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Not suitable for an accident thread


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The following are not suitable discussions for an accident thread


1) A bolt on Yellow Jacket Tower un needed


2) "The" bolt on SEWS should be chopped


3) Accidents involving the Mountaineers Seems to be many, just check out their website.


4) The "Lodge" at Rat Creek It is a single family residence.

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agreed. Not cool to start taking apart the Mountainiers organization in an iformational thread about an injured party. Know the facts before running your mouths. I seem to recall allot of injuries this spring in general, not just in mounties run climbs. 'He in glass houses...."

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I disagree. I am not an anarchist but I do believe that placing limits on others is a type of slavery, in that you are denying them the right to express themselves freely. I'm pretty sure that I would I have the sense to not crap on someones injury thread but its nice to know who doesn't. This is the internet and its supposed to be about exchanging information - its up to the individual reading it to decide if they want to believe this particular source. Censorship is a bad answer IMHO.

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You are correct in your assessment oc censorship being a bad thing....to a point. That point to me is self-censorship otherwise known as common sense, manners and ettiquete. Th original poster had it right; when an informational thread is started on an accident; keep the fucking spray, conjecture and otherwise self righteous crap out of it.


I hate it when I pour the milk and my rice krispies say "snap crackle have a shitty day asshole."

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Sorry to offend you,Dred, but I think Doug more or less has it right: if somebody wants to find out what happened in an accident, they should be able to ask about it on this site without having the discussion steered into “the Mountaineers are gapers” or “only a bozo would propose adding a bolt.”


To be fair, the discussion had not yet tanked when I complained about it but it looked to me as if it was heading in that direction.


In complaining about censorship you are missing the mark, in my opinion. There is plenty of bashing on the Mountaineers and plenty of bitching about bolts on cc.com, but the opportunities for someone to ask sincere questions about novice level rock climbs or reveal their role in an accident like this one without getting called a bunch of names are relatively few.


It didn't exactly happen here, but n discussions like this, something closer to censorship in its actual impact is often imposed by the few who hold themselves out as more knowledgeable climbers and suggest that lesser climbers deserve no respect.

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I can assure you Matt that a well-worded rebuttal will not offend me. I see the negative stuff as part of the price of having access to everything else here. I can see the value of asking people to show some common sense in these types of situations but to just say don't do this or don't do that seems a bit high and mighty to me. Thread drift is probably not what any person starting a thread here desires. Once in a while it can be a good thing. Probably not when people are beating dead horses however, I'll give you that.

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If people want to argue about the Mountaineers, chicken bolts, or how to teach climbing they're free to go start such a thread in Spray, but that recent thread (which I locked) got way out of hand. I'm intending to tease it apart and move most of it out of the accident thread to it's own home, but the boss says I gotta go back to work now.

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I'll probably get flamed for this or told to "take it to Cafe Sensitivo", but here goes:


I'm pretty disappointed in the recent behavior of folks on this board with regards to the thread about the yellowjacket tower accident. I think people lost sight of the fact that there is a very severely injured REAL person with friends and family who are likely very traumatized by this event and who have probably looked at this website for answers/discussion/information about the accident. They must think we are a bunch of assholes.


Even if the guy was a "bumbling mountie with no business in the mountains" (which there is no evidence for by the way) and he did something wrong which caused him to fall, he didn't DESERVE to get hurt. It is a tragic situation and we should all keep our mouths shut, with the possible exception of offering our condolences, until the facts and outcome are known. And even then, Mountie-bashing and general spray have no place in a thread about an injured person (my opinion). Start a new thread for those sorts of discussions.


When a friend of mine was severely injured recently, it was comforting to me and him to read the good wishes and a hopes for a speedy recovery posted on this website. I'm sorry that this guy hasn't gotten the same sympathy.


I hope we treat threads about injured/deceased climbers with a little more respect in the future.


OK, that's the end of my little rant.


I sincerely hope this guy recovers completely and quickly and that his friends and family find solace.


To Off_White for splitting up the spray/accident thread: Thanks. thumbs_up.gif



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...who have probably looked at this website for answers/discussion/information about the accident. They must think we are a bunch of assholes.


That's because many on this board ARE assholes. No question about it. They sort of congregate here.


Nice try.

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I'm taking full responsibility for most of what you guys are objecting to. If you do not see any merit or truth to it, there is no reason not to censor the content for whatever you are attempting to conceal, be it poor behavior or rampant and off-topic discussions. In the mentioned thread, I also participated in a thread drift to a discussion regarding the selected routes of the Mountaineers, which I thought had some strong value. Had the thread been censored, it wouldn't have been mentioned. It may or may not lead to a change in the climbing policies or curriculum of the Mountaineers but it seems like a step in the right direction from my perspective. Sorry if I offended anyone.

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slammin' the mounties has nothing to do with respect for an injured party. No one dissed that guy...true, thread drift occured, but its a bbs...what do you expect?


If its such an issue, then an "announcement" should have been made and then the thread LOCKED.

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Just so we're on the same page here, cube mates:

If somebody gets hurt, don't poop in the announcement. If you don't have something nice to say there, then don't say anything at all. If you have a comment about practice, technique, herds of people, bolts, etc...go ahead and create a seperate thread to discuss those items.


I'm just a protocol droid, so I'm not going to argue with you about this. That is the rule according to my programmer.

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...who have probably looked at this website for answers/discussion/information about the accident. They must think we are a bunch of assholes.


That's because many on this board ARE assholes. No question about it. They sort of congregate here.


Nice try.





CBS you are an asshole, but I know you think I am one too...Mexican standoff. hahaha.gif

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