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Everything posted by jon

  1. troll troll troll the thread gentle down the..............
  2. quote: Originally posted by thelawgoddess: the world would be a boring place without war. Why don't you walk your ass down to the armed services recruiting office and find out for yourself how much fun it is!!
  3. jon

    Exit 38 bandit

    Trask that is totally stupid. Yeah I'd love to kick their ass, and I would too, but where does that get me. They could charge me with assault, and if they are in some kind of organized crime which I believe this is, then they could come after me. Peter's advice is exactly what I told Lucky. If the local police don't listen go to their superior. If he blows you off go to the County Sherrif and the FBI. Then you go to the press and give the police some bad coverage. Not only will that put some heat on the police it will also raise awareness of what is happening. Plus you don't need the risk of getting shot.
  4. Thanks for your work over the years Andy, same to Darryl and Matt. Here are a few of my thoughts. I think the reason it may appear to many that the Access Fund hasn't done much in Washington is because to the casual onlooker the organization hasn't projected much of a presence besides a few high profile cases like Peshastin and Frenchman Coulee. Of course one person (Andy) and a couple other volunteers can't do this effectively. Additionally when people read in the climbing mags about Access Fund projects in other locations in the US it may give the impression that the AF isn't interested in this area because nobody is hearing about what has been done. In a conversation I had with vice president of the Access Fund they said the major needs at the moment were members and money. Problem is besides flyers at the climbing gym and inserts in the magazines there has been a very poor effert in the recruitment of new members, at least in Washington. This goes along with the organization projecting it's presence. Obviously it is unrealistic for a person like Andy to go around the states crags and such trying to recruit members, so this has to fall on someone elses shoulders, most likely the members of the AF in Washington. Without an organized member group how will this ever happen though? This is just some food for thought. While I totally agree with Andy's, Matt's, and Darryl's sentiments and my dialog may seem a bit negative, I'm trying to approach this from another perspective and identify the problems so that maybe as a group we can proactively come up with some solutions so that we may have a louder voice and accomplish more in the future. Jon
  5. God dammit I'm going to kill the driver of the short bus for dropping you two idiots off here.
  6. I think I'm going to start a magazine. Let's call it Gumbynist. Yeah I like that. It will only be class 4 or below, with articles about cougar attacks, horsecock, freshiez, hiking in your plastics up si, Teddy Ruxpin and snafflehounds. Big Lou will have his own guest fashion column featuring this years selection of sexy blue and red sweaters.
  7. jon


    If you want to get banned like upperdeck post racist crap or things offensive of children.
  8. jon

    Server Errors

    Ron- Yeah I screwed up but I can't go back and fix it. Fern- A woman who uses Solaris, will you marry me! I'm going to check out the chat hack, this might be the problem looking at the error logs. What I don't understand is why there are only a few people who have the problem persist throughout the day and even follow them home when for most of us hitting the refresh button solves the problem. I'm not really educated on this subject but I know that some companies and possibly some service providers have network caching appliances to lower their bandwidth outside their intranet, and the people who are suffering from these problems are on these types of networks. I haven't seen any evidence so far that indicates that this is a browser/OS issue.
  9. jon

    Server Errors

    Oh yeah one more thing If you have had persistant problems, lets say at least a couple hours of errors, but are no longer having any problems, please post what you did to fix the problem including what OS and browser you are using. Thanks, Jon
  10. Would everyone please do me a huge favor and participate in this poll. Over the last month or so we have recieved numerous emails from people complaining about "500 internal server error" messages. Some people have been unable to logon at home or work and thus been unable to spray . I don't believe the problem is on our end, but something to do with an caching issue either at your hosting providers, somewhere on the internet, or at possibly our webhosting. Anyways thats for taking the quick second to fill this out.
  11. Jesus christ is Dan Larson there look how much rope they have!
  12. Frosthed Lucky Freshiez, They're Magically Plabalicious!!!!! Hopen to break out the snorkle this year, let it fly!
  13. trask you may have 1953 more posts than me but your still a rookie beyotch you chicken fucker BUKBUKBUKBUGAAAACK!@!@!@@$
  14. http://www.alpinist.com They have a preview available online that is pretty cool, just hope you have a big enough screen to see the pdf.
  15. quote: Originally posted by Cletus: ladies night is tomorrow at the D. Hey every night is ladies night at Starz!!!
  16. quote: Originally posted by lizard brain: If you get impatient and push it now, you'll pay for it later. A couple of weeks now can mean months or years of greater discomfort or even an early retirement from climbing later. Exactly!!! A friend of mine harmlessly broke his finger but he didn't take care of it and after a surgery he is still stuck with this ugly mangled finger forever. This advice doesn't apply to broken bones but to any injury. The mountains are going anywhere, let your body heal!
  17. jon

    Look at ME!!!

    quote: Originally posted by chucK: quote:Originally posted by mtnrgr: Total time car to car: 4 hrs 35 min 32.67 sec. Nice time. You must have had a good parking spot. OK folks, the challenge has been made. This leads me to believe he was under the influence of performance enhancing horsecock.
  18. quote: Originally posted by erik: and then my golf game on sunday....... Well there's your problem.
  20. The guy has a pretty impressive resume and has been antivist in the climbing community. How is admiring him any different than any other famous and hard climbers? Is it because he's drilled a few bolts? The fact that he is taking time out of his life to come support an event at a place like FC says a lot.
  21. I have this feeling we won't be hearing from climbmachine any time soon.
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