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Everything posted by jon

  1. This show is free, the other was not. We have decided to ease up a bit on pay to enter shows but request that they ask to clear it with us first. I did end up apologizing to the Mazamas guy, hopefully that won't tarnish my asshole status too much.
  3. Do they even give grades in special ed? "Sorry Dru, you didn't stay within the lines in your drawing, I'm going to have to give you a D." "Arrrrrrrr Duuuuuurrrr Da Da Da Da I pee in your butt. Ea Ea Ea Eat some horsecock beyotch raabbabahhah timmaaaay livin a lie." <evildudefromthematrix>But Dru, how are you going to use that icon if you can't post?</evildudefromthematrix>
  4. It's amazing you guys passed special ed.
  5. the cc.com brain trust at work
  6. I think you've totally misinterpreted the purpose of his book. Climbing is dangerous. He is addicted to climbing. Thus he's addicted to danger. I mean come on. He is still married to the same woman from college. I think the point is that after he has lost all these friends on expeditions and came close many times to losing his family, he still kept climbing. I think the reason he dwells on the fact that he has had a number of partners die is that it bothers him. How can you call it bragging? There are actually a lot of books out there that people write for themselves, used as a form or rehabilitation of sort, it just happens that people like you and I buy them.
  7. I didn't realize Columbia was having that hard of a time designing a waterproof jacket.
  8. Picked it up the other day. Cool history of climbing on Gasherbrum IV and a article of Jim Donini. Still don't know about $13 an issue though.
  9. There was a medium sized article in the PI today on John Roskelly. I guess him, his son who is an RMI guide (who is 20), Jim Wickwire, and Dick Bass (who is 71!) are going to climb Everest this spring from the Tibetan side. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/112239_roskelley13.shtml
  10. jon

    Spray Soundtrack

    Huh? Audioslave is probably the best album of the year. Just got Blackalicious and People Under the Stairs recently, good shit. New Coldplay is good if you like whiney british rock.
  11. I'll be there if I can come up with the 3.1 jiggawatz to jump the space-time continueum.
  12. More sad news. Governor Locke is on the phone and he's fucking pissed. Apparently it is Tim and Jon's fault that the state has no money, something about lack of productivity in the workplace or something, wasn't really paying attention. So taking into consideration how much you get paid, estimate how much of your employers money you have wasted since you have become a sprayer. Since becoming a member of cc.com I have wasted this much of my employers money:$1-100$101-500$501-1000$1001-3000$3001-6000$6001-10000$10001-50000$50001+Hor$ecock
  13. So at last nights Pub gathering something dawned on me. I'm standing next to Tim, and mattp's wife keeps giving us this really evil look like she is going to kill us. I realized that for every sprayer out there, there is a wife or significant other, a son or daughter, a manager or employer, who have been severely neglected due to the awesome magnatism of what we call spray. I have lost my......... because of Tim and Jon.wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriendjobhousedogfriendshorsecock
  14. Hey doesn't that Ultimate Orange stuff have ephedra in it? Like putting crack in your Orange Julius. I've used creatine from time to time. You gain a few pounds in water, I found I was more subject to headaches then normal (normal being never). In the nutrition book I'm reading right now (which was just published), they say that creatine has been the most studied supplement and really the only one were it has been conclusively found to be benificial without any severe long term side effects. Creatine doesn't make you bigger, lifting heavy weights makes you bigger.
  15. Terrain wise Crystal has more to offer, there is some incredible backcountry with cliffs and cornices and other stuff to kill yourself on. Bachelor is has long runs with fun trees (wear your helmet!). If I were to choose for this weekend though I would choose Bachelor. Considering the pounding they are about to get I doubt the backcountry at Crystal will be open much, as opposed to Bachelor where you could hunt for powder all day long if you can handle trees.
  16. You are going to be sore after your first anything. I went skiing for the first time a couple weeks ago, and despite riding my bike more then I drive and lots of weight lifting I hurt like hell in all the muscles that weren't being used. It will take a few runs for you to get the "snap" back into your legs. Like Dru said stay off pavement for a while.
  17. jon


    The first edition of the book "MLA guide to writing trip reports" will be on our online store shortly for those of you have problems writing up your TRs.
  18. jon


    Hey Mike, For every person who bitches there are probably 100 or more who enjoyed your trip report and were glad you posted it for everyone. The ones with the complaints are the most vocal and try to make themselves sound like the majority, but they aren't. And you never see them writing trip reports.
  19. While I don't particularly want to do this because of various reasons, mainly a person's contributional (if it isn't a word now it is) merit being a total grey area, there is something we could do. We have the ability of restricting what forums somebody is allowed to post in. For instance we could make a "shitlist" group which would only be able to post to a specific forum, for instance only spray. If we got enough complaints about someone or the moderators were getting a little ticked off we could put someone in this group and give them time to "reflect". I agree with mattp's sentiments, I feel there is a group of people who type innane stuff with lots of icons and hit the post button while not really thinking about what they are saying or trying to contribute anything. It's nothing personal against these people, it's just irritating, and I think there becomes a point when you do have really something valuable to say but people have just learned to ignore you. Remember you don't have to reply to every damn thing someone says.
  20. Word on the street is that you are sleeping with Trask.
  21. I guess they showed us.
  22. jon

    spam spam spam spam

    Never reply to spam. Get rid of your preview window in Outlook or other mail client, spammers have gotten pretty sophisticated embedding user specific images to know whether your account is active. If it from someone reputable like Jcrew, CALL THEM and tell them that you are going to report them to the Washington Attorney General for spam abuse. Could be worse, you could run a website.
  23. Trash, after dancing show her how classy you are and take her to Tubs. You people redefine the phrase "drinking problem".
  24. Forrest has been hanging out with mattp and practicing their strongarm tactics. Sounds like a spot worth checking out and close the the freeway for everyone.
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