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Everything posted by jon

  1. Jay, got your support messages. Fixed your name. Made the TR system allow reports further back then 10 years ago. Thanks again for posting these gems!
  2. You need to copy the image locations and not the picasa URL. See what I did with your first picture. Edit: I corrected the peak spelling on the title to help with future TR searches
  3. Shit, how many people can say they learned to climb with The Fiend.
  4. I've been meaning to post an article about this, but we would prefer that people post images in our gallery versus linking them to Flikr or Facebook. It has nothing to do with property rights, it's just if FB or Flikr change their URLs, or any site for that matter, then it breaks the links and the images never shown up. The idea is to have these TRs available until the interwebs implode. Also, it's helpful if people properly name their images and add appropriate tags, that way they are easier to find when people are searching the gallery. If people have any feedback on uploading photos etc please post it in the suggestions thread in the cc.com news forum.
  5. Raindawg you don't read enough Krugman and Roubini. We are in a monetary jar of flies.
  6. jon


    Wow some of you are totally pathetic. I'm really sad for Michael Jackson, and his children. If 1% of the attention that was spent on making him a star was spent on helping him cope with becoming such a star, let alone dealing with not having a childhood, I think the outcome would have been so different. It's sad to know that deep down he was ashamed of who he was. People relished in the shadefreude of watching him self destruct.
  7. What is with you and the aluminum? I can think of a handful of things with a much greater cytotoxicity then aluminum that you ingest every day.
  8. jon

    Health care

    Is that the 5th Noble Truth?
  9. So I'm assuming everyone here is read up on their Treg and GammaDelta T cell literature for this argument?
  10. yes, but it was really good and i drank a lot and don't remember its name There is a MacCallan 12YO that you can only get at the duty free that is f'ing awesome.
  11. Go Republicans! Phamily Phucking Values!!!
  12. What do you think of last nights episode of Jon - Kate?
  13. jon

    New Forum

    Thanks for the lap dance, Bill.
  14. jon

    New Forum

    It's easy for us to create a forum, it's just a matter of whether it makes sense. I don't have a problem making mt. biking, hiking, photography, kayaking, wii, snaffle watching forums, it's easy to do. The pirate and sensitivo forums were just meant as a joke and we kind of just never took them down. As far as a Hood forum, that is something we are talking about, it's just a matter of moving all of the Hood content in that forum. Quite honestly though, the forum in a way is kind of irrelevant, it's how easy you can find the information and that is something we need to work on here. If people want to propose a list of forums for us to make we'll throw the idea around.
  15. jon

    New Forum

    You rule, I will forward you my mailing address via PM. In fact, add another $25 for the Sport climbing forum and well be square at $50. Thank you What just happened here?
  16. jon


    OHHAI THIS IZ FOR U KTHXBAI http://www.philstar.com/Article.aspx?articleId=475584&publicationSubCategoryId=63
  17. I doubt this dude is the guy who stole the stuff, and is probably just some idiot who bought it for cheap in the pawn shop thinking climbing gear is cool to own. People who steal stuff do it for usually one thing.. quick money, usually for drugs. I would contact the guy, tell him it's your stolen stuff and see what he says. Maybe he will negotiate it's return to you. If not then drop it. The police won't do a thing. Do you really want this stuff back not knowing what has been done with it the last 4 years?
  18. jon

    Reporting Bugs

    Haven't had a chance to look into the quote thing yet. The TR system has been fixed. From the start page you can go navigate between pages now. Also, the TR backdating issue has been resolved, you can now go back 10 years for TRs. If people see any weirdness with anything TR system related let me know.
  19. We are getting more then an email a day on how to post to this forum. Please follow these instructions. 1. You must register for the website first. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/newuser 2. After registering and getting your confirmation emails, you can now post. Use this link to post. Make sure you include dates and which area you are trying to buy/sell/trade permits for. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/newpost/Board/49
  20. I got a Nikon S550 at Costco this xmas and it has been great. The BIG plus about this camera, well two, I think are the most important for any compact in mind. First, laser quick startup. Second, no shutter lag ie. time from when you press the button to when the picture is actually taken. The metering has been good on it too. I've been able to take some pretty stunning pictures with it.
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