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Everything posted by jon

  1. jon

    Free Advice

    So every day I go to the little cafeteria here at work and get a bagel and a coke from the coke machine. Well I show up last week after taking a few days off and not only did they raise the cost of the bagel by 7 cents they raised the coke price 25 cents to a $1.25!!! I'm not even going to say when my last raise was. Anyways it's seems that everyone is posting sobs stories so I thought I would use my one post of the day to share mine.
  2. blah blah blah <advice>pick your wars</advice>
  3. Could you guys please post longer articles?
  4. jon

    lazy idiots

    I just saw the parking dude with man boobs who rides around on a Segway all day, he was chubbing (w/ his helmet on!) outside of the College Inn.
  5. Wow. I'm so incredibly bummed. I remember a photo a long long time ago that Rodchester posted that I think was one of the most beutiful pictures I've seen. Found the picture, this quality doesn't give it justice.
  6. Stonehead, I've been meaning to read that book. I've seen Zinni interviewed on Charlie Rose among others and he has some strong arguements. My statements are by no means support for the either the administration or the war, simply that I found a lot of things in the book very interesting. One thing that really stuck me was his comments about unconvential warfare, it was almost straight out of Al Qaeda's manual, it was freaky.
  7. I was actually serious Dave. You can get your perspective from CNN. You can get your perspective from the people who were there, in this case Gen. Carl Stiner was both in charge in Lebanon and the Panama operation.
  8. There is a book I recently read which was really really good and offers some perspective in this conflict. The book is by Tom Clancy and it is called Shadow Warriors, and it mainly deals with the life of the Special Forces, and the military life of one of their commanders. For someone in their late twenties it was interesting to hear about conflicts and missions that I was too young to really understand but remember. They talk about Vietnam, Lebanon, Iran, and Panama among others. I'm not really sure when this book was written, but one thing that was striking is how much praise this guy had for people like Cheney, Rumsfield, and Powell, and how much experience that these three individuals had in dealing with tough conflicts, especially Lebanon.
  9. jon

    Photo Gallery Upgrade

    Still need to fix the template, header, and footer, but otherwise everything seems to working fine.
  10. I've FINALLY upgraded the photo gallery software. Please respond to this thread if you find any problems. Werd.
  11. jon


    Minx, she is obviously doing it in retaliation for your random snorts and laughter while engaged in hand to hand spray combat.
  12. jon

    helmet vs. hair

    "Is that your crash helmet?" "I hope not!"
  13. At midnight last night there were 80 Yahoo bots on the website. Interestingly every threads name had horsecock in it.
  14. jon

    The Olympics Suck

    fenderfour do you want to be banned?
  15. TG Stout....... Mmmmmmmm Mmmmmmm Goooood Bitch! How's it taste mother f%$ker? You'll be f#&king fat chicks in no time! DISCLAIMER: I am quoting something, I'm not really this insensitive. Nevermind I take that back.
  16. jon

    The Olympics Suck

    The Olympics rock, but the coverage sucks. I love how it comes on at 8PM after Celebrity Journal, only in America. OLN can have the Tour on 24x7 but someone can't do the Olympics all day long? BTW I've enjoyed not watching but hearing about the US basketball team losing to teams whose gross national product is less than their combined NBA salaries. Those guys are a joke, and with the exception of one player have no class.
  17. jon


    Dude that wasn't your doornob, but that was my Biochemistry book 8=D
  18. jon


    That's funny, cause you are a lousy sprayer.
  19. jon


    Voor de meesten onder ons beëindigde middelbare School HOUDT VAN zo snakt geleden. Schijnbaar enige van u zijn nog steeds daar gestoken. Indien u een klereprobleem hebt dat u hem op met mij neemt. U weet wie u bent.
  20. jon


    Or maybe they don't understand? Para la mayoría de nosotros la High School secundaria terminó COMO tan de largo hace. Todavía pegan al parecer algo de usted allí. Si usted tiene un problema de mierda usted lo toma para arriba con mí. Usted sabe quiénes usted es.
  21. jon


    Dru send me a PM, maybe my inbox is broken?
  22. jon


    Wow amazing, I haven't received a single PM yet, go figure. Get a clue.
  23. jon


    For most of us High School ended LIKE so long ago. Apparently some of you are still stuck there. If you have a fucking problem you take it up with me. You know who you are.
  24. Recent studies have found that doing deadlifts along with supplementation of PEHC (performance enhancing horsecock, which is monitored by the IOC for everusage like caffeine, for instance you can have more 8 cups of coffee a day, and can only have 12 6 inch links) increase keg carrying performance to exaustion by over 173%!!!! The control group just using PEHC didn't see a statistically signifant increase in keg performance but did develop a fetish for snaffles.
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