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Everything posted by jon

  1. Both you and Trask are just not that funny today. The owners name is Aaron Feuerstein. The company was founded Malden, Massachusetts.
  2. I saw an interesting story on TV last night about the company Malden Mills, the maker of Polartech, which has filed for bankruptcy protection. Seven years ago, during a time where other textile manufacturers where moving out of the country to cut costs, Malden Mills manufacturing plant in some podunk midwest town burnt to the ground. With 300 million in insurance money the owner could have easily have walked away with the money, or moved the plant out of the country. He decided to stay in the same town and build a state of the art facility. He unselfishly paid his workers until the new facility was ready. The owner (can't remember his name) said the biggest mistake he ever made was not patenting the polar fleece process which they invented. Now with intense competition from overseas and increasing costs the company may be in trouble. As a consumer please make the right decision and support companies in the United States that remain commited to it's workforce and the environment, even if it means paying a few more bucks.
  3. Your house could explode because you have a closet full of half empty (or is that half full) canisters.
  4. Just go back to the store later when a different person is working the counter. If you are still getting a hard time ask if you can talk to a manager. If that doesn't work tell them you will contact the manufacturer directly and reporting the incident to the Better Business Bureau. Don't be an ass because I'm sure the they see plenty of winey gapers complaining because their new Makalus hurt their feet, but you'd be surprised how my previous statement will get somebodies attention really quickly.
  5. jon

    Dru hits 5500

    quote: Originally posted by trask: I'd love to be a moderator You better get to work then!
  6. Thanks for answering my question ladies
  7. In general is there any need for 60m doubles? I'm assuming not.
  8. This is probably the stupidest and funniest shit I've heard while climbing, and we still joke about this to this day. I was on this trip with some friends in the Icicle a few years back. One of the guys wouldn't stop talking about the guy who taught him how to climb and lead on gear. After rapping to the base of the route my friend blurted out "yeah, the things that guy made me do gave me a hard on!" Didn't help that we always harassed him for acting gay even though he wasn't.
  9. Check out this good discussion from a while back http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=000254
  10. 25 cent Britney Spears stickers from the enterance at the grocery store.
  11. jon

    Pink partners

    quote: Originally posted by allison: Welcome to our little cesspool, Dr. Flash! It's not your cesspool.
  12. There is also a jump to new post thing at the top of the page. Couple cool new features worth having.
  13. Ok kiddos my network got fixed so I'm going to do the upgrade tonight. I'll be closing the board here in a few minutes. Shouldn't take long
  14. Consider it something like halftime. Gives you a chance to get up from the computer and do things like have a bite to eat, use the bathroom, say hi to your kids. I'm sure peeing in a bottle gets old after a while.
  15. Ok, it's not going to happen tonight so spray on. Having technical difficulties with my internet connection.
  16. Hey fellow Sprayer, Wankers, Horsecock lovers, Lurkers, and Alpine Brethren, I'm going to do another upgrade tonight on the message board. This is a must do for us adding a few cool features and fixing up some problems. I'll close the board down at about 10:45 and it should all be said and done with in about 15 minutes.
  17. jon

    best gu flavor

    Jesus do you people have lives? Don't really have a favorite GU flavor but I've tried a few Cliff shots and they seem to taste a bit better.
  18. quote: Originally posted by Lambone: yeah erik, down can fuck you...especialy in the summer. No shit? Do you have to get it drunk? Erik take notes.......
  19. rr666, cause if that were the case we wouldn't get our cut.
  20. Shouldn't the question be Who doesn't love horsecock?
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