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Everything posted by jon

  1. jon


    Yeah but I did fix your PM inbox so gargle butt gravy!
  2. quote: Originally posted by Lambone: So is this the same reason that My Profile is not working? Ban the Lurkers... Does yours not work at all? I'll login as you tomorrow and check it out and see if I can fix it.
  3. quote: Originally posted by j_b: banning lurkers does not seem like a good idea. I suspect it depends on your vision for this site but I'd guess that most go through a lurking stage. In other words the unability to lurk could lead to a lack of renewal. No but we could ban lurkers from certain things like searching the site which is a big resource drain. Registration is so easy and anonymous there is no reason to not register even if you don't post. quote: I am still confused about what brought these threads down.When the server gets overloaded processes can stall and/or die, one reason poeple get 500 error messages and such. In the case of threads, user info, and private messages being erased, it is because the process that is involved with that has either stalled or died at the point where it was appending the data.
  4. quote: Originally posted by jkrueger: Muffy got a job, so you should have roughly twice as much bandwidth available during business hours. Yeah I know what's up with that.
  5. send me your login information to climb at cascadeclimbers.com and i'll get you all fixed up and shizite
  6. quote: Originally posted by Dru: Did Canada build something that flies?
  7. So it has become apparent recently that our poor server is having trouble handling the amount of spray. We've had a few topics die because of it and error messages gallore. I'm going to try a few things to try to lower our server load but the reality is we have three options. 1. Ban Lurkers. Means that you have to register to read which isn't a big deal. 2. Get a better server. This is a pain and costs more money and....yeah no. 3. Switch to a different message board software which we are reluctant to do. Anyways if threads dissapear out of the blue don't throw a fit and start topics about how we are gutless and such, just accept it as a part of the technological wonder we call the internet. See a error message toss an email and we'll try to fix it. As Rod would say, Have a nice day!
  8. jon

    cutting threads....

    You called me gutless for moving a threat that apparently you had not read for hours and hours, so you have no clue what was said and why I removed it. But instead of taking the time to write us a quick message asking why it was gone you started this whiney little rant. What was you point, to insult us or to find out what happened with the thread? Maybe if you were a little more proactive then this whole debate wouldn't exist. So really, who was being unreasable? The fat kid thing was a simile eluding to the fact that you insult me and the other mods and then wondered why I came back with a scathing response. To be honest nothing irritates me more then when people compain after we delete threads that are deemed inappropriate, especially when the are ignorant on the reason why. Maybe I shouldn't have used profanity, but after working more hours this week then you have probably been awake and having server problems all day I'm really quite irratable and don't care at this point, I just want to go home and have a .
  9. Trask will give hummer to the first person who can tell me what these are pictures of. Here's a clue, it's an airplane.
  10. jon

    cutting threads....

    quote: Originally posted by MtnGoat: Due to PM, I've just been filled in by someone with a far better grasp of communication than "hey mother fucker". Thanks for the info, I stand corrected and I retract my statements above. Trask, cry me a river. If Jon wants to kick my ass off because he runs a board and replies to people like that, that's his buisness, but I'm not really sure it's yours. Hasn't stopped you before, but hey, I'd rather be pompous and civil, than be like you. Trask shut up please. I love people like you. You're like that stupid fat kid in high school who comes up to, stomps on your foot, and then wonders why the hell you are running after them to stuff them in a locker. Do you really expect me to send you a pleasant message explaining my reasoning after you have called me gutless on a forum that I run? Get a clue bro. If you had sent me a message before you had posted this thread I would have replied in a kind and sweet manner fully explaining the circumstances, but if you sent me a message now I would use words like %$^%^ and !#@$! and !!~!~# ^@%!@&^%. Now that you have been filled in by someone why I moved the thread, why don't you explain to the class why I moved it. Please, tell everyone why the thread was moved. How unreasonable am I meow???
  11. jon

    cutting threads....

    quote: Originally posted by MtnGoat: so what's up with that? start a section for spray, tolerate all manner of name calling and spewage in nearly every thread there is anyway... and get queasy over a gun thread? I come back to check up on who's reaming who on this entertaining issue... and find it's been yanked entirely. Gutless. If editorial control must be excercised, delete induhvidual posts causing the trouble. If the imaginary "right" to not be offended is being imnplemented here, fine, it is a private site and I understand that those who run it can do as they wish, fine. don't mean I can't ax questions... Yes, I'm a gutless little bitch who is so insecure and so afraid after this whole sniper thing that I just can't handle having a thread about the right to own a gun. Guns just give me the creeps. You know what mother fucker, if you have a problem send me a fucking email or PM and I'd be more then happy to explain to you why that stupid ass thread was moved, instead of trying to make ass out of the people who moderate and run the message board.
  12. Yes! http://album.cascadeclimbers.com ISN'T TECHNOLOGY GREAT!
  13. jon

    Insert Caption Here...

    quote: Originally posted by erik:
  14. jon

    Greenpeace Pussies

    quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: I just got an Abrams. It makes a bushwack into a joke. Planning on taking it up Marble Creek next summer I got shotgun!
  15. jon

    Greenpeace Pussies

    quote: Originally posted by danielpatricksmith: Yeah, those fuckin' tree huggers. How dare they want clear air to breathe and clean water to drink. What a bunch of pussies. Real men like Greg W like to drink polluted water and breathe noxious chemicals. Oh yeah, and guns are like 4 X 4 trucks; penis extenders.
  16. Just talked to Don, he's expecting us and has a good selection on tap right now. Beer specials. Let's not bring it weak!
  17. jon


    Problems fixed. GOD I'M FUCKING GOOD!!!
  18. jon


    Ray likes chili dogs.
  20. Ok folks there is a problem when you upload multiple photos, it creates the same thumbnail for all the photos. You can continue to upload multiple files or you can do them one at a time, I'll just go through and quickly fix the thumbnails. But not now I'm at work.
  21. Ok Schulty's on the Ave it is, I'll let Don know we are coming. The food there is the bomb. Beware of the UW parking nazis though. SHULTZY'S SAUSAGE Homemade sausage sandwiches made only with premium cuts of meat, seasoned with the finest of herbs and spices. We are "Seattle's Wurst Restaurant." Mon.-Fri. 11 am-11 pm, Sat.-Sun. 11 am-11 pm. 4141 Univ. Way NE. 548-9461.
  22. quote: Originally posted by mattp: Can they special order Terminal Gravity stout? Don't know about that but they usually have a unique selection of beer.
  23. Schultzy's on the Ave will give us beer specials if we ever want to go there one tuesday.
  24. jon

    An Apology

    quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: Who's ugly mutt is that. That little walking turd attacked me in my sleep in the middle of the night, I though I was cougar chow for sure.
  25. jon

    Rope Up!!!

    Created a folder in the gallery for Rope Up picts.
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