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Everything posted by AlpineK

  1. Why stop there? Our system is totally fucked. I want private companies to compete and sell me products like on demand electricity, drinking water, sewage, and garbage pickup.
  2. Good Intentions? Like GW's good intentions when invading Iraq to get rid of weapons of mass destruction??
  3. Sorry to disappoint. Had private health insurance at the that time and maintain it to this day. Keeping my current plan at a $5/month cost savings next year is an option but there are others worth exploring.
  4. Daniel Boone was trapped at the Alamo and they made a TV show about him. Just think of all the royalties that you'd make from being trapped in Centralia. [video:youtube]TrLx-Jqm980 Well technically he wasn't at the Alamo but don't argue with street buzz
  5. Can't wait to read your posts while you make your last stand at the Alamo, I mean Centralia.
  6. Nuclear
  7. Not to worry. Friends and family live in Tacoma, so the political undercurrent is already a known quantity. Taking the State Capitol in Olympia should be no problem. Evergreen College is nearby after all. I predict a northwards political movement from the Portland area. That leaves Centralia trapped with nowhere to run nowhere to hide.
  8. Hey your new mayor and socialist city councilwoman are gonna get those McDonalds workers $15.00/hr--whether the market says their skills merit it, or not! Socialism is a growing movement. Seattle and Sea-Tac have it and it's moving towards Portland. Tacoma will catch it next since they're on the I-5 corridor.
  9. See if we let Iran build a nuke it'll give one more reason for Republicans to demand a new war in Iran. That'll fill the pocket books of big corporations and corporate leaders will take politicians (mostly but not all Republicans) for all paid vacations in the Bahamas. Meanwhile the rest of us can work at McDonalds for $7.50/hr and cut our meals into small bits to make them last longer.
  10. OMFG somebody wants to outnuke the US [video:youtube]9U8CZAKSsNA
  11. Spend money on comfortable dynafit compatible boots. In general stay away from heavy bc bindings like the ones Marker makes. In terms of new gear even Fritchi offers a dynafit like set up now. Buy a junker pair of skis. Take an avalanche level 1 class, if you haven't taken one and or its been years since the last one. Buy transceiver shovel and probe.
  12. The state already charges commercial truck licensing fees based on weight you want your vehicle rated for. I forget the starting weight, but we're talking about vehicles carrying loads for work/delivery. Shouldn't be a problem to charge commuter vehicles by weight or anticipated weight.
  13. You might feel better about life once the Left Coast was in the rear view mirror for good. [img:center]http://media2.policymic.com/758c111232d73ff4e6979e6e8ef5615d.jpg[/img]
  14. After doing a count since October 1 90.1 percent of your posts are either Spray or in the Garbage Can. You do have a 9.9 percent non Spray count That's an A- for spray posting Keep on keeping on!
  15. If a chunk fell off he'd complain about his investment loss and as a side note return to complain about the oppressing weight.
  16. Guessing Fairweather bought the cheapest plan he could find. Cheap enough it covered next to nothing and no longer meets minimum standards for insurance. Obamacare is helping Fairweather even if he'll never say so.
  17. Ah Veterans Day [img:center]http://innominatethoughts.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/get_off_my_lawn.jpg[/img]
  18. I'd never seen them till another party nearby was using them. My first reaction was what the hell are those. After questions the subject of neck strain came up. I don't own a set, but they seem to make sense.
  19. But if he snorted coke at the Muir Hut he'd be cool. Probably not since C remains illegal under Federal and State Law. On the other hand M is legal under State law and the Feds are all we'll just wait and see. Robs point about sharing vs hogging is a good one.
  20. Dub had a military record. Then again all he did was fly around and snort cocaine. Combat? No Sir
  21. Can you say, "President Hillary." It sure has a nice ring [img:center]http://online.wsj.com/media/hill_veep_blog_fw_20080604111120.jpg[/img]
  22. Next thing ya know Fairweather will be posting studies that say "DDT is no big deal and there are conflicting studies on whether birds are harmed by it." Monsanto has a prominent name and have made their views on GMOs clear. That puts them in the spotlight, however the vast majority of the anti GMO add champaign comes from out of state corporations with no direct ties to Monsanto. In state funding for anti GMO adds is a sliver of the pie.
  23. Monsanto latest GMO crops are manipulated to produce neonicotinoids. Neonicotinoids are a great new pesticide. Too bad neonics also are linked to die offs in honeybee populations. Source Not to worry. Monsanto also purchased a company that is studying how to stop colony collapse. In 10 years Monsanto will sell plants that kill bees and as a sideline sell the antidote. Can you say Cha-ching $$$$$$$ If you've got money and don't mind ethical controversy buy their stock
  24. [img:center]https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/q75/s720x720/1385282_10151665910376160_352375928_n.jpg[/img] [img:center]https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/1384280_645594392147041_1274076946_n.jpg[/img] [img:center]https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1385851_577565648958175_352417827_n.png[/img] [img:center]https://sphotos-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/603367_645273348824455_277745484_n.jpg[/img]
  25. Has anybody gone climbing??? If not could somebody provide the CC.com Spray Forum consensus oppinion on I522, Obamacare or whatever you've been talking about for 7 pages. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLQhLcKyGs8
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