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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. Not sure whether this little guy will grow up to deserve a place in this thread, but he sure is a cutie. B9Vvso4LWto
  2. Oh, man, you're killing me, Arch. I've been pretty good eating wise this last week, but would love some chocolate right now. I'm more partial to Ho-hos but might have to open the kids' box of Ding-dongs if a piece of fruit won't hit the spot.
  3. Too late, Porter. FOX already bought them!
  4. Come on people, we need specific's here. What kind of alcohol, how much, you know the basics. I know vodka has the capacity to induce table dancing, but swimsuit dissolving is new to me! Specifics are difficult, Selkirk, due to all the variables and the number of swimsuits out there. One suit may dissolve with only one alcoholic drink provided other sensorial catalysts are properly brought into the mix. Other suits, without extra sensorial catalysts or if those are not properly applied, may need significantly more amounts of alcohol before dissolving. The type of alcohol needed for dissolving a swimsuit varies with type of suit. Red wine has been known to work on a one-piece swimsuit. Microbrew beer, too. Perhaps someone with bikini experience could offer their insights.
  5. Where are all the check-ins? Am I going to have to borrow Archie's whip? I'm holding steady at 130 lbs, but clothes are getting baggier and I'm getting stronger so I'm
  6. Where are all the check-ins? Am I going to have to borrow Archie's whip? I'm holding steady at 130 lbs, but clothes are getting baggier and I'm getting stronger so I'm
  7. i am trying to figure out how i can get a swim suite disolving hot tub at my house Invite the right person over and you won't have the expense of a new hot tub. True, true! I believe that alcohol possesses substantial swimsuit-dissolving properties, as well. No hot tub necessary.
  8. It did not turn the others blue. A good thing since one of the kids was sitting next to me with her feet in the water!
  9. Well, 111, not sure what to say except I am afraid of heights which kept me from reaching the top of a wall at Club Sport and rappelling at the Columns. I've been hoping learning to climb would help with the fear of heights. Thursday I was at Exit 38 and had a couple of "uh-oh" moments when I looked down and had to grab hold of anything I could get my fingers on. The scariest part was actually climbing over this log to get to the belay spot since it was a log way down. But this time the height thing didn't keep me from learning how to rappel. Did a multipitch rappel, too.
  10. Don't forget it's check-in day! I'm still away from home so no scale, but will be back tomorrow. A big for whoever started this and has kept me watching what I eat and working out or Friday night could have been even more embarrassing. I was at the Sea Tac Marriott sitting in the hot tub. I got out and noticed a horrified look on hubby's face. He motioned to my suit. What had been a pretty blue was now colorless so it looked as if I wasn't wearing a suit at all. Only the straps remained blue. As I got closer to the family, hubby looked more relieved. He said for a minute he was afraid the suit was completely gone! Either way, every single person at the pool was staring at me and my now nude-colored suit. There were almost 100 people out there. Considering at my age I like to pretend I'm invisible when wearing a swimsuit, it was a worst nightmare moment. Especially since we were all there for a dance competition and I will be seeing these same people over and over again at future dance competitions. On Saturday, I heard a girl say, "Hey mom, that's the girl who's swimsuit got ruined." The good news is I'm going to get a new suit paid for by Marriott. Of course that means I must go swimsuit shopping which ranks right up there with dental work and paying taxes.
  11. Great pics! Looks like the three of you had a really fun time up there.
  12. A pizza that can be flavored with maple syrup and/or ketchup by request?
  13. One of my Tevas fell off my pack somewhere on the Far Side this evening, 7/26. I think it might have been when we were walking out from Squishy Bell, but we also climbed earlier at Easy Street.
  14. You might not want to, but I bet Archie would
  15. Well if I had those legs, I'd easily be able to justify spending that kind of money on killer shoes.
  16. She's in a Ferrari. Wonder if those are Jimmy Choos or Manolo Blahniks?
  17. G-spotter meet Kat_Roslyn. Kat_Roslyn meet G-spotter. The two of you obviously belong together. This introduction a courtesy of ccmatch.com.
  18. rmncwrtr

    Soloing Rainier

    Do we get to see what's under the mask, too?
  19. Thanks all. It was so much fun and the company was the best! I'm climbing at Exit 38 tomorrow and hope it goes as well. Thanks for the shirt etiquette, Ken, and you're right. I ended up taking off my shirt when I got back down and no one seemed to mind that I only had on a sports bra Must add sport tanks to my need-to-buy list!
  20. Glad Boogieboy found his way home, Ken! Thanks for that article, Archie. Pretty amazing! Alpinfox had already mentioned microchiping in his post and I'm calling my vet next week when I get home.
  21. Where are all the weigh-ins? Monday, remember. I'm not at home so don't have a scale so can't weigh in until next Tuesday. What's everyone else's excuse?
  22. Thanks Carolyn and yes, that was me with the kitty in the hospital. Rocket is the brother of that one, Spirit, but he also has the same problem as her. Hyper-T. Just can't afford the same treatment for him right now. Soon, I hope! That's what I asked for my birthday. Oh, poor Latte! Good for that bf finding her. Sounds like she learned her lesson about going outside. I think Rocket is mad at me which is why he hid. I couldn't find him to say goodbye when I left on Friday. I have spoiled those cats so badly this was probably just his way of striking back at me. Just glad I didn't drive home or this type of action might have become the norm whenever I have to go away in the future!
  23. Trip: First Timer @ Eugene Columns - Easy Double Crack Date: 7/19/2007 Trip Report: This trip report is for newbies. I couldn't figure out how to post a TR in the Newbie forum so if a moderator would like to move it, please feel free. After gym climbing and doing traverses at Rocky Butte, I thought it was time for this newbie to see what it was like to climb outside. Muffy offered to take me to the Columns in Eugene where she learned to climb. I drove down to Muffy's place where she asked to see my gear. The only things on my harness were two belay cards from the gyms where I climb so she patiently showed me what all the other stuff in my pack was for and how to use it. We piled into the Muffster cruise-mobile and headed to the Columns. It looked like rain, but soon the gray clouds disappeared and we had blue skies overhead. First step: learning to set an anchor. This was by far the scariest thing of the entire outing because I'm afraid of heights. Even though I was locked in with my personal anchor system, I kept trying to scoot back as far as I could. Still I learned how to set an anchor, then got a lesson on how to rappel, but decided to walk down instead. No sense pushing it too much the first time out Second step: learning how to climb cracks. Outside climbing is nothing like gym climbing. I'd figured that out doing the traverses at Rocky Butte, but this was even more different. The little toe down footing felt counter-intuitive and simply wrong to me. The handholds also felt weird. Watching Muffy do it helped, but it still felt unnatural. Third step: learning how to belay. I'd only used a gri-gri during gym climbing so Muffy taught me how to use the ATC-guide I'd won at the PMR Telluride Film Fest months ago. Fourth step: fall and fall again. I managed to get partway up the crack, but kept getting stuck where you move your right foot from the right crack and only use the left crack. Each time I got stuck at the same place, would struggle, fall, try again, fall some more and ask to come down. Muffy climbed once more, talking me through her steps so I could see how to do it. While I got ready to try again, Muffy chatted with one of the two climbers on the column next to us, offering her wisdom to his eager young ears. As I headed up once more, Muffy told me that she wasn't going to let me down until I made it to the top. I thought she was kidding so I climbed on. I reached the spot where I always fell before and struggled. No way was I going to make it past this, but Muffy wouldn't let me come down this time. She said she knew I could do it so just take my time. All I knew was that I would keep falling, but I kept trying and finally made it past that point. Of course, it just kept getting harder after that, but Muffy helped me and I kept going up. I stopped to catch my breath after I'd gotten past the crack and before the final push to the top. The sun was beating down. All I wanted to do was take off my shirt, but I wasn't sure of climbing etiquette and whether you could yell, "shirt" the way you do "rope" when you toss it down so I left it on. I reached the top and all I could think about was the bell you ring when you reach the top of the easy routes at Firstenburg Center. I tapped the anchor and said, "ding," reaffirming the validity of Pavlov's theory in 2007. By the time I reached the bottom, our ropegun, Badvodoo, had arrived. While he set up a toprope on the fat crack route, Muffy showed me how to lead-belay. Muffy cleaned the route, and then it was my turn to try the fat crack. I didn't make it to the top, but Badvodoo worked with me on a whole lot of things I needed to learn. When we'd all had enough climbing, it was off to dinner at the East 19th Street Cafe. I hit the road for the long drive home and rolled in after midnight with bruises on my legs, goobies on my hands and a big smile on my face. I can't wait to climb again! Gear Notes: 1) Patient belayer who made newbie dig deeper and reach higher than she thought possible 2) Ropegun with full rack Approach Notes: Muffster's Cruiser
  24. Rocket is alive and well! The coyotes will have to look elsewhere, G-spotter, though I really should post his picture in the fat cat thread. He's a big fat cat. Thanks, Alpinfox. I sent your message to my hubby. He was preparing flyers when the kitty was found. My nine year old took it upon herself to search for him. She found him in my closet underneath a suitcase that had a backpack and other bags piled on it. Hubby swore he'd checked the closet at least five times since yesterday and that the cat had to be outside. Perhaps it was only wishful thinking on his part! Anyway, I'm so relieved and so are the kids. I'm going to look into those microchip things when I get home. Our outdoor cat has one, but the two indoor cats are tattooed with my ODL number. Not much good now that we've moved to Washington. Thanks again!
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