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Everything posted by jon

  1. Hey Trask's mom climbs and has money. Oh you meant climb rocks not poles. Sorry for the confusion.
  2. jon

    A little quiz

    Erik I'm sorry buddy but a lot of those numbers aren't correct, and some are skewed to look significant, like 2 million pounds of bombs really isn't a whole lot but is sounds like a lot. Q. How many of our service people have died from being in contact with depleted uranium since it first was used by "Uglies" as weaponary? Q. What is depleted Uranium, what is it used for, and why? Q. How many pounds of liquid VX did/still does Saddam have? Q. If one drop, lets say .25 ml which is a large drop, could kill one person, how many people can he kill with 80 tons? (opps I gave away an answer ) Q. How many people lived in that town that Saddam gassed? Q. How many people's tongues in Iraq have been cut out because they spoke their mind? Q. How many prisoners in Iraq where subjected to tests of biological and chemical weapons? Q. Is forcing someone to drink gasoline and then throwing a match on them considered a human rights violation? Q. How many people ran in Iraq's recent election? Q. How many people live in Iraq, and if you take into consideration the mortality rate of countries of similar poverty, how does it compare? The other night I was watching CNN. I like CNN, it is a source of good information, but not the only source, and just because CNN hasn't found WOMD doesn't mean they doesn't exist. Anyways back to my point, there are there these so called "human shield" people in Baghdad you for some reason thing that by chaining themselves to a communications building or something that we won't drop a bomb on it. Fine they can do what they want, I actually give this kid who was being interviewed some credit for spending his money to get in harms way for what he believed in. But then the interviewer asked him some questions about Saddam Hussein, and the kid seriously had no idea about the guy, he said he really didn't know much about what he had done. It's like fuck sign this kid up for Jay Leno's Jaywalk Allstars, he was a total idiot. If you really oppose an issue make sure you completely understand it.
  3. Fleb your good at digging up old topics. If there is an interest in this type of forum it would be easy to add, just need to be sure it serves it's purpose.
  4. HEY CHECK IT OUT FOLKS. If you go to this sale, please tell them you heard about it here. Thanks.
  5. They post here all the time, you just don't know it. Does it really matter? Hey thats funny man. I love people like you. Now get lost.
  8. jon

    Question for Dru

    Having computer problems at work (go figure) and was wondering how you pronounce "reboot" in Canada? Thanks
  9. You know what I don't like Pat Robertson either, but joking about how the guy has cancer is just wrong. If you spent your work week around cancer patients or had a friend or family member dying maybe you'd understand. Get real.
  10. They did toughguy. Reread the Subject title.
  11. If people accidently put things in the wrong spot or need them to be deleted just send me a PM and I'll take care of it.
  12. You need to make sure each individual photo is 250kb or smaller and then it should work.
  13. jon


    Hey what is Amber doing over there?!
  14. jon


    You've got to give him credit for the creativity and originality of his forum names.
  15. I've upped the allocated user space from 1 MB to 10 MB per user. If you had trouble uploading additional picture because of running out of space, this should solve your problem, but just remember the smaller you keep the file size the more you can put up.
  16. Alright give it a try now, I upped the user allocation from 1 MB to 10 MB. I think we forgot to change the default setting.
  17. Why did you run out of space? I think we could make each users allocation larger.
  18. jon


    Do the users of this website really work?
  19. Thanks Court! I'm curious about the interval training, why would you do that over longer more moderate workouts? My understanding of intervals is that you burn more calories but aren't tapping your fat stores like you would when your HR is lower during moderate exercise. One thing I've read in one of the fitness mags is that you should avoid doing twists when doing crunches or situps because it buts too much torsional stress on you spine. What is your take on this? No more !!!!!
  20. Hey Larson what the fuck is up your ass? Sorry I haven't known many professional meat heads midgets body builders. I read an article in Muscle and Fitness by Dorian Yates about ab workouts, and he said most guys just do crunches because aparently they don't want the muscles to get to big (if you can believe that), and he says he just does lots and lots of normal crunches. But what doesn he know he's only won Mr. Universe or whatever a couple of times. Tell you midget friends I said hi.
  21. this sucka named caveman tried to take a pee pee in my by poo poo.
  22. HAH! I was thinking about posting something about the book I'm reading. "Sport Nutrition for Endurance Athletes" http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1931382158/qid=1044657481/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/104-2726061-2097546?v=glance&s=books This is a pretty good book. Talks about all the essential nutrients and requirements. Towards the end they have large sections for different sports, from cycling, tri, running, and adventure racing. Definately worth the $20.
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