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Everything posted by jon

  1. A Trek 5500 for Dave Schuldt, oh wait, that's what I got myself for Christmas, sorry Dave.
  2. I guess I get coal yet again.
  3. I found Baby Rocco a lot funnier then most of the garbage that is posted here about politics and what not.
  4. http://www.cytosport.com/products/cytomax.html
  5. jon

    Support cc.com

    Hey I've been pretty busy as of recent, but I just wanted to thank those of you have donated, that is really cool of you, Tim said there are about ten of you. We were able to use that money for the message board upgrade, the new photo gallery (which we are still trying to get working correctly), and will cover the next few months of hosting.
  6. Dear Santa, All I want for this year is a Apple 23" Cinema Display with adaptor for my TiBook. A 58" Trek 5700. K2 AK Enemy's with freerides. Grivel Alp Wings so I can be cool like Twight. 10gb iPod so I have an excuse to ignore people at work.
  7. jon


    THAT'S RIGHT SUCKAS IT'S FRESHIEZ HAIKU TIME!!! Looking at pass cams All day I dream of freshiez That and Britney Spears ------------------------- Here come the freshiez Time to mount new Beta Rides Break out the snorkle ------------------------- Caveman on two sticks. Snowboarders eat butt gravey. Time to hit the pub.
  8. Eat 6 tablespoons of peanut butter in the morning and the evening. If you are working out you will put on 2 pounds of muscle a week, but if you aren't you'll just get fat. <cartmenvoice>Orrrr you can eat lots of cheesy puffs like me and beefcake beefcake</cartmenvoice>
  9. jon

    Personality Matters

    Duuuuuude nice try, I'm on my POS Micron work computer, my Macfoo will crush your Dellfoo any day.
  10. jon

    Personality Matters

    So I am INTJ, what the hell does that mean? What is this crap anyways, part of same conspiracy by my computer to make my life miserable?
  11. Actually that is not true. Before you needed third party software for that but now it is standard in OS X. It works quite well. I can access all documents on a Win2k Active Directory Domain just like a PC could, ironically with less configuration then setting up an XP box. That is a small problem, with one solution being using FileMaker Pro across your network or running it on the Macs with ODBC. I actually have to hand it to M$ for delivering a better Office suite to the Mac then the PC.
  12. Loren, my friend, get some help. I think the iBook would be a good choice. I've got a G4 Tibook as well and they are a little expensive but well worth it.. Granted I could probably do almost everything I do on it as I would a PC, but here's the catch. I've been working in a heterogenous network environment for about 4 years now with Win9x, WinNT, Win2k, Solaris, Red Hat, MacOS9, and MacOSX, all networked with webservers running and expensive instruments connected sharing data. I'm not a network or computer administrator, I'm a scientist, which means I want to spend the least amount of time as possible fucking around conflicting IRQ and missing DLLs and the most time doing my work. This is even more so at home, I want to be able to connect to the internet, upload pictures or video, not spending an hour trying to find some stupid driver from a company that no longer exists or stopped supporting a product they just released. PCs have their place, you can build one really cheaply if you know what you doing, they are generally better for gaming and certain, specific business tasks. Unfortunately there is this common misconception that you cannot exists in the business world with a Mac. It is simply not true (sorry Loren). In fact the networking on a Mac is so good now you can network it quicker and easier to a windows machine then trying to get two windows machines to talk to each other. I can take my Mac, plug it into a network anywhere without having to touch a thing, and have automatic access to the network and the internet. I go to a friends house, I pull their plug for their DSL and put it into my Tibook and just open the browser, it is that easy. The speed issue is another misconception. People make a big fuss over Mhz. Seriously do you really need a 2Ghz processor to surf most internet sites or use Word? Unless you type 4000 works a minute a 200 mhz works just as well. I am going to hell just for how many times I've sworn well trying to get our windows machines working at my work. If it weren't for my work I would never touch a windows machine again. I've had my Tibook for a year and have not crashed it once (and I'm good at crashing computers), in fact now that I think about it, I think I have only rebooted and shutdown a total of like ten times. That's would be an impressive number for a server let alone a laptop.
  13. Hey check it out everyone. The photo gallery isn't working properly at the moment, and that is why you don't like it. The old gallery isn't compatible with the new bulletin board and it was a resource hog so we phasing it out. The problem with the new gallery is that the thumbnails aren't being made at the moment, that is why you have to scroll sideways to see things. The gallery should look something like this http://gallery.boatdesign.net/ where you see all the thumbnails and then you click on the picture. We'll get it fixed soon and then you can stop your bitching.
  14. Drul, unfortunately the old one won't work with the new software otherwise we would have kept using it. The new one IMO is much nicer, hence us having to shell out the cash for it. We just need some time to figure it out and get the kinks out.
  15. Apple education is selling iBooks for $899. Apple has a loan offer, but the interest rates aren't as good as you could do with a credit card.
  16. True Story. I had three GU packs not sure if they would hand any out during the race. At mile four that had tons of people handing PowerGel out for about 100 yards. I couldn't help myself, I just kept grapping them and stuffing them in my vest pocket. Oh Oh I didn't get that flavor yet! Double the Caffeine! Before I knew it my pockets were full with about 10 pounds of PowerGel that I had to lug to the line with my already fat ass.
  17. jon

    male child birthing

    On a similar note a guy who goes by the name of "Trask" had his girlfriend get a vaginal transplant, with the donor being a chicken.
  20. jon

    Hire a sysadmin

    Sweet Gaper now everyone is going to start a climbing website!
  21. jon

    Did I miss something?

    Maybe he went on vacation?
  22. Matt stop beating around the bush, we all know you're going to get a Subaru Outback so you can finally fit in the crowd at REI. It's a great family vehicle. Question is, how much say do you have in the matter, and much say does she have?
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