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Everything posted by AlpineK

  1. Oleg might want to watch Fight Club prior to posting his next Trip Report [video:youtube]MPITE_Ine-c
  2. To add a little historical information to this fascinating debate. The main location most climbers use at Castle Rock is called Loggers Ledge. The reason it received that name was due to crag development by the folks who did many of the first ascents. The crag was shady and damp due to large diameter ponderosa pines on the ledge. To dry things off and clean the rock crag developers brought up saws and cut down the trees on the ledge. Due to height and diameter of trees on the ledge other climbers blocked traffic on HWY-2 during critical moments of the felling operation. Apparently that kind of development that altered the natural environment was a good thing but drilling holes in the rock for new anchor stations is a bad thing. Please carry on
  3. To Do List Break clearly written rules Take pictures of rule breaking Write story to describe rule breaking Post pictures and story on a public website where people who enforce rules can read all about it The sum is greater than individual elements
  4. AlpineK

    Bring it

    The fact that you have to ask dates you
  5. Fashionable high heel shoes now require chicken legs [img:center]https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/1379876_598065243568722_346489542_n.jpg[/img] Not sure if the chicken now walks by pecking dirt and dragging the body or they put it out of misery via frying pan.
  6. AlpineK


    Once you've signed on the dotted line agreeing to pay over time you better cough up the money as promised.
  7. Join the Mountaineers and spend weekends at the Meany Lodge. That's the cheapest option. They only groom 10% of the runs. That'll force you to ski snow in all conditions. [img:center]http://cascadeclimbers.com/plab/data/515/medium/Meany_Hut0001.JPG[/img] You'll get the added bonus of learning how to ride a 20 MPH rope tow and use toe grippers
  8. Backcountry skiing in mountaineering boots isn't easy or pleasant. As others have said you need to feel comfortable sliding on skis. The best way to do that is at a ski area where you can log downhill time.
  9. Holden is an excellent spot. They should have added pictures of evening fun at the bowling alley.
  10. AlpineK


    Shutdowns aren't all bad [video:youtube]
  11. Find a shack in Pemberton. That's the only thing that comes to mind
  12. Hot chicks dirt rappin [img:center]http://fstoppers.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Fstoppers-Kiliii-Fish-climbing-photo7.jpg[/img]
  13. From Paradise weather reports the big snow dump will be behind locked gates Spotty snow cover you'll walk miles to find skiing in the NCNP. Maybe there is something worth doing on Baker??
  14. Otters still fear representatives of the Hudson Bay Company [img:center]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-g-VRlL5YDH4/UCxUUmjmz7I/AAAAAAAAAXM/TXoTwLLq4jo/s1600/bayjackets.jpeg[/img]
  15. Stubbs stays in town, but Fred tends to wander.
  16. AlpineK

    fuck yeah!

    Sure is
  17. Then there's our old buddy Mr./Ms. Mountain Pine Beetle. [img:center]http://csfs.colostate.edu/images/graphics/barkbeetlefadergraphic.jpg[/img] A long time resident of course. Lacking persistent -40 degree weather periods helps the MPB ranks grow in number. Longer growing seasons resulting from rising average temperatures allows for 3 growth cycles in one year. Of course once all the forests are dead and burned that may pose a problem.
  18. Of course there are these factors [img:center]https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1014226_10151782641332708_246495337_n.jpg[/img] [img:center]http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/expert_assessment/sdohomeweb.png[/img]
  19. Seems like a general article fit for most city dwellers who don't go out in the woods at night. Rugged Outdoorsmen like GGK shouldn't waste their time reading stuff like that. [img:center]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/227/e/0/rugged_outdoorsman_by_bigbergman-d6iaxs7.jpg[/img]
  20. [img:center]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o149/basicliving/Chickens/duke.jpg[/img] [img:center]http://i.huffpost.com/gen/268441/thumbs/r-FERAL-SWINE-large570.jpg[/img]
  21. AlpineK

    Jobs in the PNW

    Can you drag and chip brush? [video:youtube] Bonus points if you aren't intimidated by Whisper Chippers [video:youtube]
  22. Two short raps then downclimb the West Ridge. It seemed to work out fine when we did it.
  23. Cool My first reaction was, Climbing and Three Valley Gap? I've only stopped long enough to buy gas or food and high tail it to Rogers Pass or the Canadian Rockies.
  24. AlpineK

    teens climbing

    Dave is an aid climber too
  25. AlpineK

    teens climbing

    Ron Kauk is David Lee Roth's guide. [img:center]http://llapingacho.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/david-lee-roth-skyscraper-flexi-506780.jpg[/img]
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