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Everything posted by jon

  1. Dru at one point you had more stars then me. I'm an asshole that's why Gaper T has more stars.
  2. I don't really care to get in this arguement, but I will say this. There are people here who I consider friends. Sometimes they post stuff that is really insulting and/or doesn't belong here. It puts me in a tough spot. I know there are others that are in the same shoes. Problem is that you have no idea who erased your stuff, you can make assumptions from the who's online but you really don't know, and just because one person did doesn't mean someone else wouldn't do the same thing. You also don't know about other people's posts being erased unless you see it done or they tell you. Basically don't get too bent out of shape. End of facts.
  3. I'll help you out here. Go to the garage, grab your Skil saw and a power drill. Take the bindings off. Place the board on two saw horses lengthwise. Now using the Skil saw cut the board length wise. Now take the bindings and mount one on each length of the board, close to center. No more problems.
  4. Finally got this POS Photo Gallery working, thumbnails and all. Ch ch ch checkit! http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/index.php
  5. jon


    Our webhost decided to move our account which screwed things up.
  6. Is it possible to make drinking this fucking difficult? Sometimes good bars suck. Sometimes bad bars are cool. Sometimes things just suck and you have to make the best of it. I've been to the Blue Star before it was lame, so don't go back. Search out new places, talk to an employee beforehand and see if they can accomedate you.
  7. You should check out cascadeswimmers.com for more swimming information. Seriously though when you get the whole balance thing down, you will have to kick very little. Less kick equals less work. Swimming fast and far is all about being as efficient as possible. Concentrate on your technique right now until your muscles adapt to swimming lots of laps. Here are my tips for new swimmers. 1. Check out "Fishlike Freestyle" from the library. Watch it and do the drills. It will make you much better. If you have to get some lessons. 2. Ditch the big bathing suite, way too much drag and makes swimming hard. Buy a speedo and a drag suite to go over it if you aren't confortable walking around in your underware. 3. Do intervals! Build up as time goes on, more reps, more sets, harder effort. 4. After a month start going for longer continous swims, find a stroke that is a good rest for you (I like resting with breast stroke), and just keep swimming until you are really fucking tired. 5. Be patient. It takes a while for your upper body adapt, getting confortable breathing and getting water up your nose. I was never a competative swimmer, in fact a year ago I had to take some lesson because I just bashed the water and didn't go anywhere. I originally started swimming to rehab my back but I found out the benefits of swimming. Increased cardio capacity, increased endurance in my arms and shoulders. IMHO I think for rock or ice climbers it might be more advantageous then lifting weights.
  8. Viagra and horsecock can work miracles. Happy Birthday Fred!
  9. Ditch the kickboard, it's pointless, if you want to work your legs do your kicking during balancing drills. Go to the library and check out a video called "Fishlike Freestyle". Do those drills for at least half your work out until you get your balance down, at which point you will no longer need to kick.
  10. Saturday morning was pretty damned nice, from Bellevue head out to Kenmore down do Woodville to Snohomish, did some hills in Woodville Duvall area and then headed home. Nice low traffic areas in Duvall with some sustaining hills. Dan I'm sure I'll run into one of these mornings.
  11. Yeah I try to stay away from those. Talk to Erik.
  12. I was joking that shit is nasty.
  13. I had 5 stars. Then 4. Now 3. Fuck You Mang!
  14. jon

    Hey Drul!

    Your girl Rachael is on the cover of one of them climbing mags.
  15. jon


    rocks your dome beyotch!!!!!! Iain can a get a holla!!
  16. When your stacking your weight workout after cardio there are a few things you need to consider. First is what is the point? Are you trying to build up your muscle/strength endurance or your maximum strength. If it's the later you definately don't want to do it when your body is already wasted. One thing I do when I'm doing stack or brick workouts is alternate which muscles I'm targeting, for instance if I do a hard swim when I lift I'd go hard on the legs and maybe do some light weights on the upper body. After a long bike I would just lift upper body. Probably the most important thing in working out is recovering. Everybodies bodies recover differently, some recover faster in general or just in strength or endurance, it's part genetics and part fitness. Plan your recovery like you plan your workout and take into consideration what you know about your body and how it recovers. Plan recovery into your schedule with more importance then the workout itself, like can I do this workout today after work and be able to recover from it with a long day of work tomorrow and other commitments. Don't deprive your body of food, start feeding it literally seconds after your workout, otherwise all the sweat and pain doesn't get you anywhere. Stacks are convenient when you don't have a ton of time, but I must admit that my favorite right now is doing a endurance cardio, followed by a meal and three hours rest, then strength cardio and lifting.
  17. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/134604785_rainierguides29m.html Small article on the front page of the Times today about the concessions proposal for guiding. Wow 12 instead of 16, thanks a lot!
  18. I would second the heart rate monitor. If you are going running or whatever 3+ days a week and are pretty serious about exercise it is a good investment. You can get a decent Polar for $100 and it is compatible with most gym equipment. Go get a book about HR training and periodization training schemes. You can take a few fitness tests, mainly what you max heart rate is and where you lactic threshold is. LT is where lactic acid is neither accumulating or declining, so it's kind of your endurance breaking point, most people don't survive very long above their LT. Once you learn how to use it a HR monitor will tell you how you are improving and more importantly when you need a rest. Some people think HR monitors are some stupid techy item and that they aren't important, but seriously you can save yourself a lot of time on the road and in the gym by maximizing you workouts.
  19. I think the reason cyclists might do better then runners is because of the muscle use around the knees and strength and endurance required when hill climbing. Cycling is poor for the hip muscles though, but you can build the muscle endurance required for carrying a heavy pack up the steeps. I took up swimming about 3 years ago in hopes of curing a chronic back problem and now I swim almost every day, partly because of triathlon. Once you learn to deal with breathing, getting water in your mouth and up your nose, get confortable in the water, you can do absolutely mind blowing excruciatingly painful workouts. And strangly when you are done you feel great. You will build a little muscle swimming and if you want to build more you can get some paddles to increase the resistance, but the main benefit is the cardio which can be huge. What is great is you can put incredible amounts of stress on your cardiovascular system without putting much stress on your muscles or joints, so you don't get very sore and your system isn't so taxed that you recover quite quickly.
  20. jon

    Sprayer of the year...

  21. Of course no matter how sophisticated it is, it won't protect us from a suitcase.
  22. Looks like I lost one of my stars. I bet I lose more after what I'm about to say. Trask my story sounded a lot more believable leaving out how the alien crash at Roswell is involved with everything in this thread. NASA was actually created to look for alien spacecraft in orbit and on the moon. We had planned on building a moon base under project Horizon. The arms race and anti-missle missle had a dual purpose, protecting us from the Russians et. al. and displaying to our visitors that we had the capability to defend ourselfs and destroy any place they decided to colonize. Most of our technological advances came from back engineered alien technology, including the transistor and microprocessors, kevlar, night vision goggles, lasers and fiber optics, and advanced composites.
  23. We have had a multi tier missle defense system for over a decade now, this whole thing is smoke screen . Do you seriously think that the Reagan Star Wars program yielded nothing? Just because CNN hasn't reported that somebody has a missle capable of hitting us doesn't mean there isn't any. North Korea has the motivation and China has the technology. What do two communist countries have in common? They don't like us, and just because they want to sell us shit doesn't mean they like us. NASA has probably been the single most important organization in modern US history. It's contributions to science in both air, space, and missle technology are responsible for the fall of the Soviet Union and a military that is light years ahead of other contries.
  24. Hey Beck I'm pretty sure they gave us a drink special at Schultz's because I was the one who arranged it.
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