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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. I was planning to go, but I sprained my ankle doing a traverse at Rocky Butte. I'm back in the gym climbing this week, but outside would be pushing it.
  2. "Trask" pops up every now and then. Anyone care to share a Cliff Notes version of what happened?
  3. I owe you a for that one, Porter. Just what I needed after a very long morning. Thanks!
  4. Firstenburg is on 136th on the left before you hit WinCo on the right. North of Mill Plain Blvd. I was just there on Friday night for Family Climb. It's smaller, but close and as dwellcome mentioned, it's cheap. $5.75 if you have your own gear. They charge $5 for a belay card. If you go to one of the "open climbs", they belay you, but if you have the card you can go to the belay certified only climbs.
  5. rmncwrtr


    Enjoy the fun, but you do realize that single men die sooner than married men. I rather die young and happy then old and miserable Haha. Be careful. What you post here can be used against you in the future
  6. rmncwrtr


    Enjoy the fun, but you do realize that single men die sooner than married men.
  7. rmncwrtr


    I call bullshit. Lets see a real link. I think most wedding guests in the 80's were too stoned to know where they were, let alone if a marriage would last. From my own experience, this is true. I'm four for four in calling marriages that would never last while attending their weddings. Two of these were in the '80s. At all four weddings, guests were discussing how long the marriage would last during the reception. At one, some of us actually took bets. Tacky, I'll admit, but you could just see the train wreck ahead. I tried to intervene before the weddings in three of the cases but my friends (men) did not want to listen to me. So if anyone out there is thinking about marriage, really listen to what your closest friends have to say. You might not like what you hear, but they can see things you can't!
  8. Well after three babies, it's going to take a bit more than diet.
  9. rmncwrtr


    Then those women are idiots and now divorced.
  10. Yay Ellen! Maybe after a thousand more Crossfit workouts I'll be able to see abs.
  11. Hey, Sobo, I can sit around and do all that with the best of them, bum ankle or not, but I'm saving the pass for when I can climb. Let's face it, I'm only going to get so many of those weekend passes! I'm just happy he said yes! It sets a precedence for future events
  12. Thanks Sobo! That's what I was hoping I actually got the from mr.rmncwrtr to go, but hurt my ankle and not ready for outdoor climbing yet. Next year!
  13. Bummer, I was hoping someone would post a Tell-all TR with pics when they got home.
  14. Thanks for the heads up. Everyday Athlete seems like a better fit for this soccer mom, but I may have to drop by and check out a free Saturday WOD once I know what I'm doing. Especially since camo is not required
  15. The Naval Academy guy? Robinson.
  16. rmncwrtr

    CC.com turns 7

    Happy Birthday cc.com! I haven't been here long, but it's been a whole lot of fun. This site actually got me climbing!
  17. Here are some crowd and climbing shots from last night.
  18. Thanks John and Marcus and everyone else who put on the Ice Fest last night. A super fun time! Here are some of the cc.comer pics I took. I went around last night asking people if they were cc.comers. I got a lot of blank stares and weird looks as if I'd asked them if they'd been abducted by aliens and could I see their implant. If I missed you, sorry. The people in the posed photos are cc.comers (i.e. someone who has an avatar whether they post or not.) Also a few pics (Coulior and Mrs. C's, for one, sorry) came out all black for some reason Thanks to everyone who let me snap their pic! It was nice meeting you all
  19. Hit Me With Your Best Shot by Pat Benatar. An oldie, but a goodie
  20. Hey, Katie! Good luck with the PE exam. Gotta admit I'm so happy my engineering days are behind me Looking forward to seeing you at the Ice Fest!
  21. Those poor kids. It's sad someone needed to break the hearts of a bunch of 3-4 year olds to get publicity for their cause.
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