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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. Powell's is a new/used bookstore. There is a branch on Hawthorne, if I remember correctly, but it might be one of their specialty stores. I just go to the NW one. It's a dangerous place for booklovers!
  2. rmncwrtr

    Bridge Collapse

    Hugs, Carolyn. Do what you need to do whether that's taking pictures, crying, whatever. And just ignore those who don't get it. Otherwise it can drive you crazy. I used to live in the Marina District of San Francisco. I remember one day hearing voices outside my window. There was a group of people down below on the corner with one person talking and pointing out things. It was an earthquake tour where people paid to be led around the neighborhood and hear what had happened during Loma Prieta. I hadn't lived there then, but many of my friends, including one of my best friends who's building got condemned, had and I remember waiting long hours to hear from them after the earthquake. I guess people just wanted to see what had happened, but it just felt really wrong to me.
  3. Thanks so much everyone for all the suggestions. I'm definitely leaning toward the flexible frames. Appreciate the Costco tip, Steve! BTW, I see you're from Mead. I grew up in Liberty Lake. As for all you contact wearers, I wore them for years, until I switched to glasses. I've been happy with the glasses so never thought about going back. I was wondering what people do for Alpine climbing since I'd like to eventually give that a try. I've had a few issues with fogging when I ski with the goggles and glasses combo. Those disposable contacts might just be the ticket for alpine.
  4. Aw, Sherri's Clancy and Treetoad's girl are beautiful. I would love to have a dog. I won (made an opening bid at an auction to get things going and no one else bid, oops!) an AKC Chocolate Lab pup back in October. It was going to be weened right before Christmas so thought it would be a great Christmas gift for the kids who've been wanting a dog, too. Mr.rmncwrtr said no way. That the cats were enough. So I gave the puppy to my neice and three nephews for Christmas, ensuring my spot in the "Best Aunts" Hall of Fame. We just saw the dog, Hershey, when we were camping over the fourth of July and it was the sweetest thing. Someday...
  5. I don't get out much to funky places that serve beer and I don't drink coffee, but if you're staying on Hawthorne, you must stop by JaCavas. It's a bakery with yummy cakes, sweets, chocolates, etc.
  6. Look at that video, Small Shoes. The cat is calmly, patiently sitting on a table. Cats are smart. It knows by allowing its owner to do this Hello Kitty dressup playtime, it will get tons of treats, cap nip and love. It doesn't mind one bit. Just a little annoyance in order to live the life of Reilly. Seriously, that cat probably gets more love than most people.
  7. Hey, Sobo. Where have you been, buddy? I've missed you Never thought of a geiger counter before, but given the glowing radioactivity of my kitties, it's probably not so bad an idea. Wonder what the half-life of I131 is? Sounds like Phydeaux has been in cahoots with a couple of mine. When I got back from my trip to Tacoma, one went all over my clothes and bag. A nuzzle and some purring would have been a much better welcome home.
  8. Love the Hello Kitties, Porter, but a big to RogerJ. That plane
  9. Where do the batteries go? My fat cat could eat that for breakfast and still be hungry. Of course, my four year old's response when I showed her the picture was, "Awwww, that's so cute. Really adorable, Mommy. Can we have one?"
  10. Haha! Too bad there hadn't been a camera handy. That would have been a cool pic to see Sounds like Latte's doing great and raring for fun! Lucky
  11. I googled the Flexon frames. Those sound like they would work well!
  12. Thanks for the explanation, Mattp. I'm just blind so haven't had to deal with any of that progressive lenses stuff, yet. With all the reading I do, I'm sure i will one of these days though! And thanks everyone else. I'll check out all those linkies!
  13. Wow, I wanted to see how the other half lived and I think I gained weight just reading the posts. But gotta admit a Torta sounds really yummy
  14. I'm sure your fan club would agree
  15. Those "Birth Control Glasses" do look indestructable, robmcdan. Might have to look into those. MattP - by progressive lens do you mean the kind that change with sun/light exposure? Pup - I'm going to get one of those glass repair kits and stick it in my pack. Great idea. I won't be able to get a new pair before I climb again, but I think I'll stick an old pair in there, too, just in case.
  16. Anyone have a recommendation on the best type of frame to get for rock climbing? I'm really near-sighted. I lost a screw half way up a rock wall and a lens popped out. Found the lens, but not the screw and used tape to fix it so I could drive and have them repaired. Might not be so lucky if that happened outside so figure having an extra pair for climbing/outdoor activities might not be a bad idea. Thanks!
  17. Just saw this on the Timberline Lodge website: Timberline Lodge Hosts "Mt. Hood Climbing Expo" Event Will Mark the 150th Anniversary of the First Ascent of Mt. Hood Saturday, August 4th 2007 One hundred and fifty years ago, on August 6, 1857, Henry Pittock, professor L. J. Powell, William S. Buckley, W. Lyman Chittenden, and James Deardorff made the first documented successful ascent of 11,239' Mt. Hood. To mark this occasion and provide a public educational opportunity, the Mt. Hood Cultural Center and Museum has teamed up with Timberline Lodge, The U.S. Forest Service, The Mazamas, The Crag Rats, and Portland Mountain Rescue to present "The Mt. Hood Expo." The event will include climbing demonstrations, information, and history, on display in and around Timberline Lodge, starting at 11:00 a.m. On Saturday August 4th. "Over the years, Timberline Lodge has served as the base for hundreds of thousands of south side climbs, and yet we've never had an event quite like this" said Jon Tullis, Timberline's Director of Public Affairs. "For Timberline, this is a real nice outreach opportunity to the climbing community... a time to celebrate the rich history of climbing and the common bond that so many Oregonians have, having reached the summit of Oregon's tallest peak." The event will include programs in the Lodge's newly restored outdoor amphitheater. Featured speakers will include Jack Grauer, Mt. Hood historian and author, Bill Westbrook, District Ranger for the Zig Zag Ranger District, and yet to be named representatives from both the Governor's Search and Rescue Task Force and Portland Mountain Rescue. The NW School of Survival will conduct short classes on using a map and compass as well as GPS and Mt. Hood Locater Units. Numerous clubs, guides, and commercial vendors will also be on hand to promote the latest in climbing gear and technique. Visitors might also enjoy a ride on the Magic Mile Ski Ride to the 7000' level of the mountain. People who have climbed Mt. Hood are encouraged to bring and donate a Mt. Hood summit photo of themselves to the Mt. Hood Cultural Center and Museum collection. Volunteers from the Museum will also be on hand to record people's personal stories of climbing the mountain. This recording will be preserved at the Museum to commemorate the event, and to serve as an oral history of mountain climbing on Mt. Hood. Event coordinator, Lloyd Musser said "Mountain climbing is not without its sad tragedies, but it is also filled with stories of personal achievement, dramatic beauty, and historically significant events. We want this event to focus on that good and rich history of climbing. Whether you have a close relationship to the sport and the lore of mountain climbing, or just a passing interest, we invite everyone up to enjoy an afternoon on the mountain, and to celebrate and learn more about mountain climbing." There is no charge for admission.
  18. I like the "8 foot bubble", 111 I'll try that at Smith next week. Thanks!
  19. rmncwrtr

    Bridge Collapse

    It's horrible, Carolyn. I was watching the news and can't even fathom what it must be like there. The mechanical engineer in me has been trying to analyze what I see on the screen. Hugs and prayers to all involved. So glad you're okay!
  20. rmncwrtr


    I think this is the one you're looking for: Awesome Survival Tips Thread In case I didn't do it right since I'm not that good with Search, here's the YouTube video itself z11LUdp6kjQ
  21. Bill - I just IM'd Muffy and told her about this thread. She will be here when she gets home from work. She gave me permission to say something dirty in her name, but I'm way down in A ball compared to major leaguers Muffy and Arch when it comes to that. I'd strike out looking. In the meantime, she wanted to tell Pink that he'd better not be trying to give Knottygirl a clue. Muffy's exact words
  22. I love the "grim reap-purr" tag, Arch! Thanks for the linky. I don't think I'd want a cat like that. I'd worry every time it nuzzled against me that the end was near.
  23. Not sure what you'll see when you step on the scale back home, but don't worry about it too much. You've lost so much weight and look great! I couldn't believe the difference from when you left PDX and when I saw you in SEA this past weekend. Not sure what you did that time in between-not eat and run miles after miles perhaps-but you
  24. Feck - You've done great! Are you just trying to maintain until the tenth and then see what the doc says?
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