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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. The Seattle folks are doing one. We should, too. Any PDXers up for partaking in a little holiday cheer on Wednesday evening, December 12th at The Lucky Lab on Hawthorne?
  2. Especially for Apollo 13 fans: hOyQ3nTDgCs
  3. Like Sobo, they're coming to me. After fighting all the traffic and crowds at the stores today to get all the food and drinks, I'm glad I get to stay home!
  4. rmncwrtr


    Yes, I know. Same bad feeling here. I'm hoping by December 25th, I'll be all warm and fuzzy about this, but my sister is game and it's what my nephew has been asking for all year. My niece and nephews are old enough to know to bypass mom and dad and come straight to the source when they want something out of the norm. They've already taught the youngest to "Forget Mommy and Daddy. Ask Aunt M." I've done some research, and am leaning towards a Russian Tortoise. They don't grow as big. I also have considered "what if" situations. That is, I'm looking at it as if someday this tortoise could end up being mine and so I'm making decisions based on what I would be willing to handle. P.S. This fangirl loves that quote, sobo
  5. rmncwrtr


    Well, I just got off the phone with my sister. The turtle, actually a tortoise, is a go. She just wants to know what she has to do ahead of time. She asked if I could get a hardier breed. I told her they live for thirty years or more. There was this moment of silence on the phone, then an "Oh, okay then."
  6. rmncwrtr


    I did give the child a puppy last year, Fenderfour. A gorgeous AKC chocolate lab they named Hershey. So it looks like turtles will be a topic of discussion during Thanksgiving dinner. Not sure what outcome I want right now.
  7. rmncwrtr

    Feed the world

    Oops. Sorry about the pounds vs. grains. Not sure how I messed that up. Wishful thinking, perhaps.
  8. rmncwrtr

    Feed the world

    I know it goes at least to 45, Ivan.
  9. rmncwrtr

    Feed the world

    Drag yourself away from spray for a few minutes and head here to test your vocabulary skills. For every word you get right, 10 grains of rice are donated to the United Nations Food Program. They tell you what vocabulary level you're at and how much rice you earned so you can come back here and spray how smart you are.
  10. Someone's probably in a chock-full-a-trouble. Before I went to test the big, bad boys at the friendly skies, I used to test small biz jet engines. I remember my first on aircraft engine test. I was sitting on the floor in this tiny space surrounded by stacks of gear and equipment. One of the test pilots hands me a fire extinguisher and says, in case we light up. I said, but we're on the ground. He said, doesn't matter where you are when you're testing.
  11. rmncwrtr


    Now that's my kind of turtle, G-spotter I went to the rescue website. This was the description for one of them: There was one tortoise there that could maybe work, but I need to really have a talk with my sister. I don't want to disappoint my nephew, but I'm seeing some big red flags here. What about those tiny turtles that you keep in an aquarium? Anybody know about them?
  12. rmncwrtr


    Okay, thanks guys. So glad I asked. I obviously need to do more research about this.
  13. rmncwrtr


    He is 6. The youngest of four. I gave them all a Chocolate Lab Puppy last year so this seems like a no-brainer, but it's still a living creature so I just want to make sure.
  14. rmncwrtr


    Does anyone know anything about having a turtle as a pet? Good idea/bad idea? That's what my nephew asked me to get him for Christmas and on the surface seems low-maintenance pet, but I need to know more before I approach my sister for the okay. They live on a 37 acre farm in the Willamette Valley and have 2 dogs, 3 cats and a bunch of chickens. Thanks!
  15. No idea who will be the next president, but have you taken this quiz to see which candidate matches you best? Kinda interesting.
  16. You'll have to wait for the TR to find out!
  17. Happy Birthday, Sobo! I'll one for you tonight, and you'll get your present when we climb
  18. He also looks hot wearing Juicy Couture and Patagonia. He has other avatars besides Iain so he is on some of the lists above
  19. Haha Sherri. Name the date and place and I'm there. And we'll even let you wear more than socks, Sobo. Though if you'd rather not... Let's see. I'd really like to meet everyone (and I actually have met a few given I'm relatively new here), but if I had to choose: Arch Carolyn (gotta meet those cat lovers) Bug Cobra_Commander DeChristo Feck G-Spotter Kevbone Lizard_Brain Off White Porter RuMR Sherri Sobo
  20. Wow, Tim. Great TR and pics. Talk about taking the spicy way down. Glad you made it down safely.
  21. Yummy. I'd give alpine a go if that was the reward Every time... So what peaks did you have in mind? Sobo, you are a man after my own heart :kisss: Pick a peak a newbie has a chance at succeeding at. Tell me what I need. You pack the wine and chocolate. I'll bring my own glass
  22. Happy Birthday Sherri! What a great way to celebrate the big 4-0! Loved all the pics!!!
  23. Yummy. I'd give alpine a go if that was the reward
  24. Although I am generally opposed to violence, i would happily shove a large caliber gun up your butt, and pull the trigger, if it would only shut you up. You know Dru, this sort of post isn't really your style. I was going to chastise you for threatening even ludicrous and unlikely violence, but then I read the preceding posts and decided I should give you a thumbs up instead. A big :kisss: for G-spotter and Off_White.
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