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Everything posted by jon

  1. jon


    Everything that you post on the forums is obviously public. Anything that is in your profile that you make public is public. Anything that is in your profile that you don't make public viewable like email addressess or whatever, as well as your private messages, are not public, BUT....... You must realize, that like email, and every other form of communication on the internet, that there are people that have the capability of reading what you have written. In the case of your private messages, the only people that could read them are Tim and myself, as well as the system administrators at our webhost. Personally I was kind of shocked people got so bent out of shape when they found out we could read their private messages. I figured it was kind of common knowledge since we administer the message board. Hope this clears things up.
  2. You left out a key detail. Baker, Rainier, Hood. In three days.
  3. I'm in the same boat as David. I'm pretty lean except for my "utility belt". I've done a bunch of reading on this shit and trying to figure it all out. I think it is part diet and part doing crunches. From the sounds of it you don't have to do all these fancy ab drills you see in the Mens magazines, I guess pro body builders just do normal crunches only. The beer over scotch thing is a myth. Actually alcohol gets converted directly to fat from what I've read. Hey Court what's you take on this?
  4. jon

    Carlos Buhler Slide Show

    I was just pointing out that I didn't realize there was a cost, I think it's fine. I shouldn't have opened my mouth to begin with.
  5. Look everyone Trask has feelings!!
  6. Just make sure you don't call some of my friends ragheads or your ass will be the one receiving the kicking.
  7. And people couldn't understand why we are spending billions of dollars building up our forces over there. Just because CNN hasn't broadcasted the truth to you people doesn't mean GW and friends don't know what is up. He's stupid, but not that stupid.
  8. jon

    Carlos Buhler Slide Show

    Actually I didn't even read the VIMFF thing. Now I did. Yeah I don't know, like I said I'm all for slide shows but it's like where do you draw the line. I think as long as people ask if it's ok it's fine. The people putting on the bouldering contest and the ice fest contacted us and we said it was fine after trading a few emails.
  9. jon

    Carlos Buhler Slide Show

    Trask you can become the treasurer if you come to Pub Club tonight for the board meeting. Winter, thanks for your input, very reason why I raised the issue because I wanted to hear what people thought. I don't know much about the Mazamas, but to me the Mountaineers are a company, kind of in the same way the REI is a coop but really a company. There are instances that a slide show could be very profitable and lucrative, like the one I'm planning on putting together . Anyways I'm putting too much thought in here. Hey if you go to the show tell the Mazamas the cc.com sent you!
  10. jon

    Carlos Buhler Slide Show

    I understand that, and I want people to post slideshows. But I'm trying to have a bit of foresight and here is a potential counter-arguement to a non-profit. What is the difference between a non-profit org putting on a show for $8 versus a shop putting on a show for $8? Either way someone is making money, both spend money on advertising their show, both take the money and use it internally in most situations. If they want to advertise it on this site that is fine but they need to send a few bucks my way.
  11. jon

    Carlos Buhler Slide Show

    Hmmm, anyways, maybe I should explain why we don't allow this kind of stuff to avoid people getting too bent out of shape. It has nothing to do with REI or Mazamas or any other group, it is just a policy in general and here is why we have to adhere to it. Let's say I let them post keep this posted. Another group will see it and start posting their stuff. And maybe after a while all these cool nonfree slideshows will be posted, which is fine. But then some wiseguy sees this as a great marketing tool and starts posting things like sales or guiding or whatever you can imagine. So I guess what I'm getting at is although things like slide shows are rather benign it sets a precedence for something that I would rather not have to deal with which is people "spamming" our board with advertising that they are not paying for. There have been a few instances where have allowed stuff like UW climbing club stuff and ice climbing clinics from Cascade Crags.
  12. Ummmmm, who does this show benefit? There is a long standing rule on this board that any event that is posted must either be free or a benefit for some non profit organization.
  13. Sidebar is most likely not going anywhere, although we will most likely change the formating, like decrease the width, and remove the shoutbox which is a little too distracting. If there are any links you people want to see there please let us know, or anything else. I'm not sure who can and can't disable the sidebar at this point, look at My Home->Preferences and there should be a pulldown to change the side it is displayed on and possibly turning it off.
  14. The staff have teeth. I'm not sure if they have servers, but the place is pretty big and lots of pool tables. Never eaten there. Only problem is that is pretty deep in Bellevue. 8th street is pretty big and has lots of pool, a good drink selection, and the food is good and cheap, but can get a little stuffy at times but probably not a worry on Tue night.
  15. jon

    CC Article

    I like the article Wayne. Yes it could use a little editing but that is what editors are for folks. I think the main reason why the mags didn't take it was that you got scooped. About a month or so before both Magazines had articles on internet climbing sites. Apparently we were mentioned in the Rock and Ice one but I didn't see it, and we didn't make the Climbing one although some pretty lame sites did. Lot's of tears shed over that I think you should sit on it a little while, add some stuff, and resubmit it. You didn't mention anything about Pub Clubs or Rope Up which I don't think many sites can claim to have done (all credit to Beck here). Maybe find some pictures to go along with it. Good work Wayne
  16. I was saying that in September.
  17. jon

    PM's aren't private

    I think what gave it away for me besides recognizing the IP address (yes I'm a tool) was that she was from Bellevue and worked and Nordstroms. Classic!
  18. jon

    PM's aren't private

    Wow, name callin. I'm trying to really be a better person lately and then I get let down by one of the biggies. boo hoo 1st. That wasn't directed towards you. 2nd. Is posting slander about people on the internet part of your plan on becoming a better person. Just curious? I would like point 2 cleared up. Who specifically did I just slander? No PM now Jon. By the way that lost pass word was probably last spring, right? Man you either have a great memory or you were sniffing around today in the history channel. hahahaha I think you started calling the name calling, even after we addressed the issue this morning. I do believe I am a member of the upper "crust" of cc.com, and since there are only two of us I'm going to stick up for both of us. Yeah I've got a mean photographic memory, it was just an interesting request. Anyways no hard feelings man, but I'm not going to bed until you return my PM.
  19. jon

    PM's aren't private

    I think that information is private.
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