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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. Sounds like a great time. Time to find a babysitter for the kiddos! mr.rnmcwrtr even wants to go
  2. We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all.
  3. rmncwrtr


    A link that explains the history a bit more would be nice. Of course, I'm just looking for ways to procrastinate and I gotta admit something involving a psychopath/sociopath would fit the bill nicely.
  4. I'm a total SW fangirl so think this will be really cool!
  5. No firm plans except hitting the pool on Friday afternoon and heading down to Jefferson for a fantasy football draft on Sunday. If anyone needs a belay, I could swing a few free hours on Saturday or Monday.
  6. Enjoying the final weekend of summer vacation with the kids! Putting the final polish on a project due Monday. Our annual fantasy football draft down in Jefferson on Sunday. Getting the kiddos ready for their first day of school!
  7. Great TR, Tim! I was wondering how it was going up there and hoping you'd gotten a break with the weather.
  8. rmncwrtr

    END of an ERA

    Bummer. No more alien babies or Big Foot sightings or selkie seductions to read about while standing in the checkout line
  9. I was at Smith all day on Sunday while hubby watched our kids and my climbing partner's son so when I asked him about tonight it was not greeted with loads of enthusiasm Oh, well, hope you all have fun!!!! Tim - don't think I remembered to PM you my phone number for future carpooling. Sorry. I will do that. Got busy with our Bend trip. Hope your trip to the Pickets went well! Bill - DanielL hurt his hand. He can't climb for a week or two. I have an email where we can reach him so once he's healed I'll make sure to pass along the plans for Tues/Thurs climbing so he can join in.
  10. Whether it was an easy question or not, South Africa and Iraq??? Her answer made no sense. She could have talked about the decline of public education in the country. Not enough emphasis on geography. She could have even tied it into the illiteracy problems in this country.
  11. I thought about this thread yesterday when I was at Smith Rock and came across a Pack and Play (portable playpen) set up in the shade with a beautiful 7 month old baby girl inside and a dad, wearing his harness, holding a sock monkey puppet and entertaining her while mom was climbing. The dad said when the baby was younger they brought down her car seat, but around four months old that no longer worked. The key for them was finding a willing third person to go along so while two climb the other is with the baby and then they rotate. Not sure if it was one of you we met, but wanted to pass on what they did to you newer dads.
  12. What a cutie! PM Sobo. He and his family have bunnies. He'll tell you what to do.
  13. Oh, Minx. I'm so jealous. I used to ask for a pony every year for my birthday and Christmas, and when I got older a horse. Begged is probably a better description since much pleading and tears were involved until I finally realized it just wasn't going to happen.
  14. Happy Birthday, Snugtop! Best present, hmm... Well, two years ago I was surprised with an iBookG4. That was pretty cool and I use it everyday. I already know what I'm getting this year since it's just a couple of days away-a full day guided climb at Smith with me and my gym-climbing partner! I'm pretty excited about that
  15. Yay, Feck!!!!! I second what Sherri said. What is in the mailbox?
  16. Wish I could have been there, Bill. Take care of that finger!
  17. WTG, Feck! Congrats. You are doing fantastic. Hope you hear something from the doc soon, too!
  18. What time do they start drinking in Sweden, Raindawg? It's nine hours ahead which makes it around 8 am in the morning there. Or are you still drunk from last night?!!!
  19. I have kids ages 9, 7 and 4. We do a lot of family hikes and I was thinking about all the water we usually need, particularly for our climb at Smith a couple of weeks ago. I was thinking kids hydrations packs might be the way to go. I found a list of hydration packs made for kids here, but was hoping someone might have first hand experience to help me narrow down my choices. Thanks!
  20. Great to meet you and Tim, too, Bri! Thanks for showing me the easy way out. Nice to see Bill and John again! Thanks to all of you for making this newbie's evening out there so much fun. You guys are the best (and so very patient and nice, too!)
  21. rmncwrtr


    Sherri has never talked about being fat, RuMR. She's been the cheerleader encouraging all us fatties on. Cool pic, Sherri!
  22. I'll be there. Just need to know where The only place I've been is up top for the traverses.
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