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[TR] Finding Love

John Frieh

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Climb: Dragontail-Wickwire/Stanley June '71 N Face route???


Date of Climb: 9/24/2006


Trip Report:

No... no... no... I know what you’re thinking and that’s not what I’m talking about... I didn’t fall in love... unless of course you count coffee which is a hot dark daily love affair for me tongue.gif... but yeah… I went climbing with Daniel and Elisif Harro on Sunday (I have taken it a point to start addressing them as Team Harro) and reflecting on it made me realize the whole trip was one big lesson in love... but let me explain:


Team Harro was chartered a month ago tomorrow when Daniel and Elisif Harro were married. Though I am generally known to make loud audible groaning noises generally reserved for the privacy of the bathroom after a CHA CHA CHA visit whenever someone mentions the word 'wedding' I was honestly excited for attending this matrimony. You see... it just so turns out the very first time Daniel asked Elisif out on a date he brought her to PDX drytool night!


I know... I know... I couldn’t have scripted it better myself. yellaf.gifthumbs_up.gifsmile.gif


And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better then that one of Elisif’s vows (they each wrote their own) was she promised to lead her share of the pitches...


Yes I cried at the wedding. Call me a sissy boy... whatever... it was beautiful. Some highlights...


Team Harro:



Best Wedding Prop Ever?



But wait... the climb!


It just so turns out this particular trip was Elisif’s very first alpine climb ever as well as Daniel and Elisif’s first climb together as Team Harro. They both thought it appropriate to let me tag along as I was in attendance for their first date which was also Elisif’s first time drytooling. I’m willing to bet post climb they might reconsider inviting me along on future climbs but more on that later. But yeah... I have a suspicion Elisif just might fall in love with alpine climbing... I honestly hope she does as she CRUSHED.


So yeah... 2 newlyweds on their first alpine climb together, her first alpine climb... if you can’t feel the love then you don’t have a pulse. Or perhaps you just haven’t had as much coffee as I have had today. cantfocus.gifyellaf.giftongue.gif


But the climb. The plan was to climb Serpentine Arete c2c on sunday. As you can see from the title of this report we climbed (I think) Wickwire/Stanley June '71 N Face route... speaking of if you have climbed Wickwire/Stanley give me a shout. I suspect we climbed at least part of it but would like to compare notes with someone...


But hey wait a sec NOLSe... isn’t Serpentine Arete like way right of Wickwire/Stanley?




Hey NOLSe! How did you ever manage to mistake Wickwire/Stanley for Serpentine?




If you aren’t licking your chops at the sight of new NOLSe bashing material well... it gets better. I managed 2... count them... one... TWO Marco Polo sessions on the approach. Yes I lost the trail. Twice.


I can’t explain it. I’ve done the approach to Bear Mtn 2 summers running, been into Gunsight 4 times and have done the approach to Stuart Moraine in under 3 hours but crap if I didn’t lose the trail twice on the way in. Maybe I can blame in on the fact that I this was my first time in to Colchuck Lake and it was dark but frankly someone needs to revoke my alpine status. Or make just make a neutrino joke.


So yeah... 2 Marco Polo sessions later we made it only to have me pick the wrong ridge.


In lieu of these 2 blaring bumbles on my part as far I can tell Elisif truly enjoyed her first alpine climb. Some (okay… me) might go as far as to suggest she just might fall in love with it... time will tell I guess. smile.gif


And talk about an alpine baptism! 2500’ of moss, choss, snow (the last few 100’ was a couple of inches of snow and ice over choss... love it!) and me muttering “where are we…?”


And the whole time Team Harro was all smiles... I can think of a few seasoned partners that would have started cry.gifing about pitch 3 (you know who you are hahaha.gif)


Luckiest guy ever?



The Alpine Prodigy:



Team Harro’s first married summit:



The route:


Elisif: John… are you sure that is Serpentine? It doesn't really match the topo...

John: Yeah... sure... of course... I’ve climbed the girth anyways. And I have a cool beanie!






Donde esta Serpentine?



Donde esta Serpentine?






Team Harro:



Snow finish:



Headed home:



Gear Notes:



Approach Notes:








- No Elisif does not have a sister. yellaf.gif


- HUGE thanks to Daniel and Elisif for not only a great day in the mountains but giving me a new definition of what it means to be in love... I thought I had a good idea but just a day with you two definitely changed that. Thank you smile.gif


- Happy one month anniversary! I wish you both all the best for years to come. Maybe we can even go climbing every once and awhile wave.gif


- If you bump into them at PDX ICE FEST make sure to congratulate them!



Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins, Mr Ritter, and some song that goes I'm bringing sexy back... (or was just me singing? blush.gifyellaf.gif)


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california state of mind :grlaf: if only they would make an idaho one :cry:


Patagonia offered them this past fall/winter and they sold out in about a month... good luck finding one. If you do find one or if you are someone reading this that has one I would love to have a second one... give me a shout and we can let the money talk :wazup:


PS to save you the sticker shock they retail for 45 bucks :mistat:

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