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Public Knwolege


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For a lot of climbers Index is our home crag. The recent news of anchor removal is not only annoying, but also disturbing. Removing rap anchors on popular routes is lame. Anybody knowing people who are responsible for these actions and not exposing them to the rest of climbing community are equally guilty. ANYBODY sneaking around removing anchors, pretending to make a statement, but hiding their identity are a friggin’ pussy with no balls whatsoever.

I would like to see such names made know to public.


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its a two way street, bob...perhaps its a local who is there all the time and actually doesn't think he or she is anonymous?


Most serious climbers think this place is a joke and don't bother checking here...


i seriously doubt that whoever is doing it is trying to hide...

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I just want to see Bob kick someones butt.


Especially the hosers who took those anchors.


Sure, threats and violence only escalate any situation, but words are far different from actions. I bet a lawyer would love to stand in front of a judge and argue that the removal of the anchors, given their history and the popularity of said route, equates to vandalism and borders attempted murder. Would this same person remove a stop sign at a busy corner and wait with his video camera for the ensuing collision?

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I agree with Bob. Not necessarily that the bolts didn't need to be chopped, but that those who did so should step up, and those that know who they are should speak up too. If you're brave enough to act, surely you're brave enough to speak for your actions.

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I imagine that whoever had the balls to chop the bolts should also have the balls to come forward and admit to it, whether on cc.com or not.


Yeah, if you're out there reading this, and if you're the one who chopped it, I say identify yourself. I've got some ice-cold beers with your name on them.

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With quality threads like this one, why would anyone think this site is a joke?


glassgowkiss, maybe a shrink can help with the obvious anger management issues that seem to pervade so many of your posts.


Have a nice day at the beach or something...

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I imagine that whoever had the balls to chop the bolts should also have the balls to come forward and admit to it, whether on cc.com or not.


Yeah, if you're out there reading this, and if you're the one who chopped it, I say identify yourself. I've got some ice-cold beers with your name on them.



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Lots of actions can lead to injury and death.

Chopping anchors that have been there for a long time on a popular route would be one such example.

Threatening physical violence is another.

Nobody has the high ground in either case.


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