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Everything posted by jon

  1. http://www.komonews.com/news/local/63945287.html Condolences to TJ's family and friends.
  2. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/09/science/09fossil.html?ref=science
  3. Why don't the local shops do this?
  4. jon

    CC.com Turns 9

    Nine years ago today Timmy and I started cascadeclimbers.com. Porter came on several years ago and he and I continue to run it to this day. To a degree I'm not surprised that it has become as big as it has considering we filled a void, we really were at the forefront of online communities and social networking. 9 years is really light years in Internet years and it's incredible we are still around. I'm still amazed at the raw quality of some of the content that comes out in the form of Trip Reports. These years haven't been without controversies and missteps, but I'm proud of the hardwork the admins and moderators have done to keep this website thriving. I don't think it's very transparent at times just how much work goes into keeping it running but I hope people respect that by continuing to post great Trip Reports and other positive content. Looking Back I want to thank the moderators for all the work they have done since this site's inception. They really have a thankless job but it's essential to make sure our content stays the course with the vision we have for this website. I'd like to thank the individuals who have donated money, and more importantly time, to work on projects and events over the years. Most of all I'd like to thank those who have contributed positive content to this website, because we would have nothing without these people. Looking Forward We are working on some exciting projects, most significantly the wiki. I wish we could push this project along quicker but we are doing the best we can considering the resources at our disposal. We really want to implement the best solution that will work for us for the next 10 years and beyond. I want to assure people we are still very committed to this website and are in it for the longrun. There are a few things I ask of you as a user of this website moving forward. Consider your contributions to the website and what kind of impact you are having. Continue posting great Trip Reports. Respect the view of others no matter what the subject is. Some of you may view this as a place to screw off while at work, but I guarantee to you there are people here who this is much more and have a vested interest in seeing it succeed. We respect the views of our posters and you need to respect them as well. The quality of this website is largely determined by the quality of what is posted, and if you aren't helping making this a better place then you are disrespecting those of us who are. If you just browse cc.com and don't post I encourage you to help contribute to the great content that we have. If you have climbing partners that don't post here I challenge you to encourage them to start posting. I know that people out there who are not happy with some of BS or quality of content on here, and I challenge you to help make this a better place instead of turning your back against it. We hope moving forward that we can continue working on making this a great website and a center piece of climbing in the Pacific Northwest. Thanks again for everyones contributions! Cheers, Jon, Porter, and Timmy
  5. jon

    Attn Pope

  6. Colin, a guy I ski with is a machinist and could CNC parts out of aluminum and/or plastic if you wanted to make your own binding. He could make something like the Salewas, probably would just need to jack some parts from some old step-in crampons.
  7. I just emailed with Cathi and they are home safe after spending a night on the rock.
  8. This sounds up your alley..... http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/909643/Free_Training_from_Aspirant_Cl#Post909643
  9. Forget the pullups, this is what all the CrossFit people are doing now! Frieh recommends 4 sets of 15 minutes, with the 4th set one in each hand! [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4HFoYqCA6g
  10. jon

    Single Malt Scotch

    I hated scotch until I went to a Johnny Walker deal in Fremont a few years ago. They had this big presentation that was almost out of Zoolander (your going to kill the prime minister of Malaysia!) and started us off on Red and ended with Blue. I love scotch now! Next time you're heading up to BC stop in the duty free and pick up a bottle of The Macallan. They have a good 12 year called Elegancia for around $44 that is f'ing amazing, and have a lot of bottles that are exclusive to the duty free. The reason I like this scotch is because it is so smooth, with some spicy and citrus tones and a really nice finish.
  11. jon


    First Grand Tour Win today. Chaching!
  12. If anyone has a nice panoramic of Mt. Baker they are willing to sell "rights" for I need it for a clients site. Drop me a PM. Thanks.
  13. A 19" laptop? LOL! Argument for not switching. If you don't get a significant edu discount on Apple or Adobe software like CS4, as well as MS Office, the switch will be painfully expensive. I've worked on both platforms forever and I just find I'm more productive on a Mac, I use Spotlight, Expose, and Spaces constantly and I just am able to establish better workflows in OS X. Like Gary pointed out hotkeys being consistent between apps is huge. I know several MS people who run Vista at home on a Mac in bootcamp because it just runs faster on Mac hardware. I do believe the Apple hardware is built better, I have never had any significant problems with any hardware I've owned. I really think you get what you pay for. MS Office 2008 is actually pretty impressive and now native on Mac. OS X really has some killer apps that I'm not sure there are good windows alternatives, some of which I think are essential for web design/coding.... OmniFocus - productivity syncs with iPhone CSSEdit - similar to firebug, has saved my life on projects VirtualHostX - great for setting up local dev environments Coda - very cool single screen web coding app TextMate - THE editor for doing Rails development If you ever see yourself doing Rails or Django development then the native support in OS X is really crucial. Also, the way the trend is going you need to be able to test you website/apps in Safari natively, and with things going more mobile/iPhone you need to be able to setup test environments. If I were in your shoes right now I would try to find a new or slightly used previous revision pre miniDisplayPort Mac Book Pro 15 and get a nice 24" dell display from costco for $250. You can drop 4gigs of Ram for $55.
  14. Anyone interested in participating in some feedback and brainstorming in a private forum for the wiki drop me a PM.
  15. I'm assuming you meant progress. We're working on it. This is one of those things we really want to get right, so we are evaluating two very different solutions, one a modified existing solution and one homebrewed. We want the information extensible to other and future features and applications, like linking to the TR system. Hang in there we are VERY committed to this.
  16. jon

    More Downtime

    We are sorry for the downtime this morning. Our host had a large outage that unfortunately affected us.
  17. jon


    Wayne, I'm just giving a shoutout to a cc.comer.
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