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The "best" bumper stickers


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"No matter how hot she looks, some guy out there is fucking tired of her shit."


Never has that bumper sticker made more sense to me than now... :rolleyes:


Hmmm, maybe you need the Mel Gibson line wherein he rages at ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva for falling asleep before they could go to the Jacuzzi to have sex. “I should’ve woken you up and said f----- blow me bitch!” he yells. “I should’ve f----- woken you up and said blow me! You would’ve liked that better, yeah? But you need the goddamn sleep!” This was apparently a point of contention, as he yells at another point, “I deserve to be blown first! Before the f----- Jacuzzi! OK, I’ll burn the goddamn house up, but blow me first! How dare you!??!”"


They looked so happy in public too.



Sobo, I think she's possibly available now. She apparently likes old guys.


Seen here sucking in her gut.....

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Nope, sorry, dude. No War Required.


You wish: the war will be over food instead, wherein you raging regressive neo-hitlerian conservatives try and finally take over the world...


Sorry, I was actually trying to paraphrase JB there, but couldn't take it as far as he so easily does.

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Nope, sorry, dude. No War Required.


You wish: the war will be over food instead, wherein you raging retrograde neo-hitlerian conservatives try and finally take over the world...


Sorry, I was actually trying to paraphrase JB there, but couldn't take it as far as he so easily does.


I can also be blamed for Nixon having been to the left of present Democrats, which gives us a slight idea of the ideology currently peddled by the morons on the right these days. Their program is essentially that of the Birch Society in the 60-70's, i.e. a step or two removed from fascism.

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I saw a bumpersticker on a large jacked up pickup truck with 2 redneck dudes inside which said (really it said this) "SHOW ME YOUR TITS". At first I though "How fucking gauche"....but then I figured, hey, what the hell, I'll play...I pulled my shirt up to my neck and when they didn't notice me I honked at em. They looked right over but surprisingly they did not appear pleased with all this, in fact the reverse, they looked annoyed or even pissed. Sadly, the light changed just as I started caressing my silky ...hot... bare skin for them boyz.......


That was @ 5 years ago, now I'm heavier so these dayz I'd have more of a set to show them:-)


2 weeks ago.


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Not exactly a bumper sticker per se, but these things annoy the fuq outta me:




The only way I could see myself putting some shit like this on the rear window of my rig would be if I could somehow draw a red circle with that diagonal slash through it and superimpose that over the "wife" figure. Now that would be cool... :)


So why hasn't someone come up with that graphic yet, huh? I mean, there must be a market out there for it. Like about 50% of the folks that ever got married, that is, and that's a pretty sizeable market. Jus' sayin'... :whistle:



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