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John Frieh


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5 pages ain't shit - come now john, tell us of your opinions on:

a. smoking in the muir hut

b. evolution vs evilution

c. christianity

d. obama vs. billary vs mccain

e. titanium sporks

f. coke vs pepsi


and of course


g. bolting n' sport climbing


if you can't generate 20 more pages you are merely a "moderate" sprayer :grin:

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I have been guilty of engaging in the dogpile of John bashing in the past and after meeting the guy, have dramatically changed my opinion of him. He struck me as an enthusiastic, intelligent, stand-up sort of guy. As most engineer-types I know, they just don't come across in writing well.


He's a regular contributor of helpful and entertaining material as well.


Thanks again for the CDs, John.

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I pioneered the whole concept of bashing on John Frieh, and innovated and patented most of the current methods used today (though I haven't started asking for compensation yet). Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Signed it off the life list. i tried to "correct" John, but i'm glad i failed.


There is nothing quite like a session on the Internets where people lay out their honest opinions about "What is wrong with you" or "You know what your problems is...". In the end it is usually the advice giver with the abnormal fixation on the target. I know seeing pics John laid out, sexually exhausted on the gym mat really gets one going. he is who he is. we need someone to beat their chest here, modesty doesn't provide enough banter for one to get through the day. Frieh Your Mind!

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I pioneered the whole concept of bashing on John Frieh, and innovated and patented most of the current methods used today .....


Blah blah blah ...We all know it was Dru with the Neutrino baiting and wind shirts so get back in the backseat dere ya chestbeater a'for I get Trask to give ya a noogie.

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Bill, not to toot my own horn, but that was moderate bashing that Dru was involved with. I wouldn't even call it bashing...it was school yard stuff. I, and I alone envisioned and created this new paradigm.


OK, but Michael Jackson gets to be teh King of Pop then. :)

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