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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. There will be two kegs of free beer here. Think of it as a Rope Up training event. If you're not into training, consider it a Rope Up pre-party
  2. I'm a newb, Michael, and still have two more weeks of ankle healing time before I can climb outside again, but if we get some good fall weather and you want to do easier stuff some Thursday when you get off work, let me know. I also don't mind being a belay slave if you want to hit something harder or have a project going. The more I get out, the more I learn. -Mel
  3. Cool. Thanks for link. I liked the intro, except for the ignition sequence. That felt off.
  4. rmncwrtr


    Ah. Thanks for the info, Off_White. The D-Dog name didn't ring a bell so I was wondering if that was before I joined.
  5. rmncwrtr


    As I was reading the wikipedia listing, G-spotter with all his animal spray posts did spring to mind.
  6. rmncwrtr


    Haha. Their version of Pub Club! I had to google the furs though. Never heard of the fur fandom before.
  7. Gotta give the guy credit for stretching his 15 minutes as long as he can. But his own reality TV show?
  8. rmncwrtr

    The War

    This series got a great review on the radio. Glad to hear it lives up to it, Coulior. It comes out on DVD in early October. Sounds like the perfect gift for my dad
  9. You just know this cat is biding his time and playing nice. He's thinking... Hmmm, if I put up with these darn annoying feathery things a few more days they'll finally trust me to be alone with them. And then yum, yum, yummmmm. 5qO25P4r1o8
  10. Oh, no. I found the son's webpage when I was googling the other day. I've been hoping and praying for a happy ending to this.
  11. List of pigs over 1000 pounds Ain't the Interwebs a wunnerful thing? All this "information" out there just waiting to be discovered... Haha on the "info." I was thinking someone has way too much time on their hands.
  12. rmncwrtr

    Crib Recall

    For all you parents with babies. Info here.
  13. That photo gallery is scary, Climbing Panther. Seriously, those animals look like something out of a horror flick. With the exception of the fat cats, of course. That rabbit would totally freak me out if I saw something that big hopping toward me.
  14. Then I get to be one of the two chicks. I thought of you, Sherri, when that part came on
  15. rmncwrtr


    Maybe it's because they don't dance VtAgD6Sj3xA
  16. No need to act stupid. Show a little skin and that's all it takes
  17. My son's soccer league asked each coach and parent to watch this YouTube video and substitute "soccer" each time the guy says "hockey." It's really applicable to any sport a kid may play though. Thought I'd pass it on for those of you with sport playing kids. zWsj089oNM0
  18. Not that big a kitty yet, but supposedly a mean one. Qit3ALTelOo
  19. I think heavy doses of pain medication are required in order to translate.
  20. Thanks for the update, Carolyn. Hope things this week continued to go well for you and Latte. You are going above and beyond for your furbaby. She's one lucky kitty to have you for a mommy
  21. Joshua, My hubby made it back to town, but surprised me by scheduling soccer practice this afternoon. I'm stuck shuttling kids. I'm still hoping to get to RB after and hit the traverses up top. Sorry. Mel
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