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Why do you love America?


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Opportunity baby. Freedom. The ability to live where I want, do what I want, work where I want, get drunk and pass out where I want, get drunk and piss on a building where I want...you know, same thing everyone else loves about America.

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gregm said:

dunno for sure. just know it beats the crap out of scottland.

come on. i'm sure you can do better than that. Currently, there's about 95 other countries that can beat Scotland (in soccer). Surely there are some things that are uniquely American that make you proud and happy to be American?

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JGowans said:

gregm said:

dunno for sure. just know it beats the crap out of scottland.

come on. i'm sure you can do better than that. Currently, there's about 95 other countries that can beat Scotland (in soccer). Surely there are some things that are uniquely American that make you proud and happy to be American?


well, now that you mention it, the u.s. is one of the few countries where you can drink water from the tap and not get sick.



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Things America Does Better than Canada (well BC anyways)


1) Hip hop & jazz (not better quality so much as so much more of it)

2) Liquor in supermarkets

3) Winter rock climbing

4) Alpine cragging accessible from paved highways

5) Deserts

6) Las Vegas

um... i think that's the lot?

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I'm a big fan of the ideals enshrined in the constitution. The fact that the country has never fully lived up to them doesn't make them any less inspiring. Our history has been a chronicle of the struggle to do that very thing, sometimes regressing, sometimes advancing, but somehow always fitfully making progress towards a society that practices what the founders preached.


The only major failing that this country has at the moment is that our immigration policy is far too permissive with respect to the Scotts. That could very well be our downfall if it continues for too much longer. hahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gif


That and we've got the geopolitical equivalent of a lamprey stuck to our Northern frontier...




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Greg_W said:

Opportunity baby. Freedom. The ability to live where I want, do what I want, work where I want, get drunk and pass out where I want, get drunk and piss on a building where I want...you know, same thing everyone else loves about America.


You know if you really do consider these criteria, countries like Mexico seem way more free than the US does. They don't have liability lawsuits, and they don't waste their time enforcing every dumb little ordinance. Smaller scale governements in the US especially local governments, often play the role of big brother, ensuring that everyone behaves within a narrow, acceptable framework.


What I LOVE about America is our opens spaces, we have so much beautiful land that we can drive onto, camp on, shit on, climb on. And most of the time, nobody's gonna tell us we can't. In some nations in Europe it's illegal to pitch a tent (or so I've heard, I've never beent there).

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