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The sad f#$%ing truth


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You think most good climbers climb SO MUCH that they never go on the internet? I bet most of the comments in here happen when posters are at work, slacking off. Your argument does not work.


Yes, most of the good climbers/skiers I'm interested in hearing about don't spend much time posting on the interweb and when they do it's usually at their own site/blog. It's always been so.


If this site is the dregs whats the cream? rockclimbing.com? supertopo.com? summitpost.org?

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I personally like the site in general. Spray is juvenile and reveals peoples unguarded side. I like that. I don't respect a lot of what is said here tho. It is like farting under the covers and holding your wife under there regardless of her protests. It just doesn't come across as normal and well adjusted. Obviously, that is not the goal. I'm just saying, come back in ten years and read your own posts.

You're all a bunch of dickheads.

I have met a lot,.....A LOT of people who don't even read the site anymore because of the spray outside of spray. Saying there isn't any is a signal for you to cut back on the RedBull.

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It is like farting under the covers and holding your wife under there regardless of her protests.

WTF? :confused:


I have met a lot,.....A LOT of people who don't even read the site anymore because of the spray outside of spray.


Maybe my tolerance for spray is higher, but I don't see a lot of spray outside of the spray forums.

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there aren't ANY good climbers on this board? :rolleyes:


Well, the vast 5.14c conspiracy doesn't post here


yeah, 5.14c climbers are the definition of "good". :rolleyes:


Sorry, Grade 6 hardmen. knobgobbler, I'm not the one making this good climber line up. I'm not who this person is talking about nor do I really care



bug - you sound like a whiny pussy. everyone on the planet sounds like a retard 99% of the time.... you just sound like one 100%

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It is like farting under the covers and holding your wife under there regardless of her protests.





A Dutch Oven, dude. Haven't you ever heard of it?

Also known as a Submarine.


Ah-ooooo-ga! Ah-ooooo-ga!! Dive! Dive! Dive!

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Ya know, some climbers were assholes long before there was the internet. I'm pretty sure Edward Whymper was an asshole. I know for a fact Dick Cilley (remember, the start of this thread?) was an asshole when I first met him in the Valley in 1977 and he's still an asshole (remember, the start of this thread?) and frankly, I wouldn't have him any other way, I like him just the way he is. Mattp's making some of you think of him as an asshole, and I like him a helluva lot too.


Oh, and both of those guys are right too: the Northwest is not the most fabulous climbing destination on the planet, regardless of your particular favorite flavor: bouldering, trad cragging, sport climbing, volcanoes, deep water soloing, ice climbing, alpine rock, or even cave diving (remember Dennis, whatever happened to that asshole?). I live here by choice and I love it to pieces, but that doesn't mean it must be "the best."


Hell, if I could follow Dick up his warm up routes I'd consider taking a number and sleeping in his grotty Spanish snake ridden cave. The man has always been good with a stick, and he whacked this drowsy hornet nice pretty nicely.


Ya'll have a good night.



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I am seriously hurt that you would say that anybody could conclude I am an asshole from my behavior in this thread. I've been a perfect gentleman, have I not? (OK well, I did get a little pissed off.)


In the wild wild west that is the spray forum I observe, three four or maybe even five times a year that the way we carry on and insult each other here actually DOES impact not only the rest of the site but real people in the real world outside cc.com. It's a pretty innocuous point, really.


Every time I bring such a point before this audience - every single time - I am personally attacked for it.


To you guys who like to exchange hostility and insult on a daily basis: what's up? We maintain a home for you here. I participate in maintaining it. Why can't I suggest that there are downsides to being a jerk?

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i love spray on this site, better than listening to some smiliegojerkit.gif spew about how he climbed the girth pillar or climbed some heinous aid route on el cap in the winter time freezing cold missing old girlfriends dropping pitons right after someone had died on it. that shite is just ghey and boring. someone please tell me to STFU already puke.gif

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ummm bug, thats why spray is at the bottom of the page not the top


i was always taught to ignore head lines and people like bug, i actually burned a book in honor of bug today. actually it was an oprah magazine which i thought was much more fitting.hullamod.gif

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there is some great chest beating in this thread.


spray is boring. arguing on the internet is such a waste to time. Fairweather taught me that.


It is mildly interesting to me because through cc.com I've climbed with mattp, dick cilley, and even been to off white's little cliff.


cc.com spray is barely a step above craigslist r&r

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The only solution is to post our trip reports in spray. To make it interesting, do it on page 2 or 3 of spray as an Edit to an existing post. I've been fairly successful with this, and nobody gives me any shit at all about it, unlike putting them in a regular category and having assholes, blowhards, jackasses, pricks and shitheads Pontificate and piss on them.


Example removed via edit

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A lot of interesting commentary in this sad topic...here's some more of mine:


to quote a friend of mine. f*ck all y'all and the rest of ya too....f*ck you guys. you're all gettin uptight about what the f*ck people climb. some folks like alpine nonsense and some folks like fu*ked up ice, and some folks stick to rock craziness. who cares?

That kind of attitude and language will keep the new ones interested! :rolleyes: If you don't care,maybe you shouldn't be a moderator because you apparently don't understand that there are a lot of issues and competing values involved in all of this which is why some of us DO care. And you also sound like an unsophisticated potty-mouthed 14 year old going through a rebellious state complete with profusive use of the "f-bomb".

Over a three day trip to the Sawtooths I spotted 83 species of wildflowers...Would you like me to list their latin names?

Ya I would, poseur...all 83.

I shouldn't be blamed because you guys are so stupid.....If you have to ask, you're too stupid to understand it.

Pretty much speaks for itself.

Yet another out of state person living in Washington. When will it end?

Don't like it? Quite selling us your property at bargain prices and stop adopting our culture.

many very active posters on cc.com simply seem to want to spread ill will rather than talk about how much all of us like climbing or even the climbs themselves and this is unfortunate. I'm expanding on his point, but I'm pretty sure I'm accurate in my expanded interpretation. I love this place; I post day in and day out and I've made lots of great friends here. But cc.com could be better.

I agree. Here's a site where ethical issues such as bolting, the legitimacy of sport-climbing etc. end up quickly in "spray" rather than having an ethics forum which could have been created years ago... a site where some people have been banned, admonished or abused for bringing up controversial ethical considerations (e.g. "infinite bliss", the idiotic bolts at Rap Wall, or the famous "let's refer to bolts as BLT's because THE MAN might do a search and find out that's there's controversy", or the denial of responsibility in the "Oregon Sport Caves", or the bolting of cracks, etc.

think we'd be better off with a "bickering" corner where kevbone, KKK, raindawg and tvash could all go at it without bringing the rest of us down.

Don't throw me in with those guys. Most of my "bickering" involves ethics. (See the comment above.) And some of it involves the cavalier Christian/Jew-baiting that is regularly tolerated on this site.

we do our best to keep the crap limited to spray. if the bad ass climbers of the world are offended by the spray, then they need to have another look at the rest of the site and stay out of spray.

As previously stated, ethical topics get dumped into spray. Passions come out and these important topics get thrown into the Spray-Pile with Kevbone's favorite guitar solo and what 'Bama had for lunch.

I've met several spray 'adversaries' in the mountains. It was all good. Get a grip.

I can't imagine meeting "tvashtarkatena" or any number of other foul-mouthed spray-monkeys and enjoying it. It would be worthwhile, however, just to see the little people with the big mouths behind the many small words.

Most good climbers are out climbing.... not sitting in front of a keyboard.


Nonsense. A lot of people prefer to work for a living rather than dumpster-dive. I imagine that there are many dedicated people on this site (and many more who aren't) who spend their precious free-time pursuing their passion when and as they can.












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