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Everything posted by jon

  1. jon

    New Forum?

    quote: Originally posted by Lowell Skoog: My pet wish is a link like "today's posts" that gathers up more than one day. Maybe three days, a week, I don't know. I don't visit cc.com every day, and would find something like that nice for catching up. The latest topics on the front page is broken (but soon to be fixed) and could work for a couple days. We could make one for 100 days as well. We might switch to Ubb.threads message board which has the feature you are talking about but unfortunately doesn't have the summary of the last post from each thread.
  2. jon

    New Forum?

    Ok here is a summary of what I've heard from you guys and will likely add/change. People want a seperate forum for Rock and Alpine. So these are just general talk forums right? This one needs some consideration, as Iain pointed out less can be more and we don't want to make this confusing. Ice will be seperated into Washington, Canada, and Outside PNW forums. Ski forum would be questionable since there are other good ski sites out there, but I think it would be a good place not only to talk about conditions but maybe gear setups with the crowd you know. Rando vs. Tele debates could reside here. Outside North America forum. Tech Talk forum for talking techniques. There have been some very excellent conversations and it would require some help going back and moving topics there. Pub Club forum. Events forum that should be tied to a Calender. First Ascent forum got a nod from Jason. Lowell wants a Pioneering forum and gets it. Thanks for the feedback everyone.
  3. quote: Originally posted by Muffy The Wanker Sprayer: unfortunatly it is not one of those desk type internet acess jobs... when I actualy start working, I will be cut off my wanton cc.com days are numbered Now see fortunately for you and many other chronic sprayers 8 Equals D incorporated is revealing it's new product on Monday that just finished phase 4 testing and approved by the FDA, the "Sprayaderm HC" spray patch. It will be available in various doses, from 10, 20, 30 PPUPD (posts per user per day). The 50 PPUPD patch is still undergoing more testing but should be approved soon. Side effects are equilvalent to suger pill and include but not limited to headach, nausea, and sudden uncontrollable cravings for horsecock.
  4. And I'm sure you have a whole closet of it E-dog. Bring me a jar to Pub Club tonight and my friggen splitter cams, if there are anything left of them.
  5. She said golf is cooler then Pub Club!!!!!
  6. jon


    100 times better then Quality Control. I'm on the last track now.
  7. Makes chicks think I'm sensitive.
  8. jon

    New Forum?

    quote: Originally posted by Stefan: quote:Originally posted by jon: Hey I got a question for you guys and gals which I don't think we have ever talked about before.... Should we add more forums and/or change the organization for some of them? Is the Route Reporting Category broken up into enough forum or should we break it up more? Thanks for the feedback!!!! Hello????? Jon???? You asked this question. Guess what? I replied. Just becuase I ask, doesn't mean you have to do. Remember, you asked. Sorry to jump on you like that. I'm known to be intense at times. I think the problem about locking a TR is people may have quesions, though that could be asked in a different thread. Beta requests usually turn into a mini TR. My question was actually very basic in intention. What I want to know is if we should add more forums and what for. Adding forums takes seconds to do.
  9. jon


    It came out today. I bought it. IT IS WAS WORTH IT! They are playing the showbox in a couple of weeks.
  10. jon

    New Forum?

    quote: Originally posted by Stefan: Jon: See above for the idea about guidebook online. I don't have the time, and probably most of your users who have logged on don't have the time either. You are probably online so much, you just assume everybody else has the time. Truth is-we don't all have T1's or DSL's. Do you realize how much work that is to put something like that together? I do because it has been under the works for two years. If you don't have the time to post info and neither does anyone else who the hell going to occupy this online guidebook. You know between my 50+ hour a week job, going climbing and mountain biking once in a while, and training for the Ironman in June I don't have much time either. Oh I run a popular website too where I get about 10 emails a day about how people forgot their passwords or I need to moderate something. I don't have time either but I find it.
  11. jon


  12. Bone it's funny you hear people bitch about the spray but the truth is that this happens on every kind of message board and it usually way worse then here. I've read hilarious stories, even shit like knitting and gardening websites where the spray was so uncontrollable that they had to shut down the boards. mary "My tullips aren't doing to well." jane "Tullips suck, roses rock your dome!" mary "I'll crack your dome open with my shovel beyotch! " trask "I knew there a lot of hos around here!"
  13. jon

    New Forum?

    quote: Originally posted by Stefan: quote:Originally posted by Dru: Stefan - How many of your trip reports have been deleted Personally I totally disagree. If you want no-reply TRs then post on summitpose or nwta. If there wrre no replies to TRs there wouldnt have been Muir on Saturday or the current West Ridge of Prussik thread and Scot'teryx would never know he was gaining acceptance as he learns to climb more and chestbeat less. I know I said deleted. I guess I meant "lost" in the array of spray. If you want beta on some peak you have dig through all the spray and odd posts that pop it. Who has time for that? Well, maybe you Dru. Not me. I need something fast. Efficient. Without spray. That's what a lot of people want from the web. Stefan I agree with you it would be nice if you didn't have to dig through tons of crap in some of the TR but thats life. Yes unfortunately on occasion TRs get moved to spray, but very rarely. What sucks about your arguement is that you somehow don't have time to weed through something. Why are you in such a hurry? You don't have time? It's like hurry up and give me my fucking beta now! And send it to my self phone because I'm in the car on the way to get my frapachino.
  14. jon

    New Forum?

    The stuff on the front page needs to be fixed. Problem is everytime we have to reload the software we have to fix that which sucks. And we're lazy. The links page has been terribly neglected, I had a pretty good one going until we switched to a content management program and we never got the links page back up. I can understand the standpoint of less forums is better. From our standpoint the more forums we can have to get things out of the Climbers Board the better. Reason being is server space. If you look to see how many posts are in the Climbers Board there are a ton. If we have to purge posts at some point we could lose some good stuff. I think the point of posts being in wrong forums that Dru brought up is a good point, it will be up to the moderators to keep an eye on this and the users can always say something too. More moderators would help to not to act as cyber cop just to make sure things are in their place.
  15. jon

    Exit 38 bandit

    Hey I think I see Bigfoot in one of those pictures? What has been done with the license plate numbers? Chances are if the plates are valid and these guys are as stupid as they sound, they should have a criminal record which along with the pictures and witness accounts would be probable cause. Any luck with the Police? Time to go to the media?
  16. Hey I got a question for you guys and gals which I don't think we have ever talked about before. Do you like the way the forums are organized? Should we add more forums and/or change the organization for some of them? Is the Route Reporting Category broken up into enough forum or should we break it up more? How about Ice Climbing conditions, is one forum sufficient or should we break that up more, like a couple for different areas and maybe one for techniques and such? There have been some First Ascents reported, should we put those into their own forum? I know there are some ski sites out there, but should we add some forums for Ski Mountaineering type stuff? Lowell, Beck, AlpineK what do you guys think? I was thinking we should add a Tech Talk forum, there has definately been some good conversation here regarding rope use, what type of racks your carry etc., but unfortunately these will get lost in the Climbers Board forum over time. Thanks for the feedback!!!!
  17. jon

    Dwayner the Prophet

    Werd up Pope homeskillet. Here is my prayer Pope. My this workday end sooner So I can go to the gym and look at some boobies And then go home and have a beer Amen
  18. Try climbingboulder.com
  19. jon

    Dwayner the Prophet

    Do you have something you want to add Pope? Are you angry yet? Am I in your head? Don't let it ruin your day old pal it's just the internet, it's just spray, hey it's just climbing.
  20. Spare me the drama Pope. Actually I wanted to leave the thread up but somebody requested that I remove it... actually I think you know them Pope. Who you don't know is me, so don't tell me I was besides myself or it was out of character or any of that crap.
  21. jon


    quote: Originally posted by Dru: fact is most people who visit this site are climbers who are bored and want to divert themselves. either by finding out beta or by spraying or by watching others do that. Actually Drul we are adding a new feature that will allow webcams so you can watch other people spray if you don't have the courage to.
  22. quote: Originally posted by Greg W: Jon, with contests and all it sounds like this could be pretty organized. Are we going to put tape on our helmets with our screennames on them and wear them around the campsite? Actually with the names taped to their ass we can see whos barfing up milk. Milk Challenge!!!!! I'll buy a prize and get the milk, there will be an entry fee, and the proceeds will be used for something cool, maybe the Goran Kropp memorial???
  23. quote: Originally posted by erden: quote:Originally posted by salbrecher: This past summer a friend and I from highschool, inspired by GÖRANS bike, biked to Golden ears from my home in White Rock hiked it and biked home. Now it was only about 100km bike each way but we kept saying how we were going to be GÖRAN KROPP . Even since last year I have been planning to do a bike trip to Logan "KROPP STYLE"! I think i'll call our Mckinley team "KROPP on top". GÖRANS the man I agree it was a "KROPP STYLE" trip! Hats off to you for doing it... Now you have to "Göran Size" that, and go on a longer trip. Come here and we will go from Seattle on the Cascade Loop with our bikes, carrying all of our climbing gear with us. We will do the Liberty Bell and other climbs at the Washington Pass, then continue on around back to Seattle. Maybe a group of the cc.commers can join us and we can have a party all the way Whatchasay? Erden. Sounds painful.... I'm in!
  24. jon


    Jens, Bone, Bill, Effortlessly Cool One, Alex, Off, JayB, Sneaky Fingers, AlpineKronic, E-dog et. al, Thank you for your thoughful remarks, I truely appreciate your guys insight, the time and thought that you obvioulsy put into your posts, and with some of you on occasion the fine conversations and . I'd feel like a broken record if I repeated what I've said before so I won't.
  25. jon


    Jens, Bone, Bill, Effortlessly Cool One, Alex, Off, JayB, Sneaky Fingers, AlpineKronic, E-dog et. al, Thank you for your thoughful remarks, I truely appreciate your guys insight, the time and thought that you obvioulsy put into your posts, and with some of you on occasion the fine conversations and . I'd feel like a broken record if I repeated what I've said before so I won't.
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