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John Edwards Slime Ball


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Huh? Every account I've ever read of his shoot-down indicates he was flying an A4 Skyhawk.


he managed to run out of fuel once and crash one into a power line another time. i am sure his judgment is not an issue.


Are you ready to take the Fairweather challenge? One year, no spray and no replacement avatars says that McCain wins in November. You go away for one year. If Obama wins, I go away--1 year; spray/pirate/sensitivio forums only. (You can still post all your trip reports :rolleyes:) I think I know America better than you do. What do you say? I've offered this deal to Prole and TTK too, but no takers. Must accept in open forum. No PM's.


are you so sure? let's do a deal, if you lose- you'll have to fuck a pig- how about that? i'll tape that and post it on youtube. deal?


That's what I thought. You're nothing but mouth. Does your family back home know that you are massaging other men for money?



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That's what I thought. You're nothing but mouth. Does your family back home know that you are massaging other men for money?



no- nothing but mouth is your mom. i said if you really believe and challenge me go fuck a pig if you lose. can't you fucking read boy?


Save your breath - FW is bent over taking it up the tailpipe for Rossi

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That's what I thought. You're nothing but mouth. Does your family back home know that you are massaging other men for money?



no- nothing but mouth is your mom. i said if you really believe and challenge me go fuck a pig if you lose. can't you fucking read boy?


I read English. Not the shit you try to write. I suppose you picked up your language skills while you were 'studying' at Madame Qwan's School of transsexual Massage? I've heard you don't write Polish very well either. Maybe you're just plain slow.

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Huh? Every account I've ever read of his shoot-down indicates he was flying an A4 Skyhawk.


he managed to run out of fuel once and crash one into a power line another time. i am sure his judgment is not an issue.


Are you ready to take the Fairweather challenge? One year, no spray and no replacement avatars says that McCain wins in November. You go away for one year. If Obama wins, I go away--1 year; spray/pirate/sensitivio forums only. (You can still post all your trip reports :rolleyes:) I think I know America better than you do. What do you say? I've offered this deal to Prole and TTK too, but no takers. Must accept in open forum. No PM's.


are you so sure? let's do a deal, if you lose- you'll have to fuck a pig- how about that? i'll tape that and post it on youtube. deal?

word on the street is that he does that already...

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Hmmm, lets see.



He probably got the idea to tear a hole in the accusation from the original artical on FOX which stated:

"Wolfson’s claims, however, that Clinton could be the likely nominee if Edwards had been scandalized are disputable. A Washington Post poll taken after the caucuses showed 43 percent of voters who backed Edwards would have chosen Obama as a second choice, not Clinton."


However, it could be possible he never read past the first paragraph or seen the Washington Post poll.... just sayin'.

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Hmmm, lets see.



He probably got the idea to tear a hole in the accusation from the original artical on FOX which stated:

"Wolfson’s claims, however, that Clinton could be the likely nominee if Edwards had been scandalized are disputable. A Washington Post poll taken after the caucuses showed 43 percent of voters who backed Edwards would have chosen Obama as a second choice, not Clinton."


However, it could be possible he never read past the first paragraph....


the latest buzz is Hilary might still keep her name in the hat at the upcoming convention.


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