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Today I was trying to think of a quick enough response to some commandos who followed me on my way to pick up my daughter at daycare. I pulled out front of the daycare like I usually do to park, lots of other cars around, and they pulled up along side and said I could park there. For whatever reason I have no idea, I was caught off guard, of course when they pulled off I thought of million things to say, it was better that I didn't think of them at the time.

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  • 6 months later...
Where was she headed when Hillary grabbed her?


A Fur-trader convention....why?


As astute CC.comers - you heard it here first back in April. Long before the rest of the nation had caught wind, as they still haven't to this day. Now the Fur Trading accusation is close, so close to publication. I had heard it was the hairdresser though, so maybe you can't believe everything you hear. Got to give Obama credit for not pulling this one out of the closet during his race against her in the primaries, especially when he was behind in the polls. Big props to dude.




"At first it seemed to be just another vicious little rumour started by Village Voice editor Michael Musto back in August - but now, what started as an unfounded piece of gossip is starting to get credible confirmation from various reputable DC sources (albeit off the record of course...) Hillary Clinton has been having a lesbian affair with her top female aide, the sexy Huma Abedin. This would not be the first time that Hillary has been accused of being a lesbian, however this rumour would be the first to be backed by so many high-level reputable sources. Amongst those corroborating the story of Hilary's lesbian affair, is highly respected journalist and author Ron Rosenbaum. In his October 30 article “Shocking Inside DC Scandal Rumor: A Media Ethics Dilemma” Rosenbaum said the Los Angeles Times has a story “wrapped up and ready to go about what is a potentially devastating sexual scandal involving a leading Presidential candidate” and they are currently ’sitting on it’ because the paper can't decide “the complex ethics of whether and when to run it.” Although Rosenbaum didn’t name Clinton specifically there is enough evidence that she is in fact the target of his accusation. So what do you think? Hillary Clinton a Lesbian? 1st ever Lesbian president? Maybe she just wants to even the score with Bill by also sleeping with a female aide!"



Frankly, speaking for myself and most guys on this web site: I want to see more pictures. Like hot weather, close couple beach pictures say.....NOT that it's my business of course.



Just sayin' is all..... :lmao:

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Where was she headed when Hillary grabbed her?


A Fur-trader convention....why?


As astute CC.comers - you heard it here first back in April. Long before the rest of the nation had caught wind, as they still haven't to this day. Now the Fur Trading accusation is close, so close to publication. I had heard it was the hairdresser though, so maybe you can't believe everything you hear. Got to give Obama credit for not pulling this one out of the closet during his race against her in the primaries, especially when he was behind in the polls. Big props to dude.




"At first it seemed to be just another vicious little rumour started by Village Voice editor Michael Musto back in August - but now, what started as an unfounded piece of gossip is starting to get credible confirmation from various reputable DC sources (albeit off the record of course...) Hillary Clinton has been having a lesbian affair with her top female aide, the sexy Huma Abedin. This would not be the first time that Hillary has been accused of being a lesbian, however this rumour would be the first to be backed by so many high-level reputable sources. Amongst those corroborating the story of Hilary's lesbian affair, is highly respected journalist and author Ron Rosenbaum. In his October 30 article “Shocking Inside DC Scandal Rumor: A Media Ethics Dilemma” Rosenbaum said the Los Angeles Times has a story “wrapped up and ready to go about what is a potentially devastating sexual scandal involving a leading Presidential candidate” and they are currently ’sitting on it’ because the paper can't decide “the complex ethics of whether and when to run it.” Although Rosenbaum didn’t name Clinton specifically there is enough evidence that she is in fact the target of his accusation. So what do you think? Hillary Clinton a Lesbian? 1st ever Lesbian president? Maybe she just wants to even the score with Bill by also sleeping with a female aide!"



Frankly, speaking for myself and most guys on this web site: I want to see more pictures. Like hot weather, close couple beach pictures say.....NOT that it's my business of course.



Just sayin' is all..... :lmao:


You want to see Hilary Clinton in a bikini?


DOOD. Put the guns down. Get help.

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