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I've only hung out with Kurt at various social functions, but I think he is a superb guy and I am very upset by his accident.


Great idea with the Paypal account - I'm in and I'm sure others will be too.


Get well Kurt!



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Agreed on the paypal account. I don't Kurt personally, but I send all my thoughts and prayers to him. Who's getting this account going? Oly climber, you were good enough to go visit Kurt, that says a lot about you, can you either set it up or earmark a portion of the CC paypal donation? Get well Kurt!! bigdrink.gif


Hi y'all.


I just spent a couple of hours with His Pineyness. His condition is not quite stabilized, so we all need to keep Kurt in our thoughts and prayers. He had to go back into ICU over the weekend. He's fighting a little infection in his lungs, and they've got him on some morphine so he can try to hack up the ick. In addition to his head injuries, he has several broken ribs and a broken collarbone, all on the right side, and these injuries are causing him some discomfort. He woke up for a bit, and he really wanted to talk to me, but I told him he didn't need to talk, and he said ok. He squeezed my hand a lot. He seemed relatively calm and comfortable, and for now his vital stats are good. I didn't ask about this, but the swelling in his head and face looks like it's gone down a lot since I last saw him on Friday. I saw his dad at the hospital, and met Jack (see above) who is just as Mark describes him.


I'm not sure that it's a good idea to send a lot of visitors his way until his condition improves, though it's up to Frank and Margaret, and their liason here, Mark McKillop, to make that call. He's not in a regular hospital room right now, and in talking to his nurse, he needs a lot of rest to fight off this infection. One bit of news I'd like to share: everyone I've met at Harborview has commented to me on his excellent manners. He still has his please and thank you. Those of you who know him well know that he is, under that gruff arborial exterior, polite, kind, and patient to a fault.


I stopped by his house and talked to his mom and some friends today. His affairs are being taken care of, house is nearly spotless, and it will be by the time they are done. Kurt's condition is still quite serious, his mom is being an absolute rock about getting everything squared away for his eventual return to normal life. I can see from his parents, who I hate to have met under such circumstances, where Kurt gets his kindness, patience, and resolve.


I hope I have not said too much, but given how many friends he has on this forum, I think it's important to give you an update. I'll see him again before Tuesday and will try to give news at Pub Club. I am currently knitting up a badly broken wrist of my own, and overdid it this weekend, so will do my best to rest up and come out on Tuesday night.


Keep those candles burning for Kurt, he needs lots of love right now.




Thank you for the update...


It means a lot that you are all taking the time to write.. Although many people care about him and want to visit, it is good that the we "the outside circle" (so to speak) can be kept up to date without stampeding his hospital room... We'll save that for when he really needs us, when he's out of the hospital but not yet readily up and about...


off to light a candle...




Laura has it spot-on. Right now, most of the work with Kurt has to be done by the man himself. Lots of sleep, some visits, and what we can do to keep Frank and Margaret from being frazzled and tired.


If anyone needs something to do, from what I know, there is going to be plenty to do in the coming months. This might mean financial help, it might mean helping out with caring for Kurt and his house, and his life in general. Anything we can do to make his re-entry into the world that we know (and maybe take too much for granted) it is going to be welcome and appreciated.


Keep sending those good vibes, and stay tuned as the recovery develops.



Agreed on the paypal account. I don't Kurt personally, but I send all my thoughts and prayers to him. Who's getting this account going? Oly climber, you were good enough to go visit Kurt, that says a lot about you, can you either set it up or earmark a portion of the CC paypal donation? Get well Kurt!! bigdrink.gif


I'll look into to it. I haven't set one up before. Hey Jon, did you set up the cc.com paypal? Or anyone else?


I saw that you are diverting a Kurt fund through the CC donate site thumbs_up.gif For anyone that wants to donate, Paypal is a service offered through Ebay and acts as a financial intermediary to transfer funds. You can deposit/withdrawl funds directly from your checking account, and they offer a money market rate of just under 5%. However, they are NOT a bank and are not subject to federal reserve regulations. With that in mind, I never keep more than $100 stored in Paypal, because you never know. Look into it for yourself and make your own judgement on it. I just had a friend paralyzed with a broken back, so I'm pretty sensitive to the obstacles ahead for Kurt. Medical costs are one thing, and hopefully insurance covers it. Personal bills and debts become a huge stress. Even knocking out a couple months of cell phone bills is a big relief. Anyways, the point is, get well Kurt!


My father is investigating setting p a trust account at a local bank. After talking to his folks, we are inclined to go in this direction rather than a pay-pal account. That being said, if people want to create a pay-pal account to facilitate the eventual transfer of funds to a bank, please feel free.


Take it for what it's worth but I for one am not too worried about Kurt. I've known him long enough to have seen him through a couple or three other major wrack ups and rehabs, always out doing the docs' prognosis, mostly out of pigheaded pride. So don't even for a minute start regarding him as an invalid. A man of many nicknames, to me he's always been the Feckinator but I might have to elevate him to human cockroach status after bouncing back from this little trip.


Best wishes to Bonzo! bigdrink.gif Kurt was one of the most influential ( to me boxing_smiley.gif) posters on the board in the early years of CC.spray. I love him for it.


Get well fast, man. I have a bit of experience with that punctured lung thing...practice practice practice with that little exhale device they give you.


If any body wants to have a fund rasier or anything else that would require some beer on Kurts behalf you can count on me for donating as much beer as you want. Let me know.




Certainly nice to see so many considerate and thoughtful comments for AK's recovery. One concern though, is if he takes it to heart, he may have to relinquish the "King of Spray" title, and instead use "King of Cafe Sensitivioso". Just a thought.....

Get well soon AK. bigdrink.gif


Big improvements today. Lots of color in his face, at times very chatty. Memory is very spotty. He knows people, but can remember very few names. Kellie and I were there together for an hour or so, and he really enjoyed getting all of that female attention. We asked him lots of questions when he was awake, and he gave us lots of answers, some right, some wrong. He was extremely sarcastic toward me a couple of times. cool.gif


A move out of ICU is imminent, though he's still going to be very sensitive to getting overstimulated.


His folks left me a message while I was asleep. Kurt is doing better. His sleep is less fitfull, his color is better, his speech is clearer, and he recognizes more people. They are heartened.


I would like to thank those individuals who are helping us to help Kurt, and those people who have much more patience than myself, JZ, Rolf, and Mellonhead, and are able to be with Kurt while he sleeps for hours. You are an huge help to Kurt, and to his parents.


fantastic news that he continues to improve so well. glad to hear that he's recognizing people and leveling sarcastic wit. how many questions did you really expect him to get right anyway? wink.gif get better quick, Kurt!


Well, in the past two days he's given his age as anything from 35 to 45, and once upon being told he was 42, responded, "That's old."


re. sarcasm he was feeling pretty nauseous last night and the nurse was telling him to just go to sleep and let the meds she gave him take effect. A minute later he just bellowed "HELP!" and she asked, "Is that what you do when you take a nap, yell for help?" and he replied, "Yeah, usually." heh.


If you're heading over to Harborview to see him, take the bus or go during off hours (early or late). I drove out that way to see him and there was no parking (including the hospital lot) within a mile radius. I'll try again later today.

...I drove out that way to see him and there was no parking (including the hospital lot) within a mile radius...


Shit, we all know Kurt's popular, but hey... laugh.gif


Kurt is getting better. When JZ told Kurt that JZ and I were going thru his office to find things, he told JZ he "was going to fuck him over". Just like the old days.


In all seriousness, he looked so much better today than any day yet. It was a relief. He still has a long ways to go. He must have suffered a sever concussion. He must also be drugged up for pain. His shoulder is turning a very bruised color, and he has eight broken ribs.


But he like to do this thumbs_up.gif

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