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Fejas said:

Greg_W said:

ryland_moore said:

I am being sarcastic, but have had a GF on and off for 3 yrs. The main thing we fight about is me leaving every weekend to go climbing. Or it is hunting in the late Fall, and fishing in the Spring, and then climbing in between hunting and fishing weekends. I just do not enjoy going shopping, or picnicing, or taking walks, or having lazy days. She tells me that, " If you stay at home on a sunny day, you feel like you have wasted that day, when instead you should just be happy that you arer spending the day with me." Are all women like this? Am I being too selfish? Or are we just really different?


"On and off"? She's using manipulative phrases to get you to do these things? Dude, uh, maybe you should re-think what you are about to do. Granted, it might be a good idea to find a common interest that you could share on some interval, but don't buy into the "you should be happy to spend you day with me" bullshit. It sounds like she doesn't understand boundaries and what Kitten mentioned about guys needing time to be out and be guys and shit. Have a good, long talk with your babe...and keep that ring at the back of your sock drawer until you do.


I agree with Greg on this one Ryland, well for the most part any ways... Its all about compromise, I spend 80% of my after work and weekend time with the bros doin the same thing huntin, fishin, climbin, hikin, golfin, what ever. the wife gets to do her own thing, everyones happy... on our days of spending the whole day together, half of the time we do her thing, and half the time we do mine. We go out and have ourselves a nice little sun day at home depot, and maybe if we get time we cruse on over to bed, bath, and beyond; Why? Cause it makes her happy... And cause it makes me happy when she raps the water falls with me or goes backpacking for the weekend...

why not marry someone who likes to do the same things??/ Personaly I HATE TO SHOP, and would much rather hike or climb or camp or even go hunting. And I wont marry someone who doesn't want to do those things too.
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Anna said:

by the way does anyone have any beta for "it" i just want to brush up on somethings!!


Take penis, insert into something moist (preferably of the female human variety), thrust, repeat.


yellaf.gifErik needs some porn vids. Maybe Trask can help him out! yellaf.gif

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Greg_W said:

erik said:

by the way does anyone have any beta for "it" i just want to brush up on somethings!!



Insert tab 'a' into slot 'b', repeat as necessary. When it feels right, try and talk her into inserting said tab 'a' into slot 'c', for some variation. Good luck. thumbs_up.gif


don't forget to use the oral wash rack for tab 'a' referd to as slot 'd'

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RobBob said:

I think it's funny how the young, single guys/girls get on a soapbox about "if your SO has a problem with it, it's a lack of trust" when it comes to going on overnights with the opposite sex. Bullshit---come back and tell us about how you treat this subject ten years from now, when you are married with a couple of kids.



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Fejas said:

Greg_W said:

erik said:

by the way does anyone have any beta for "it" i just want to brush up on somethings!!



Insert tab 'a' into slot 'b', repeat as necessary. When it feels right, try and talk her into inserting said tab 'a' into slot 'c', for some variation. Good luck. thumbs_up.gif


don't forget to use the oral wash rack for tab 'a' referd to as slot 'd'


Word, bro. thumbs_up.gif A little bit of "Hubby's Two-ball Compound" is good for keeping away colds and such.

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RobBob said:

I think it's funny how the young, single guys/girls get on a soapbox about "if your SO has a problem with it, it's a lack of trust" when it comes to going on overnights with the opposite sex. Bullshit---come back and tell us about how you treat this subject ten years from now, when you are married with a couple of kids.


How 'bout 9 years, that long enough for you??? No kids though. I would say , if anything, there is more trust now than there was, say, 7 years ago. rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

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Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

why not marry someone who likes to do the same things??/ Personaly I HATE TO SHOP, and would much rather hike or climb or camp or even go hunting. And I wont marry someone who doesn't want to do those things too.


Because sometime the differences and the willingness to compromize between the diferences are what keeps ya in for the long hall. I'm not sayin be with someone that is completly unwilling to do the same things as you, but don't expect them to do every thing you want, and inturn don't de-ny your partner the satisfaction of doing their favorite activity with you. its great if you can find some one that like every thing you do but if you really love someone, don't kick them out the door just cuz they don't do everything you do all the time.

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b]Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:[/b]

why not marry someone who likes to do the same things??/


People often imagine that their marriage partner will meet EVERY need. That's an unrealistic expectation. You're not carbon copies and will have some seperate interersts - that's cool - as you can each learn something, and maintain friendships outside the marriage. That's healthy. It's the art of the relationship.

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trask said:

Fejas said:

Hey trask, My ol Lady said she rode you like you where her white stallion, but your cock and balls reminded her of a baby carrot and two peas...

She just told ya that so ya wouldn't throw her fugly ass out. BTW, she's loose as hell now, isn't she? Bwahahahaha


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This is so rich!! A bunch of maladjusted socially inept misfit climbers debating the merits of marriage from behind the protective cover of their computer screens.


"That bitch can't pull 5.12 - skank!"


"My climber husband's a jackass - dick!"


"Peace and love to everyone!"


"Shut the fuck up dirty hippy!!"




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Fuck winter, don't get me wrong... The wife is a super bitch some times. She gets to drinking Tequila, and shes ready to brawl, cusin and fight with me, but thats just part of the love yellaf.gif.... and me, shit I talk to other girls tits all the time... especialy one of her close friends tits, well you'd just have to see them... rolleyes.gif


Congradulations married men, we just signed in on the same pussy for the rest of our lives...


fuck I hope you got your fill wile you were singal...

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Fagass, rimmer of skunk anus, using cc.com to find girlfriends is like using a psychiatric ward as a dating agency. If you wish to date girls who wear latex lederhosen; have a phobia of soap and water; the appearance, weight and personality of a diseased swamp hog; a pathological hatred of men, and have 'PROPERTY OF BERLIN AUFHAUS PSYCHIATRIC UNIT' stencilled on their backs, go ahead. If not, avoid the dismal practice. bigdrink.gif

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Jim said:

b]Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:[/b]

why not marry someone who likes to do the same things??/

People often imagine that their marriage partner will meet EVERY need. That's an unrealistic expectation. You're not carbon copies and will have some seperate interersts - that's cool - as you can each learn something, and maintain friendships outside the marriage. That's healthy. It's the art of the relationship. I knew my point was not direct enough.


sorry. Point being, I like to be outside. I want to be involved with some one wholikes to be outside too. That doesn't mean we always have to be outside together. each should have their own frinds and individual activities. BECAUSE that is what makes a realtionship whole.


1+1 =2

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I am married hope to keep it that way. But we will see.


We fight. 50% of the fights are brought on by me and caused by my decisions or what I say. Ups and downs in a marriage. Right now going through a down period but not brought on by me. I hope the down period ends…….


I don't think of divorce, but during those heated arguments I often think how nice it would be to eliminate the wife!


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Jim said:

Some are mutual friends, others are simply women I've been friends with for a while and a good climbing partners. My wife has some friends that are male; they're her friends not mine, but I know them. I don't get the fear thing about having friends of the opposite sex if you're married. If you have a good relationship and trust one another you don't have to cloister yourself.


Word. Marriages like this are the only one's that I'd be willing to emulate.


The fact of the matter is that you'll be around attractive members of the opposite sex without your spouse at some point, be it on work-related travel and any number of other situations, and whoever you marry is going to have to come to grips with that at some point.

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"Trust". Yes, it is important in any marriage. But it is not a firewall that will sheild either of you from human nature. To deny that we are all programmed with certain "desires" is not realistic. Sure, a strong relationship/love will override extramarital desires 99.99% of the time, but why expose yourselves to such temptation? (Especially where alcohol is involved.) My wife and I are both on the same page with this one. The only female friends I keep are those who are also good friends of my wife's. My wife does not sleep in a tent with another man, nor do I with another woman.


Play by any rules you want, but don't preach at me.





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Erik needs some porn vids. Maybe Trask can help him out!


I have a few on backorder:


Put it Where it Doesn't Belong

My Pipe Needs Cleaning

Cum Clean

Cum on Ilene

Cum Buns III

Cumming in Socks

Girls Who Crave Cock

Men in Black II-The KY Connection

Pink Pussy Lips


AND of course,

Happy Scrappy Hero Pup yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif

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