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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. Yep. And I'm probably going to end up with a Russian tortoise come May or June, but that will totally be my own fault.
  2. When we had the one in the spring, people showed up who hadn't posted they were coming. I expect the same will happen with this one. And I'll make a couple of little cc.com signs to put on the table in case people don't know what others look like beyond their avatar pics.
  3. No offense taken. We ended up with an older stray, too. She came with our last house and we brought her with us when we moved to the new house. She's an awesome cat who is a total love. But around Christmas time people do buy kittens (notice I wrote kitten, not cat above) so figured I'd plug these ones since kittens do grow quickly and can be harder to place once they are bigger as mentioned by builder206 and in the blog itself.
  4. I'll definitely put out reminders as it gets closer, Bill. BTW, I just called to check on the private room, but it's already booked for the 12th.
  5. I know there are a few cat people here I found this blog about a place that fosters kittens from the Tacoma Humane Society. If you are looking for a kitten, check it out. Some really cute kitty pictures, too. If you know someone who is wanting a kitten or who might know someone who wants one, please pass along the url to them. Thanks!
  6. Total n00b question, but who's Jim?
  7. Sherri pm'd me this link and I'm so happy she did. What a cool TR. Congrats!
  8. Thought you'd like it which is why I posted it :kisss: Yep, Minx, my three should get full-ride academic scholarships and I'll be hitting three digits easy. When I was around twenty-six and single, one of the engineering supervisors (a man around forty) made a crack about my child-bearing hips in front of his entire group. I was so embarrassed. I had never swore at work, but I said a few choice words that day, surprising him and everyone else. The guy never spoke to me again
  9. I don't know how old your mom is, but a friend's mom had a really early onset of Alzheimers and got really, really paranoid about stuff. Take her to her physician and make sure nothing is going on medically. And blogging is a good outlet for you to remain sane under those kind of conditions! Many people use their blogs to rant and rave and get things off their chests. Just be sure to also give as much support to your mom and bros as you can. Sounds like they all need it.
  10. If the marketing department was trying to appeal to kids, they succeeded. My four year old daughter wants a Miga. "Oh, it's adorable." My nine year old a Sumi. Green is one of the fave colors for the tweener set and they use it with both the little mascots. I'm guessing my 7 yo son will go for the Quatchi, especially with the blue ear muffs since that is his favorite color. Now all they have to offer is a secret code (ala Webkinz) when you buy one of the stuffed animals that lets you log in via the Internet and be part of a virtual Olympic Village so you can visit all the event venues and take part in competitions to win gold, silver and bronze.
  11. Be careful with that thing, Porter!
  12. They don't reserve tables, just a party room but that costs $. I'll get there a little early and get a table. Kevbone - if you show up, will Miles need a high chair or be lapping it?
  13. The socks and bows matching the center of the flowers does make one notice the ankles. Very flattering, indeed
  14. Okay, Minx, here's what you have to do. Ditch your family and come to my house for Christmas. We stay in our jammies until at least lunchtime. It's all about playing and having fun! We also serve birthday cake along with chocolate fondue for dessert if you've got a sweet tooth. I want to hear Arch's New Years story. Where are your pics, Minx? Good tale, Feck's. Almost getting run down by the horse-riding police on New Years Eve earns bonus points.
  15. My kids decorated the house with these hand turkeys the night hand before Thanksgiving. It was almost worth going to all the trouble to see all those cute little gobblers. Almost being the operative word.
  16. Yeah, that's what I figured. Lucky you!
  17. So were you really sick or just faking it?
  18. Thanks for the invite, but Christmas is much easier on me than T-day. We stick a ham or prime rib in the smoker and do easy sides so I can enjoy the day and play with the kids and their new toys Hope you catch a lot of fish!
  19. WTG, Arch! I stood in the kitchen all day and cooked for 13 people. I would have much rather hiked and lost weight. Next year can I go with you?
  20. Not sure if I'll be on my own or not. I know my kids won't be there, but hubby hasn't decided yet.
  21. Glad people are up for this Looks like 7-7:30ish is the time, too. I'll call and find out if they reserve tables.
  22. It's really only two weeks away, Ivan, and people usually get booked up around the holiday time. This way no one can say they didn't have enough notice. Plus if another date works better we have time to switch it
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