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Everything posted by jon

  1. Don't forget your bluetooth enable laptop with firewire, and your palm handheld with GPS navigation, and and and and and your WAP enabled phone. And for god's sake don't forget the SportTrac next trip!
  2. TALK BY CHARLES HOUSTON, M.D., "Exploring the Heights". TIME: 7 PM, Thursday, NOV. 14, 2002 PLACE: KANE HALL, UW CAMPUS ADMISSION: FREE (thanks to several benefactors). Tickets needed, available at all University Bookstore locations. We in Seattle are in for a unique treat. Dr. Charles Houston, one of our country's great gurus of the golden age of exploratory mountaineering, will narrate mountaineering's world premier of a video he has just created recounting his near lifelong love affair with high places. And it's not a short affair, for Charlie turned this summer. His affair is with two closely-related mistresses: the climbing of mountains and the study of how human's adapt to their high altitude. Dr. Houston's introduction to mountaineering took place as a barely teenager in the Alps in 1925 but his first creative explorations took place while a Harvard student in the '30s, notably in the remote, unexplored wilderness of Alaska and the Yukon. This film, created from both still and movie footage, depicts his four grand Himalayan journeys and also captures some of his pioneering research endeavors exploring man's affair with thin air: <sum> Nanda Devi, 1936, at the time the highest mountain yet climbed. <sum> K2, 1938, the first American "reconnaissance" and attempt to ascend the Abruzzi Ridge. <sum> Everest, 1950: His and Bill Tilman's journey as the first westerners to reach the scene of Mount Everest's notorious Icefall, enabling them to express their doubts about its sane passage. <sum> K2, 1953, one of the great American epics of heroic effort, recounted in the book by Houston and Robert Bates, K2, the Savage Mounntain. <sum> High Mountain Research, from the chamber studies, "Operation Everest I in the 1940s, through the years of studies on Mount Logan in the Yukon, to Operation Everest II in 1985. It was Dr. Houston who catalyzed these major explorations of how well and badly humans can fare at extremely high altitudes The video will be followed by a conversation with Charlie Houston, who will close the evening by signing copies of his books for those who desire: K2, The Savage Mountain, Five Miles High (?), and Going Higher, the story of human adaptation to high altitude. [ 11-12-2002, 10:53 AM: Message edited by: jon ]
  3. Dru, I found a Microsoft TechNet article you might be interested. Apparently they have found a flaw in the Canadian version of Internet Explorer that improperly renders complex frame schemes on climbing websites. You should check it out. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/internetexplorer/canada/eat/a/8=D.html
  4. jon

    downsizing pics

    Sorry. Eventually I'll post some instructions to do this. To my knowledge there is no good included image editor with Windows. Best bet is to download free one and try it out. Most of the demos now for the Adobe and Macromedia products give a 30-day full functional trial, but if your resourceful you can extend that trial I haven't used this one but here is a link to a free one I found. http://download.com.com/3000-2192-10132330.html?tag=lst-4-5 If you are cool and using a Mac then old favorite is GraphicConverter which runs on classic and OS X. http://download.com.com/3000-2197-10164114.html?tag=lst-4-1 If you are using OS X you can also use iPhoto.
  5. jon

    downsizing pics

    Take smaller pictures.
  6. Hey Dustin, there are a lot of organizations offering classes out there. I personally haven't heard of this before, is SVC a club or a guiding outfit? Or do you mean SAC? Don't get discouraged, just top your topic once every couple of days so people see it.
  7. Left forearm. Two 4 inch scars. One 1 inch scar where my bone decided to exit my body. 2 3.5 inch steel plates. 14 screws. 1 week in the hospital. 2 months of rehab. $30,000. A month full of morphine, oxycontin, percocet, and a hot ass nurse. Priceless.
  8. jon

    You guys suck

    There is a difference between having fun and being an idiot. There is a diffence between being funny and being funny at someone elses expense. There are some people here who think they have some god given right to do and they say what they please here with no consequences. You have a right to your opinion here, within reason, but you don't have the right to jerk people around litter the board with worthless crap.
  9. quote: Originally posted by bolt clipper: I recently read an article by Eric Horst discussing training cycles to peak for a short time each season (shades of Mark Twight). Question is, if you don't train peaks, at what point are you physically not able to improve? I do no training other than bouldering my brains out at the gym three days a week, if anyone's wondering. It's called periodization, developed by the Russians to kick our asses at the Olympics for a couple decades until we caught on. There has been a lot of research done about periodization versus normal training like you are talking about. There is a saying that 90% of your potential comes from 10% of the work required to realize 100% potential. It's that last 10% where periodization is the key. I've done a serious periodization plan for about 8 months and the results were mind bogling versus just a general routine.
  10. jon


    All fixed chica! You DO need to clean out your inbox though.
  11. jon

    Balance of power

    The balance of spray was disrupted but returned to equilibrium.
  12. Dear God, Please stop these stupid server errors. Please get rid of politics, it hurts my brain hearing and reading about it. Please bring freshiez so I can use my new AT setup. Please tell my roommates cat to stop barfing all over the house. Please find me a good deal on some ice tools because I'm already poor from the AT setup and this website. Thanks, jon
  13. That was completely not worth watching.
  14. I heard on the radio there is going to be a special on the accident on Hood over the summer, on King 5 at 11pm tonight (?).
  15. quote: Originally posted by Beck: Sorry, Rodeo, I was working and didn't catch this thread...I'm now working Bellevue way and NE8th so can get drinks eastside more often now...you'll find me slinging gear to shoppers down in the basement Right on dude I'll come visit you, do you work evenings?
  16. jon


    There is one small flaw with the PM indicator. For pages that are generated dynamically like this http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi you PM indicator will be correct. But if you click on the logo above and get this URL http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php you PM Inbox will not be correct because it is retreiving a cached page and not a generated one. Make sense?
  17. quote: Originally posted by rodeo: Hey all, I'm looking at making an attempt at providing my own supply of a "Clif Shot" type substance. So far I've located the brown rice syrup, potassium citrate, kola nut extract, sea salt and natural flavors. All I need to find now is a retail outlet for the citric acid and magnesium oxide. Anyone have any leads on this stuff? Any assistance is appreciated and I will be posting the results, recipes and ingredient acquisition info upon completion. (--Climb on,,, "Action suit? You don't need one of those. Here. Drink this gu-like substance I made up at home in the bathtub." Kevin, I can get you anything you want, send me a PM.
  18. jon

    a donut and coffee

    I large coke and bagel w/ creamcheese. My work just got these chocolate chip muffins with the cream shit on top with chocolate chips, equivalent to eating two sticks of butter but they are so damn good.
  19. Thanks for the responses. I've read all the reviews but sometimes they are too critical and technical and don't address issues for the kind of shooting that an outdoors person does like cold weather and water. I'm still torn but leaning towards the Nikon for these reasons even though it is $100 more. The 5000 can have an ISO setting of 800 versus the 400 for the G2. The 5000 has a 28mm lens versus the 32mm of the G2, and 38mm for the other Nikons, and even though 28mm to 32mm seems like a small number but is actually a pretty big difference. Plus I have Nikon film cameras which is a good point made by hikerwa.
  20. jon


    quote: Originally posted by Necronomicon: 1) This is a newspaper article, not a peer-reviewed research paper. It is not even science. 2) The article was from a Canadian newspaper. 3) The article suggests that the first appearence of the modern "serial killer" came in conjunction with the US military changing it's training tactics, in order to create soldiers who could kill without mecry. 4) (This is where I push your button) What kind of country could be proud of how well it is defended by a corp of merciless killers, and what is the value of the freedom these merciless killers protect? Hmm....[/QB] 1) Your right it is not a scientific article, I didn't say it was. I was merely commenting of the process of building a statement that appears on the outside to be intriguing but is based purely on handwaving. 2) The fact that the article came from Canada is meaningless. If you found it at the Onion that another thing. 3) This has been going on for thousands of years, training your soldiers to kill without emotion in the battlefield. There is a difference between without mercy and without a conscious. 4) Nice troll!
  21. jon


    This is what I call STUPID SCIENCE. Scientific studies done by complete freaking idiots. Somewhere you will find patterns when ignoring the statistal relevence of your data. So what if 3 killers out of thousands were in the military. If 3% of males at some point served that would indicate the military people are 10 times less likely to be serial killers. But people like to leave those important facts out of their groundbreaking work. Hey did you hear that all those killers in that article had eaten at McDonalds at one point? Did you know they all liked blowjobs? Write that down.
  22. I have had to disable the latest threads feature which is used on the front page. I believe this is what is causing the problems.
  23. Trying to decide between these two cameras. Anyone used these?
  24. This clue will give it away. Donuts on a rope.
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