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Everything posted by jon

  1. Is there somewhere on the net that has an unbiased review of Kerry's Vietnam record, tours of duty, time spent, etc.? I would certainly never call him a coward.
  2. Yes I plan on responding to all of them.
  3. Actually I have received a number of good emails, and pictures will be posted shorly on ratemypoo.com, thanks to everyone who wrote in. A few of them were rather short and really didn't offer much, that was my point. Dru, write an email dude.
  4. I had an interesting conversation with my uncle last night. He is voting for Bush, and a lot of it has to do with Kerry's Vietnam service. According to him, Kerry got out of Vietnam 8 months early because of a loophole. Now granted if I was over there I'd probably like to come home too. Anyways, as everyone knows Kerry got 3 purple hearts, which has been subject to much controversy, and he didn't spend a day in the hospital. To put it into perspective my grandfather flew B-17s in WWII, and on their 22 mission had an accident over England, a flare gun went off in the cabin somehow, it bounced of the windshield and hit my grandfather in the head. The plane caught on fire and he miraculously got out, but most of his men did not. He was severely burned, had a broken back and leg, and spent a week in the hospital. He got one purple heart. He also retired as a Col. and only now am I finding out about some of the stuff that he was involved with, years after laying him to rest in Arlington. My uncle told me that there wasn't day to day atrocities that Kerry claims and my uncle was over there for quite longer than Kerry was, and he worked for the CIA in Laos at one point. He believes that Kerry's antiwar demonstrations prolonged the war because the people in the North, who according to him were very smart because monitoring them was part of his work, believed that the pressure in the US to pull out was so strong that the North Vietnamese decided to stay in the war. He believes, and he quoted a book by one of these guys, that the war would have ended much sooner if it wasn't for this and his best friend wouldn't have been killed. BTW this is the first time he is ever talked about Vietnam to me. I'm sure my uncle's bitterness about Vietnam plays into this, but it's interesting to hear this from someone who truely served in the military. This isn't an anit Kerry rant, I'm voting for the person I dislike the least here, just some interesting perspective.
  5. OOOOOOKKAAAAAAY GREG! Actually Greg my dear friend, I believe you and myself have fallen victim to the same hateful discrimination, and I hope you and I together can transcend the social constructs of indentity theft and help make the internet a kinder and friendlier place, not just for us, but for our children.
  6. You know, I find it fascinating, albeit not suprising at all, that people can spend hours a day on here and have thousands of posts, some in which they complain endlessly about the way we do things around here, yet they can't find the time to write us an email offering suggestions on how we can better serve you with a free website. So far I have received three emails that has something that qualifies as content, and it's not even from people who posted in this thread. Go figure.
  7. Klenke, you ever take into consideration that maybe the reasons have been deleted. DUH! Tell you what, instead why don't you read my post, send us an email, and I'll tell you why. Wow, my inbox is really filling up, I'm not even in turtle head country!
  8. I just got back from lunch, as much as I didn't want to do it I thought about all of this, because it got my mind off of work. Anyways a bunch of people here think that banning people suck, and I would whole hardedly agree, but in the spirit of being Seattle everyone does a good job complaining about something/everything but never offers a well described alternative or solution. In the 4 years we have run the board I don't think we have had more than a handful of suggestions, and most of them came from people who would eventually become moderators. So in an effort to be more proactive I'm going to invite everyone to send Tim and I an email to tell us what you like and don't like about the website, what your thoughts about banning and moderation are, as well as anything else your little hearts desire to talk about. Please provide possible solutions to things you see wrong. For now you can send them to (climb) @ cascadeclimbers DAT com (not sure why I do this, I don't thinks it's humanly possible to get more spam) and in the subject put "Suggestion Box", and after I read everything I will show selected bits and pieces to the moderators, try to respond to reoccuring things publically, and we might even respond to you privately. From now on complaints will be handled in this manner and not on the board, and while complaining in public is a lot of run, it accomplishes absolutely nothing. If I get more than 5 responses I will shit my pants and post the pictures for you to see.
  9. jon

    Project Censored 2005

    Where is the 5 plus Infinite Bliss theads?
  10. That'd be me. And me. I think I did at least once. Yes. Wow not me. At least twice. Fairweather, am I a liberal? Because I'm not even sure. LOL Whatever happened with that manifesto thing you posted btw?
  11. Scott, posting here isn't a right. I'm pretty sure everyone who has ever been banned has thought it is bullshit, so your not alone, and everyone seems to hone it in on one event that seems completely benign as the sole reason they got the boot. Hey, look on the bright side, you are still able to post!
  12. The fact of the matter is most of you people don't know how much goes into running this website, not from just Tim or I, but from the moderators as well. While I'm sure you all would like to think that the reason we have "secret" moderator forum is for us to talk about all you guys, the reality is that everyone in the moderator group would rather talk about things involved in running the website, like site improvements and such. Thing is, recently we have been spending too much time babysitting and discussing people, not because we want to but because we have to. If you are being talked about in the moderator forum it is of your own making. Every single person who has been banned on this website has been done so in a manner where more attention and consideration was taken into our actions than they ever did with their own. Most of you take the ignorant opinion that we are banning people because of their opinion on a subject, which is absolutely not true, we all have different views on bolting and everything in between, but what we all agree on is that this place isn't a platform for someone's cause and certainly a place where you can be an asshole to everyone. There are too many climbers out there for us to screw around constantly babysitting users that have had no positive impact on this website, even after 4 years of use. In the case of the 4 people who were just banned, every single one of the individuals expressed how much this site sucks, all are long time members and knew what and wasn't acceptable, and some of them has been saying how much this site sucks for the past four years. So guess what, we showed them the door. End of discussion.
  13. Confirm what? Look at the people who support the website, it is right on the front page. NCMG does, who btw, have been slammed on here for some ropes they put up on an approach that NOBODY here had been on. Did we erase those posts? Pro Ski does not, and to perfectly honest, after this probably never will. When we shut down the website because we can't afford to pay for it becuase nobody will advertise/sponsor because every single one of you fucks have slammed them here, I'll be sure to thank you all with a red eye and middle finger as I turn off the server. FO.
  14. They don't advertise on cc.com Dru, get real.
  15. Listen you fuckheads, this guy is trying to find a partner to go climbing, not sit in front of his computer to bicker about a route. I'm sure he is a nice guy, if you don't have anything to do you should give him a call. Otherwise STFU. I'm erasing all your drivel, don't like it, the you can get lost.
  16. For a Mac: Start Photoshop. Go to Image -> Adjustments -> Color Balance. For a PC: Start Photoshop -> DLL error -> Reboot -> Start Photoshop -> Open file -> File is corrupted, WTF? -> Close Photoshop -> Open Photoshop -> Are you files are belong to us! Down with United States! -> Blue Screen of Death! -> Swear like crazy. -> Grab monitor, throw it through the window! -> Take the case and bash it with an axe! -> Fuck you Michael and Bill! -> Shot of Tequila -> Have a smoke -> Fuck it have 5 smokes you just threw a monitor out your window and the landlord is going to be pissed -> Go down to U Village Apple Store and by a real computer.
  17. Rodeo it's been a long time brother. Hope you are keeping it real!
  18. Matt get the Nikon D2x, it will have everything you would ever need and it is super lightweight, a must for mountain speed climbing!
  19. jon

    Photo Gallery Upgrade

    I still need to fix the headers and footer for the page. I have a HUGE favor to ask of people. Somewhere along the line, and I'm not sure when, somehow our configuration got screwed up and people were able to upload files larger than we wanted. There are some files that are as large as 2 megs, which just isn't necessary. Could everyone that has absurdly large files please edit them to a smaller size. I'm trying to figure out how to do this in a batch job but I'm not sure how this is going to work out. Thanks!
  20. jon

    Free Advice

    I'm not going to get into a pissing match with you dude, I don't know what you are so pissed off about, I've been out of town for the last week and a half and am not privy to the soap opera here, but seriously, it's like 11pm and you are still up. Go put some music on and work on your bike or something.
  21. jon

    Free Advice

    So what's you point Matt?
  22. jon

    Free Advice

    Thanks for contributing, Pope!
  23. jon

    Free Advice

    It's not much of a discussion if the person you are talking to never listens. Have a good day!
  24. jon

    Free Advice

    Merv, maybe you should hold yourself to a higher standard first.
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