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Everything posted by AlpineK

  1. AlpineK

    election 2014

  2. Apparently Whip knows about the cave [img:center]http://www.angelfire.com/trek/caver/pictures/dog.jpg[/img]
  3. But that's in Cali not Oregon. We need more information!
  4. Snopes
  5. Hmmm. It seems like they used to be fine. At least I've eaten there and never experiences food poisoning. Then again the last time I ate there was more than 15 years ago.
  6. Well Budweiser, I mean InBev, ain't American neither.
  7. AlpineK

    Surveyor Needed

    As long as someone signs my assumptions and limitations agreement I'll bring a can of spray paint to the job-site and mark the best location for a bridge abutment. PS: I only accept payment in bitcoins
  8. [img:center]http://i43.tinypic.com/w8s5di.jpg[/img]
  9. Can't wait to watch Fairweather's final battle unfold in the movie theater. [img:center]http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTQ1MTAyMDg0OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzA1ODAzMQ@@._V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg[/img]
  10. That route has been on my list for a long time. Nice pictures
  11. A few honey badgers at Pineapple pass would really add to the excitement and danger of the ascent. [img:center]http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/exposure/content/photo/photo/2077091_ferocious-and-fierce_7hqdjmj4am3d2cszxsyeykq4xpncurxrbvj6lwuht2ya6mzmafma_610x457.jpg[/img]
  12. AlpineK

    Sobo's Updates...

  13. This is the height of the travel season, so you would think Good Food would be open for sure. Maybe they couldn't compete with the newish BBQ shack by Texaco and the bunny place.
  14. AlpineK

    Sobo's Updates...

  15. AlpineK

    Blame Obama

  16. AlpineK

    Blame Obama

    Never fear there's still lots of republican influence in the Supreme Court to keep an eye on things Feeding Christians To Lions
  17. This is pretty much the key serious point. If it's a great discovery folks will be knocking on your door no matter where you post or print your findings.
  18. If a guy can make 35 grand off a Potato Salad Kickstart just think what you could do with GPS coordinates to and pictures of an undisclosed location in Oregon http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/potato-salad-kickstarter-raises-35-000-article-1.1858324
  19. Screw the snocat. If you had one of these babies you could summit without setting foot on the snow [img:center]http://www.kisoffroad.com/retire_crawler/rockspider_gold_nugget.jpg[/img]
  20. AlpineK


    When you're back you can spend some recovery time in the gutter with a bottle of booze and legalized reefer.
  21. Reading comprehension may be to blame "Stay right except to pass." If you're doing the speed limit, way to go You still have to stay right. If somebody wan't to drive 90 MPH in the left lane that ain't your problem. Don't worry all will be resolved when we all own robot driven cars. We can spend time in vehicles posting on Facebook, CC, or whatever.
  22. If they were at 12,800 they were above the Black Pyramid. Above the pyramid the slope pitch backs off for a bit on the Liberty Cap Glacier. Just below the summit of Liberty Cap there is a one final headwall. An avalanche or serac fall could have started in a variety of places and hit tents below. Given reports of icy conditions it's the only place where setting up tents seems realistic between Thumb Rock and Liberty Cap summit. After looking at recent aerial photos of the mountain glaciers and snowpack, both have diminished quite a bit since the 80s.
  23. Yee Haw [img:center]http://www.4x4offroads.com/image-files/formula-off-road-akureyri-2006-399.jpg[/img]
  24. It appears the USFS permitting system for the Enchantments is similar to the system for Mt. Whitney http://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/okawen/passes-permits/recreation/?cid=fsbdev3_053607 They both use a lottery system. Fees at Whitney are a flat $15 but the Enchantments charge $5/person/day. I'm not sure how they come up with those fees, but it doesn't appear to be a good money making system in either case. If either chunks of land were my private property and making money off hikers was my business I'd charge a lot more than $5/person/day for entry permits Yes they do control the system and set rules but the alternatives at either end of the spectrum sound bad No use of any kind is allowed - That would suck Unrestricted use - The place would get trashed in no time
  25. Population growth is the primary problem. Like it or not: More people = more demand for everything. Look at the 2014 lottery for climbing Mt. Whitney. It's only a few hours drive from the greater LA Area http://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/inyo/passes-permits/recreation/?cid=stelprdb5150055 Permits cost $15 As of this date: Yep things used to be better back in John Muir's day [img:center]http://seattletimes.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/fyi-guy/files/2014/05/fyiguy-censuspop-web.jpg[/img]
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