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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. It's misty/wet weather on this side of the river. Anyone know if it's dry over by RB?
  2. rmncwrtr

    Casting Call

    Aw, you underestimate yourself, cutie! Having seen you sans shirt (and flat on your back ) I can honestly say you are buff enough. You should have gone!
  3. rmncwrtr

    Casting Call

    So how did the audition go, John?
  4. What about thanks Kevin? Im your biggest fan you know!!!!!! Wait a minute I thought you were Pam's biggest fan. And Janet's.
  5. Oh, Porter, I'm so sorry to hear this. Hope you heal quickly! Take care. xoxox
  6. Oh, Coulior. I love you. Wish I were a veteran climber, but if you looked up sucky n00b in the dictionary, my picture would be there. This REI visit happened in April. I just started climbing outdoors in July. Oh, and XXX was just yanking my chain with the married comment. Still nothing wrong with looking and appreciating a young hottie
  7. Does anyone know approximately how many bodies have never been recovered/found on Mount Hood?
  8. Hotties, too My first time in the REI climbing section, I was trying to figure out what some of the gear on my list was when a guy asked me if I was a climber. I looked over the display to see this really hot guy. So hot I looked around to make sure he was talking to me. We had a nice chat, then I went home and told all my single girlfriends to head to REI's climbing section if they wanted to meet some hotties
  9. rmncwrtr


    Thanks Fairweather. My brother in law was attending a class near the WTC that morning. He was in uniform and their class went to help out. His roomie called us around 4 pm our time asking if I'd heard from him. I hadn't. What had been a horrible day suddenly got much worse. We finally heard from him later that night after he caught a ride in the back of a pickup with some fire fighters and got out of there. But so many others never did get the call they prayed for. He continued to help out in the efforts afterwards. He'll never forget what he saw and experienced. And neither should we.
  10. rmncwrtr

    Blogger Help

    Does anyone know someone who designs custom blogger templates? If so, can you pm me their url, please? I haven't been able to find what I need. Thanks.
  11. Nothing personal, selkirk, but thank you, mods! Hoping to still swing a weekend pass so I can attend and that wouldn't have helped my cause Edited to add: did not ask for that to be removed just relieved
  12. Ouch Bill. At least you were outside having fun! More than I can say about my weekend. I spent mine with a sick kiddo. I have nothing to show for my weekend except I now know the dance moves to two of the High School Musical 2 songs after watching the Disney Channel on Saturday night.
  13. Haha! I think that's what he's afraid of
  14. Oh, Muffy. I'm crying right along with you. Doubt mr.rmncwrtr will let me go on my own. Darn it.
  15. I had the kids and will again on Tuesday, but am hoping mr.rmncwrtr's flight gets in on-time so I can head out with you guys next Thursday. Fingers already crossed for good weather.
  16. I have no sense of humor whatsoever.
  17. Pure speculation, but since there were two brothers I read that as one wore jeans and the other shorts.
  18. EWolfe - The above is from an article by Andy Dappen I found a little while back. You might want to check it out.
  19. So glad you're okay. Wow. I really, really appreciate you telling how this happened. With three kids ages 4-9 and being a newbie, I've wondered about the logistics of family climbing (we've only been out twice so far and both trips at Smith with guides) without extra adults around. Hope your girlfriend's hands heal quickly! Take care.
  20. Tim, I'll be there around 6:30. No, you don't have to be a member. I'm not, but you do need a belay card. You don't have to come in drag, though that would be pretty funny You have my cell. Let me know if you'll be there!
  21. I'm a newbie (just started climbing outdoors in July) and with the exception of the guided climbs I've done at Smith, I've only climbed with cc.comers. Everyone has been great, nice, patient, helpful and I hope to climb lots more with each of them. As for how to judge a possible partner found on this site... when I was going to climb with someone up Seattle way, I PM'd a cc.comer (a couple, actually) and asked if this guy was safe/okay to climb with. Also, depending on where you live, go to a pub club. Seattle has a bunch of them. That's how I got to meet some of the PDX climbers.
  22. I'm going to Club Sport tonight. Women's Climb Night. Anyone else going to be there?
  23. I actually found a use for this thread. The kiddos were so keyed up for school they didn't want to go to sleep last night. I told them it was only 114 days until Christmas and Santa was watching. It worked
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