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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. It's huge. I want to see a picture of that cat on all fours. Can you imagine the food bill for that thing?
  2. It's just a sad article, Bug. No pics. Thank goodness. That poor kitty
  3. Thanks Bug and Nathan! I'm hoping my four year old remembers her wedge turns. She spent Spring Break at the Mt. B ski school. And I'm lucky that she's already hooked. It started snowing really hard our last day there and all the other kids wanted to go into the yurt, but she wanted to stay out so they had an instructor take her over to a lift and ski. Just hoping this year goes as well up at Timberline/Ski Bowl! All three kids only know Bachelor, but we'll get more days in if we ski closer to home. My biggest challenge is going to be when it's just me and the three kids since I know our 4 yo won't be up for as long a day as my 7 and 9 year olds.
  4. A little OT since it's not BC, but I'm hoping someone here has experience skiing with a little one. We bought Fusion Passes for the family this year, including our four year old. She needs more lessons, but I can't afford those each time we go so I'm trying to figure out the best way to ski with her myself. I never had to do this with my older two since they didn't ski at this age. Anyway, I've seen a couple of things that looked interesting, but I have no idea if they really work: 1) a strap to go on the tips that keep skis in a wedge and 2) a kid's harness with straps you hold onto while they ski in front of you and a handle in the back for getting them on/off the lift easier. Anyone have experience with those things or can offer some advice on what I should try? Thanks.
  5. Sad, but a nice tribute to a well known lolcat. Oc6mpiSgT3Q
  6. Mike is way more Kevin Bacon than Ben Affleck.
  7. rmncwrtr

    dat fine Upgrade

    thank you sir! Not a sir, but you're welcome.
  8. rmncwrtr

    dat fine Upgrade

    If you log in "invisible", your mood won't show up in your posts since you appear off-line to everyone. You have to set your preferences to be visible for others to see your mood, too.
  9. rmncwrtr


    Anytime, Sherri
  10. rmncwrtr


    Well, I like kisses. And the admins here aim to please
  11. rmncwrtr


    Thanks for all the help figuring it out, Porter :kisss:
  12. rmncwrtr


    What new format, navigation, graphics, etc are you talking about? Everything looks the same to me except a couple of things. I see the new moodz thingies. I now have double replies, quotes, etc at the bottom of each post. The unread threads alternate with a block of color. Oh, and I can read my pms via the email alert instead of having to go into my message box.
  13. There's a style layout in the November issue of Esquire Magazine called These Men Might Save Your Life shot on Mount Hood and featuring PMR members, a couple of which are cc.comers. Looking good in the Patagonia and Juicy Couture, Iain
  14. Congrats Archenemy. Have fun with the gift certificate. I love the way you did the teeth on the big one. The little one reminds me of Mr. Bill.
  15. rmncwrtr

    Happy Halloween

    Happy Birthday Chelle and SnailEye! Hope you get great gifts and lots of yummy candy too.
  16. rmncwrtr


    I hope this isn't his last hurrah. He's playing great. The team is 6-1. And that OT pass last night was amazing.
  17. Your poor cat got kidnapped by a cult of satanic worshippers trying to get ready for Halloween. Since she's a tuxedo cat and they needed a black cat, they decided to dye her white parts the correct color. They took her down to a dark, candlelit room and put her in a giant tub. Kitty wanted no part of this. She put up quite a fight, screeching, scratching and even drawing blood. Using her feline wit, kitty managed to escape, but in the process got a little too close to one of the candles and burned half her whiskers off. Just to be on the safe side, you may want to keep her inside until after Halloween.
  18. rmncwrtr


    Thanks, Muffy, xoxox, but I think I should get the you're-an-idiot-why-didn't-you-just-go-to-the-store-and-be-done-with-it award. Especially since I woke up early this morning and ripped the hem out of Dorothy's costume because I'd realized a better way to do it. And it's not like I don't have better stuff to be doing, either. But after a good night's sleep I'm not so much a zombie (that's exactly how I felt DeChristo!) and I must admit the dress looks nicer now
  19. rmncwrtr


    Bringing this thread back on track. I'm Halloweened out. In the past forty-eight hours I have made/put together the following costumes for my three kids: For the Irish dance costume reel competition tomorrow: Dorothy, Scarecrow, Toto For the All Hallows Eve gathering: St. George, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, St. Rose of Lima For Trick or Treating on Halloween night: 50's girl, Special Forces Army guy, Snow White For Saints Museum on All Saints Day: St. Lucy of Valois and St. Bernard of Menthon (patron saint of mountaineers). If there was a Halloween equivalent of Scrooge, I want to be it. Thank goodness I already bought the candy and visited the pumpkin patch because I'm done.
  20. I won't even ask what type of late-night "internet research" led you to that amusing find you lonely, lonely mommy, you. Seems to me that a job like that would be just like guiding - turning something otherwise fun into work. No internet research needed. It was the topic of conversation on every radio station in PDX yesterday morning as I drove to and from Crossfit.
  21. If you're good at pleasuring women, you might want to see about getting a position at the Stud Farm, Fairweather. It's Heidi Fleiss' newest business venture. Here's the linky where you can apply.
  22. Former mechanical engineer now a full-time mom who scribbles words during naptime.
  23. rmncwrtr


    Happy Birthday, Alpinfox!
  24. You realize of course that Porter is on crutches........ I know he's on crutches, Selkirk, but I'm not wasting a valuable kitchen pass on a weekend when I can't climb.
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