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Everything posted by jon

  1. Hey Court, Is there a difference between doing lunges with barbels to your side versus having a weighted bar on your shoulders? I've done both and and the later seems harder. Also I'm wondering about the two different common leg curl machines, the sitting versus the laying on your stomach ones. It seems with the sitting ones that you aren't getting a full range of motion.
  2. quote: Originally posted by Jonathan: Don't push big gears if you can possibly avoid it, tends to lead to knee injuries and it's inefficient to boot. I'm not sure this is true from the reading I've done from Chris Carmichael and Joe Friel but I could be wrong. If you haven't been doing much riding you do want to get some miles on your legs before you start doing low cadence and power sprint rides. I've found that low cadence rides have helped with not only with my in the saddle climbing strength but also in making my pedal stroke more uniform in power transfer.
  3. Insulating the water bottle is key and there have been some good suggestions. You want to keep the bottle as insulated as possible even if the bottle is still near freezing. It requires an incredible amount energy to be lost or gained for water to change phases versus just a simple temperature change. Basically if it is pretty cold out your water will get to 32 F but will still be in the liquid phase. So by insulating the bottle you are slowing the energy loss required to make you water an ice cube. On that same note it doesn't make sense to try adding hot water to a cold bottle to keep it from freezing because that energy will be lost quickly.
  4. Do plyometrics exercises built strength in the knees? I would think for hiking something that was high repetition would be better then something low rep. Thanks Court!
  5. GO LANCE!! Cycling has really helped my bad knees. To really strengthen you knees do low cadence rides.
  6. jon

    Hey Moderators!

    Check out the super secret moderators forum when you got a chance.
  7. jon

    Need PERL zen master

    Are there any proficient PERL programmers out there? I have a small but cool project that I need help with to randomly take a picture from the photo gallery and place it on the front of the site.
  8. Not sure when I'm heading over hopefully friday afternoon. Do they have internet access there because I really have to stay near the computer to moderate the website. Wait a minute all the sprayers will be there .
  9. quote: Originally posted by Alex: ftp is being a dog and crashed during the transfer. Should be up in a min or two. Alex Must be a problems Windows problem. You can always post them to our photo album. http://album.cascadeclimbers.com Or you could do it before I finish this post.
  10. Well fuckena maybe we should start our own magazine?
  11. You're trying to test me aren't you phucker. All I know is that it wasn't Exit 38.
  12. Chuck email them the link so they can watch us flame them! Climbing sucks!!!
  13. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: Please make sure you upload to the correct directory and not to the base of the photo album!! I haven't figure out how to fix this yet. Whoops maybe you might give the option to delete in case somebody else screws it up. You did that on purpose didn't you What do people think of the categories? Did I leave out anything? One other thing if you haven't noticed in the upload section is that the limit is 150 kb for a single file. We'd appreciate it if you kept you files as small as possible so it doesn't suck up disk space on our server. I know there are some of you with digital cameras and scanners who don't know how to make your files smaller so I'll post some instructions on how to do this soon.
  14. Hello Gapers and Gaperettes, Spent a couple hours tonight working on installing the new photo album software and it appears to be working. My last attempt months ago didn't go so well but I think I got it nailed this time. The album can be found here: http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/cgi-bin/album/album.pl The album authenticates using your message board login and password when uploading photos. You can upload multiple images at the same time and give them a title and description. I've created a bunch of different categories based on user feedback. In time I may create a seperate album instance for users to upload to a home directory. Please make sure you upload to the correct directory and not to the base of the photo album!! I haven't figure out how to fix this yet. Also since I just got this working there might be some problems, so if you come across a bug post it here so I can look into it. Under no circumstances shall the photo gallery be abused!! That means no offensive picts. Knock youselves out! [ 10-14-2002, 12:26 AM: Message edited by: jon ]
  15. quote: Originally posted by Fence Sitter: hell yeah eric8 american football is for girls... i am just biter that i am gonna be out...but i am still gonna play in our tournament on thursday whether the trainer likes it or not hehehe take that theresa! So if you can play why can't you go to rope up?
  16. The latest topics on the front page is fixed now.
  17. jon

    New Forum?

    quote: Originally posted by Greg W: How about the "Everyone trying to beat everyone else over the head with their politics, when really harmonious libertarianism will rule the day" Forum. Jon, I know it's a bit long but it's kind of catchy after you say it a few times. Greg W Greg how about we name it the "Short Bus" forum instead, because arguing about politics is about the most retarding thing on earth, especially on a climbing site.
  18. quote: Originally posted by mattp: Who is doing the planning for this thing? Will there be Nick Space impersonators? How about strong-arm mud wrestling? Insult response preparedness and sensitivity training? A smiley-faced hug festival? Cheastbeating contest? Snafflehound racing? How about a rope-up cam, for those who can't make it? I'm telling you Milk Challenge!!!! It will be funny shit. People barfing milk out their nose. There will be a prize for the winner, if there is a winner. Haven't figured out how much the entry fee is yet.
  19. jon

    I Hate You All

    I'll be there on Sunday. I'll keep my eyes open for the short bus with Canadian plates.
  20. jon


    quote: Originally posted by erik: seeing all the stupis flaming that most threrads seem to end heading is getting really really really annoying.. i am going to start editing and erasing pointless hate. thanks! erik we will just start cancelling user accounts and banning IP address.
  21. jon

    New Forum?

    Apparently we need a politics forum.
  22. jon


    What the hell was that crap and why was it on the internet? GaperT's shit eating dog boulders better then that.
  23. Cascade Crags is offering a special deal for all cc.com people attending the Ice Festival. For those of you who are attending the Ice Festival, you will receive 10% off any Ice Gear; Tools, Crampons, Boots, Screws, and any other ice related stuff if purchased that day. Free freight on any special orders if they want to buy gear you tried out but they don't stock.
  24. quote: Originally posted by erik: quote:Originally posted by thelawgoddess: how hard do you want to climb? i might be free monday - depends if i go anywhere this weekend. i just have to ask what difference does it make on how hard he wants to climb??? that questions makes little sense??? i mean i could see if you were in the ruth gorge or looking at el cap.....but sport climbing??? there is no commitment, therefore difficulty matters little... question his belay ability or his criminal background..... Yeah! Gapers have feeling too!
  25. I guess I'm lucky and have insurace through my work, and honestly would never go without it no matter how poor I was. I broke my arm about 5 years ago, compound. After surgery and a weeklong hospital stay and rehad the bill was around $30k, and I paid a couple hundred. Plus I got 2 3.5 inch steel plates, 14 screws, and some killers scars as a parting gift. AAC insurance is good especially since it covers your chopper ride that some insurance companies don't. I think at the very least one should have some cheap insurance mentioned above, something with a high deductible, basically to cover your ass for catastrophic accidents.
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