[36]

* Ten-spined stickleback[36]

* Three-spined stickleback[36]

* Anole sp.[40]

* Bearded Dragon[41]

* Broad-headed Skink[36]

* Checkered Whiptail Lizard[41]

* Chihuahuan Spotted Whiptail Lizard[41]

* Common Ameiva[41]

* Common Garter Snake[36]

* Cuban Green Anole[40]

* Desert Grassland Whiptail Lizard[41]

* Desert Tortoise[42]

* Fence Lizard[41]

* Five-lined Skink[36]

* Gopher (Pine) Snake[35]

* Green Anole[40]

* Inagua Curlytail Lizard[41]

* Jamaican Giant Anole[40]

* Laredo Striped Whiptail Lizard[41]

* Largehead Anole[40]

* Mourning Gecko[43]

* Plateau Striped Whiptail Lizard[41]

* Red Diamond Rattlesnake[36]

* Red-tailed Skink[36]

* Side-blotched Lizard[41]

* Speckled Rattlesnake[36]

* Water Moccasin[36]

* Western rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis)[36]

* Western Banded Gecko[43]

* Whiptail Lizard spp.[41]

* Wood Turtle[40]

* Appalachian Woodland Salamander[44]

* Black-spotted Frog[45]

* Mountain Dusky Salamander[44]

* Tengger Desert Toad[40]

* Acanthocephalan Worms[46]

* Alfalfa Weevil[47]

* Australian Parasitic Wasp sp.[47]

* Bean weevil sp.[47]

* Bedbug and other Bug spp.[48][49]

* Blister Beetle spp.[50]

* Blood-flukes (Schistosoma)[51]

* Blowfly[50]

* Box Crab[52]

* Broadwinged Damselfly sp.[53]

* Cabbage (Small) White (Butterfly)[54]

* Checkerspot Butterfly[54]

* Clubtail Dragonfly spp.[55]

* Cockroach spp.[56]

* Common Skimmer Dragonfly spp.[55]

* Creeping Water Bug sp.[57]

* Cutworm[58]

* Digger Bee[59]

* Dragonfly spp.[55]

* Eastern Giant Ichneumon (wasp)[47]

* Eucalyptus Longhorned Borer[57]

* Field cricket sp.[60]

* Flour beetle[61]

* Fruit Fly spp.[62]

* Glasswing Butterfly[54]

* Grape Berry Moth[63]

* Grape Borer[57]

* Green Lacewing[64]

* Harvest Spider sp.[65]

* Hawaiian Orb-Weaver (spider)[65]

* Hen Flea[64]

* House Fly[66]

* Ichneumon wasp sp.[47]

* Incirrate Octopus spp.[52]

* Japanese Scarab Beetle[67]

* Jumping spider sp.[65]

* Larch Bud Moth[63]

* Large Milkweed Bug[49]

* Large White (Pieris brassicae)[49]

* Long-legged Fly spp.[68]

* Mazarine Blue[49]

* Mediterranean Fruit Fly[62]

* Mexican White[49]

* Midge sp.[68]

* Migratory locust[69]

* Mite sp.[68]

* Monarch Butterfly[54]

* Narrow-winged Damselfly spp.[53]

* Parsnip Leaf Miner[68]

* Pomace fly[68]

* Queen Butterfly[54]

* Red Ant sp.[68]

* Red Flour Beetle[49]

* Reindeer Warble Fly (Hypoderma tarandi)[68]

* Rose Chafer[68]

* Rove Beetle spp.[49]



Male flour beetles are believed by scientists to engage in gay sex to practice mating as well as rid themselves of "old, less effective" sperm.[61]



* Scarab Beetle (Melolonthine)[70]

* Screwworm Fly[68]

* Silkworm Moth[63]

* Sociable Weaver[68]

* Southeastern Blueberry Bee[59]

* Southern Green Stink Bug[49]

* Southern Masked Chafer[68]

* Southern One-Year Canegrub[68]

* Spreadwinged Damselfly spp.[53]

* Spruce Budworm Moth[63]

* Stable Fly sp.[68]

* Stag Beetle spp.[49]

* Tsetse Fly[68]

* Water Boatman Bug[49]

* Water Strider spp.[49]


All well and good, but it's still a choice, innit?

Edited by prole
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