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Winter's coming, and it's time to cozy up with a good book.


Just finished:

The Darker Saints

The Small Book by Jack Trimpey



The Superlative Horse (again) by Jean Merrill

The Road Less Travelled (again) by Scott Peck

Soul Mates by Thomas Moore




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Don't we have this same thread like every month?


I just finished THE FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE by Jonathan Lethem.

Next I am gonna read some John M Ford book from the 1980's, or reread PERDIDO ST STATION by China Mieville. I need a couple of 400 page specials for next week when I go off to logging camp to get me through the long nights with nothing to do but talk logger.

Dru said:

Don't we have this same thread like every month?

Yes, but hopefully, the books are different.


I'm reading FBI: Behind the World's Most Powerful Law Enforcement Agency by Ronald Kessler. A lot of the stories I've heard before, but many I have not. It's an enjoyable read.

Dru said:

Don't we have this same thread like every month?


Yes we do, and I'm still reading the same books.


Fatland (almost done though)

The Making of the Atom Bomb


Hmm... I'm gonna go out and buy that book on Krakatoa.

RobBob said:

triathlon 101

practical sailor mag.

airplane reading last week---interesting doping article in Outside mag. (dopers are idiots!)


have you ever been a high level athlete? no. i see you are reading tri 101... mabe you should check out how many triatholoners are dopers. i would guess 75% of the top 10 mabe more.


have you ever been a high level athlete? no. i see you are reading tri 101... mabe you should check out how many triatholoners are dopers. i would guess 75% of the top 10 mabe more.


So what's your point? High percentages make it okay?

RobBob said:

have you ever been a high level athlete? no. i see you are reading tri 101... mabe you should check out how many triatholoners are dopers. i would guess 75% of the top 10 mabe more.


So what's your point? High percentages make it okay?


no... its the ONLY way to stay in the game... and the only way to make $$$ and consequently eat. rolleyes.gif


no... its the ONLY way to stay in the game... and the only way to make $$$ and consequently eat.


IMO tri (or any other relatively-low-$-return sport) is a stupid way to make a living. Double that if ya have to sacrifice your future health in order to eat.


I am still trying to get to the new harry potter. reading how to climb 5.12. a book on aurtherian mythos... and a bunch of other stuff on animal totems and the such.


Recently finished "Salt: A World History" Mark Kurlansky half of a thumbs_up.gif


Just finished "Desert Solitaire" Edward Abbey thumbs_up.gif

...if you like that one, you should read "The Island Within" Richard Nelson thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif


Starting today: "The Wild Muir: 22 of J.M.'s greatest adventures"

thelawgoddess said:

zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance.


i need more quality in my life. thumbs_up.gif


that any good? keep hearing about it. Is it in paperback?


I just read Fred Moody's "Seattle and the Demons of Ambition : A Love Story". It's OK, but it's more about Fred Moody than Seattle. Not worth the hard cover price I paid. Before that it was Fight Club. Shockingly, the movie is better.

eternalX said:

thelawgoddess said:

zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance.


i need more quality in my life. thumbs_up.gif


that any good? keep hearing about it. Is it in paperback?


I just read Fred Moody's "Seattle and the Demons of Ambition : A Love Story". It's OK, but it's more about Fred Moody than Seattle. Not worth the hard cover price I paid. Before that it was Fight Club. Shockingly, the movie is better.


i read it and thought it a idealistic mumbo jumbo.....kinda fun to read but in the end...it leads to nothing...


and homeboy actually doesnt know how to fix a motorcycle!



ZAMM is total crap. Outdated philosophy "I can resolve the Classical and Romantic traditions" BS, intermixed with TOTALLY BOGUS motorcycle maintenance tips. You can wreck your bike following his directions! thumbs_down.gif

Dru said:

ZAMM is total crap. Outdated philosophy "I can resolve the Classical and Romantic traditions" BS, intermixed with TOTALLY BOGUS motorcycle maintenance tips. You can wreck your bike following his directions! thumbs_down.gif

good to know thans dru wink.gif

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