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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. One of my cats is missing. We've never had a lost animal so not quite sure what to do. It doesn't help that I'm three hours away and hubby didn't realize the cat wasn't in the house until today. Looks like Rocket has been gone since yesterday afternoon. I'm tempted to drive home tonight even though I have to be back in Tacoma by 9 am for a class tomorrow morning. The cat is an indoor housecat with no collar since he never goes outside. He's also sick (but doesn't look it) and needs medicine twice a day. I told hubby to put up signs and go door to door in the neighborhood. Is there anything else we should do?
  2. Thanks again. Add in visits to Exit 38 and I'm set for the next week and a half with all these suggestions. Shouldn't miss the family too much if I keep busy. Just hope mr.rmncwrtr manages with the three little ones! I'm definitely getting the better end of things this time
  3. rmncwrtr

    pick up lines...

    It's been awhile, but here you go, i_like_sun: Hi, I'm You're one of those models, aren't you? Want to have sex? (Cobra Commander's line works for women too!)
  4. rmncwrtr

    pick up lines...

    I have a song about you already. Very smooth and an awesome pick up line though he didn't get the girl. But the song he wrote about her is Hey There Delilah.
  5. This is great. Keep 'em coming please. I'm driving up this weekend and been wondering what to do. Thanks so much everyone!
  6. I'm going to be in Tacoma for 9 days taking a class. Any suggestions for restaurants, places to go, things to do/see would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  7. rmncwrtr

    pick up lines...

    I don't think age matters in regards to the journey, high_on_rock! I went out with five late-twenties/early thirties good-looking guys one Saturday night to watch how they picked up women for a project I was working on. More than a couple of times they crashed and burned, but that was part of their fun (and mine) for the night.
  8. rmncwrtr

    Last weekend

    Attended a conference with 1900 women and a handful of men. Guys, you really should have been there
  9. From the CDC (when talking about natural disasters): Boiling water, when practical, is the preferred way to kill harmful bacteria and parasites. Bringing water to a rolling boil for 1 minute will kill most organisms. Boiling will not remove chemical contaminants. If you suspect or are informed that water is contaminated with chemicals, seek another source of water, such as bottled water.
  10. Thanks Sobo, but I gained two pounds this week. Stepped on the scale this morning, 132 lbs. Not surprised since I was at a conference in Dallas. All that food, dessert bars and drinking are not conducive to weight loss, but it was a very fun time. Back to watching what I eat this week. How is everyone else doing?
  11. Do you intend to keep being naughty next week or will you back to being a good girl so I get to do all the climbing on Tuesday?
  12. 130 lbs again. At least I'm holding steady. Not bad after a weekend of camping with s'mores and beers! The hiking and walks on the beach helped, I think!
  13. Thanks, RuMr for making this newbie realize she's not the stupidest one out there
  14. rmncwrtr

    Other talents?

    Rooster, I just set up our tents at my sister's farm for our annual family 4th campout. Unfortunately the best spot is a stone's throw away from my nephew's rooster Little Jerry. I offered him some polenta and grapes in the hopes of a quiet sunrise. Any other suggestions?
  15. That's what the guys kept yelling when we'd have to get out of the way, except those made for great water/beer breaks.
  16. rmncwrtr

    Other talents?

    Sorry, Rooster. How about I make you some yummy polenta to make up for it?
  17. Great TR, John. Cool pics, too. You and Marcus are off to a great summer!
  18. rmncwrtr

    Other talents?

    So Couloir when we're all done with the cc.com weight loss thingy, maybe we should have a potluck dinner and you could bring your fried chicken! Sounds yummy.
  19. Can't say that I did, but I was on the Beavers team. We not only swept the street hockey tourney, but won the entire night after tallying points from all the Canadian games we'd played and a Canada trivia contest.
  20. No, Treetoad. I wasn't. I just ate a couple yummy Nanaimo bars (among other Canadian goodies) at a Canda Party in Camas, WA yesterday.
  21. Today's weigh in is 130 lbs. Heading back in the right direction in spite of yesterday's Canada Day party where we got to experience many things from north of the border. Thank goodness for my 1 1/2 hour hike yesterday and the street hockey at the party. That sure burned some calories making up for the naimo (sp?) bars and all the other food!
  22. We're just getting into climbing as a family so starting from scratch with gear, but a kids gear swap would be great as they outgrow stuff.
  23. Love the shot. And you've got some beautiful pics on panoramio and on your website. Thanks for the linky.
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