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Everything posted by jon

  1. Drul after 6000 posts you think you'd have it down by now.
  2. There was flash flooding down here in Bend, streets were closed, the WT were entertained driving through deep puddles... and we had Smith all to ourselves today.
  3. www.photographyreview.com www.dpreview.com www.cnet.com
  4. Hey Stebbi good thing this wasn't a horsecock!
  5. I've got nothing wrong with FF I'm just stating something that I was told. I was in Marmot talking to one of the guys whos been there for a while, about their new lightweight bags which are 800 fill. He told me that 800 was the minimum and it wasn't unlikely for people to get 900 fill and they had got this really good batch that was 1000 fill that a few lucky SOBs would get. I don't know crap about down so I don't know if this is even possible.
  6. bought a Park Pass T-shirt at REI????
  7. I really doubt they have motion sensors up there. I'd imagine that such a thing is fairly expensive, and though I might be a little ignorant on the subject the fine for not having a permit is nothing compared to those given to poachers. If I'm correct poachers face steep fines and even jail time so it is worth it for the land managers to set up sensors and use remote control animals to catch these guys. It's all about return of investment for these guys. I'm pretty sure it is meow easier for them to count cars around the trailhead and catch you there. Plus that way they get to check to see if you don't have your Forest Pass. The truth is out there!
  8. Is your job really that boring?
  9. quote: Martha's New Recipes by trask (post # 1) Not really climbing related.......... Imagine that!
  10. Ok meow I tried to be nice about this. Get rid of the dildo autosig or stop posting.
  11. Try Pedialyte (expensive at $5 bottle) or pickle juice. The later, while sounding silly, has worked miracles for althletes prone to cramping. Both are super loaded with electrolytes, much more than Gatorade. Some endurance athletes also take special salt tablets which help when it is really hot out and you are sweating profusely. I think you can get these at GNC or SpeedyReedy in Freemont.
  13. Will give custom titles for !
  14. At a pube club a few months ago hikerwa and I were talking about getting a team together to do some of these relay events. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if we could get a somewhat competitive team together. We could call it Team Horsecock and it would be plab
  15. If you got any beta hook a brutha up and post it otherwise STFU.
  16. Yeah that's it. Redmond, Bellevue, Microsoft, what's the difference
  17. I don't know who locked the first post but upon discovering that I decided to lock the second one. Here's how I see it. Whomever at that store is posting the slide show announcements is doing us all a huge favor and I'm for one really greatful, I mean shit Greg Child for free, I can't wait to see it. What do they get for putting on a free show in return? Not much is my guess. People on this site bash on every corporate company that makes climbing gear. I'm not saying some of it isn't deserved but I'd be a little reticent to post a show my shop was putting on like this knowing that my announcement was going to turn into a sprayfest. The guys in that store aren't getting rich working for TNF, they do it cause they get to work in a climbing shop and get some of the fringe benefits of doing so. Meanwhile we bash on them while we are at work not doing our jobs. Hypocritical? Maybe. Would you be pissed if people here started bashing on your company? How about the 8% of our site traffic from Microsoft, or the 5% from Boeing? I'm sure you wouldn't be pleased if your company of trade started getting ripped apart. It would be nice if more would post these announcements like Marmot in Bellevue and other shops or organizations. For that matter even more people in the industry responding to questions. I'm a little surprised that Jules still posts considering how much REI gets bashed on here. All that and she is still willing to help some random person who is having a warrantee problem with their tent. It's the internet, it's impersonal, and there are bound to be people who will say stupid shit because they feel safe with their anonymity behind their keyboard and monitor. But what the fuck do I know......
  18. Performace Bike shop in Bellevue. 24 pack for $16. They also have other supplements like Cytomax on sale.
  19. I've got some DMMs and like them, and plan on buying a few more. They do tend to walk but what do you expect from something so light. Cam stops and dual length slings are cool features. And they are light as fawk! I think on Jim Nelson's site he explains that 7 Camalots weight the same as 10 DMMs, and while BDs have a wider range you can carry more cams with the DMMs covering your range better.
  20. The garmet will breath whether there is DWR or not, but in both cases won't breath when wet. It will breath less if it is dirty. I've found you definately want to wash the garmet at least every year. If you ski or climb a lot with it you might even want to wash it every month. I've got a 8 year old Marmot Alpinist Jacket and a 5 year old cheapo imitation I got from Pro Mountain Sports and they still work great. I wash them periodically, treat them with Revivex, and iron the Marmot to melt any tiny fibers that are sticking up, especially around stitching. The breathability of any fabric whether it is Goretex or a knockoff is based on two factors, water vapor transport and the ability of the outer fabric to resist soaking up water. If the the outer fabric gets soaked the garmet is useless. The outer fabrics ability to resist soaking up water is based on the surface tension of water. Now the science lesson. Notice if you take a small bit of water and put it on a smooth surface like glass it will form a bead instead of just becoming really flat like intuition would tell you. This is strange physical property of water called surface tension. Water wants to minimize it's outer surface area because it is more energeticaly favorable, so by forming a bead it has a lower outer surface area than if it were really flat. So on a garmet that is clean and properly treated the water will bead up and fall right off which is great. Unfortunately (at least for clothes) waters surface tension can be alter by things called surfactants, things like dirt, salts, body oils, chemicals, and loose fibers on the surface of the jacket. These things will keep the water from beading up and falling off, eventually allowing the water to soak into the jacket, and at that point you might as well be wearing garbage bag. By washing the garmet you are removing the things that lower the surface tension of water. Make sure when you wash you don't use detergent becuase it drastically lowers the surface tension of water, use one of those Nikwax deals or just use plain old hot water. You also want to iron on low heat areas that are worn to melt away any micro fibers that are sticking up. Basically the smoother and cleaner the outer surface is, the better water will bead up and the better it will perform when it gets nasty outside.
  21. If there is one reason to join in my mind is the rescue insurance. If happen to be picked up by a medivac helicopter billed $5000 out of your own pocket for the ride. Most insurace companies don't cover that.
  22. There is an blerb on CNN and there is a press release on mountainlight.com.
  23. Iaiaiaiaian, that photo is a fake! Everyone knows that the Squirell with big nutz doesn't go boarding without his helmet and a cup on.
  24. I've used Revivex and had incredible sucess with it. Pro Mountain Sports sells it.
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