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Everything posted by jon

  1. We just be dicken around with the new feature. Obviously we are up for suggestions for different or more names.
  2. jon


    Erik say that shit to my face if you can ever get that dick out of your mouth! KILL ERIK DIE DIE DIE Yeah you can have an email what do you want it to be? I suppose we should move this to spray, my bad!
  3. jon


    quote: I suspect if anyone spelled it out, the shifty gods that run this place would change the rules again. Hey what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
  4. jon


    Fine I'll say it. I think it's bogus you guys organized a "secret" pub club in Seattle behind the Tacoma guys backs. I think it's bullshit that you then posted the list of who went after the fact as if you are trying to prove something. They have driven up here for every Seattle one that I've been to. If you don't want to drive down there when it's their turn that's fine, but at least show them a little courtesy and raise the issue about maybe revising the rotation instead of starting your own little pub club and then taking a shit and shoving it in their face.
  5. Glad you guys are alright bro! I'm sure the SAR people were relieved when their pagers went off that they were actually going into the mountains and not looking for some runaway alzheimers patient.
  6. There are lots of people taking up climbing and going into the mountains in general. I'm actually surprised there aren't more accidents, I've seen some seriously ill prepared people out at the crags and such over the past couple years. There are probably some we don't even hear about. Be smart, be safe.
  7. BATTLE CAGE!!!! Edog email me back hooker!
  8. jon

    Where's Harmon?

    Maybe he got a job.
  9. jon

    Lance Armstrong

    quote: For my money, being the greatest athlete in the world involves strength, speed, agility, hand-eye coordination, mental toughness and the ability to make your body do things that defy description. I thought coming back from near death to win the toughest race in the world defied description. Maybe this dudes parents never bought him a bicycle and had to ride his bigwheel to junior high. Boxers and Pro football players aren't athletes, they're entertainers.
  10. Regardless of whether there is a forum for this or not people will talk about accidents. After being witness to a near fatality accident, and being friends with the person involved, I would be pretty pissed if people that didn't see everything that happened or weren't even there started pointing figures, second guessing, or flaming us about anything that went on before or after the accident. In my friends case we will probably never know the exact cause and can only speculate, and unfortunately had to learn a few lessons the hard way. That said I would rather let my thick skin take a little abuse if it meant preventing another accident and saving somebody else from having to go through what my friend, his family and friends, had to go through.
  11. jon

    Lance Armstrong

    I started following Lance when he was 16(?) when he won the junior national championship. I remember watching the mountain stage in the rain when he pulled over and dropped out of the tour right before he was diagnosed. You would be hard pressed to find someone who has experienced both extremes of life ,sickness and health, like he has. He is the measuring stick all other athletes are compared to in my mind. His life inspires me every day.
  12. That is what I'm fixing right now. Every time we upgrade the message board software we have to reinstall the "hacks" like the latest topics and such. It's a royal pain in the
  13. You know you got problems when you start getting spam in Chinese.
  14. So I was riding home from work on the bus the other night, and well traffic sucked so I whipped out my TiBook to catch up on my email, and came to the grim realization that there were email messages from you folks going months back with questions or login problems. I'm sorry if we didn't get back to you guys, if anyone has login problems or whatever email us again and we'll get you straightened out. Unfortunately we just get inundated with spam mail and the klez virus crap so it's not unusaul to get like 30+ emails a day. Enough with the excuses. Jon
  15. Hey folks, I'm going to adding some features to the message board tonight starting in a few minutes. If Murphy's law isn't correct then everything should be transparent to you, but in case you see an occasional error message it's my fault and you can give me my lashes at the next pub club I show up at. Have a and a for me! Jon
  16. jon


    Ken must be a relative of Larry the Tool.
  17. sweet edog another thing I have to fix
  18. Put some bikinis on these guys and throw them in the mud pit cause you sound like a bunch of bitches. What sport are you two doing anyways, last time I checked climbing was fun.
  19. This story is too funny not to share. So I took some friends up to Ingalls lake the other day for a hike. I "accidently" forgot to get a forest pass and my buddy was driving. When we reached that Y in the road were they have the pay box we stopped, contemplated the whole thing, and my buddy not having any cash on him put $1 in the box (instead of the $5 for the day pass) and we were on our way laughing our asses off. On our way back to the parking lot we noticed a FS truck and first thoughts are shit we got a ticket. I hesitantly approach our car with an FS dude standing near it, I say hi to him, and start looking to see if we got a ticket. No ticket thank god, but the guy is kinda eyeing us and i'm like this better not be Larry the Tools brother/son. While taking my boots off I notice two FS guys doing something in the creek. I eventually go over to pump some water into my nalgene. As I'm getting my water I'm watching these guys and can't figure out what the hell they are doing, are they counting fish, making wading pools for fish, clearing out debrit? They look over eventually and I say hi, then ask what they are doing. "We're building a dam" one of the guys says. I'm a little confused by it and ask "Why are you doing that?" The dude gives me kind of a strange look and retorts "Just for the hell of it". Guys get up, walk over to the FS truck to their supervisor, get in and drive off. I guess that's better than them giving us a ticket.
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