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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. Thanks, Halifax. Light and snappy will work great Fresh, blower, white room are all new to me. Must admit all this lingo stuff is making me feel really old!
  2. Meant, Rad, not Trog above. Thx. Does anyone know what someone testing a prototype board might think as they rode a new board. Something they might notice or like. She works for the company that designed it so would need to give her opinion.
  3. I have read some blogs, Trog, but am running out of time. Very fast turnaround for my story. Plus this is my water cooler time More fun getting input from live people, well virtual avatars, but you get the idea. Okay dudes, which should I use for my hero talking about the fresh powder: 1) powder 2) pow 3) pow pow I've seen all three used. But which would he most likely use.
  4. Anyone know what snowboarders call it when you mess up a jump and end up face planting? I found the word "biff" on one website with snowboarding vocabulary, but not sure if that's the correct term to use or not? And just another day or two of questions left. I'm almost finished with the story
  5. Thanks Trog. So I'm guessing a pro-snowboarder would have no trouble jumping back onto his feet from his knees and looking cool doing it. And then kissing her without slipping/sliding.
  6. Any way a guy could get out of the bindings quickly and easily so he could go down on one knee and propose in the snow without it taking too long? Or would he remained strapped in and just go onto his knees?
  7. This is a really stupid question, but I have no idea how snowboard bindings work these days. I found step-in bindings via google, but want to make sure I'm using the right terminology. Do you step into them? Step out of them? Kick them off? The character in question wearing that would do this is a World Cup snowboarder if that makes any difference.
  8. Off to look at the 1080 on YouTube! Thanks.
  9. Anyone know what a coach might work on with a very advanced rider, a teen who was serious about making the US snowboarding team and riding professionally. I need something specific (and relatively easy to describe with words) that could take really make a difference in the kid's skill level and progression. Thx.
  10. You brought back a great memory with that song, Rad. When my first book was published, a friend who had gone through ever mechanical engineering course with me in college, sent me a Beatles CD. I had no idea why. He'd put a Post-it note on the front telling me to listen to a specific track. I did. It was that song. Thanks for the tips on the atmosphere. I don't have a lot of word count with this short one, but if I get to do a third book in the mountain rescue series it would be fun to put something like that in. I've been trying to remember if you can see any jumps from the lifts at Timberline. It's not something I pay attention to when up there. I'm always trying to keep an eye on my youngest. Anyone know?
  11. Just watched a few on YouTube. This is perfect. Thanks! :kisss:
  12. Can someone suggest another jump for me to use in a terrain park? Something that would look stylish with a board grab. I'd also like to know what hand they'd grab the board with. Thanks.
  13. Great. And the guinea pig thing would work well for the coach to comment on and be better than what I have now. Thanks again, Halifax :kisss:
  14. Thanks Halifax! Good description. I've seen those, just didn't know what they were called. It doesn't have to be a square on her back landing. I just want her looking up so she'd see a gloved hand (the hero) reaching down to help her up. (He just wants her out of the way so his campers can jump.) I would like her to takeoff well and get good air, then have whatever goes wrong happen so she ends up on her backside. I also have campers that follow. One messes up the take off and ends up in a heap. Could that be due to impatience or something rather than skills. Is that possible? Another nearly sits down on his landing. Do you know what would cause that? And a third nails it.
  15. John - Carly is pregnant in the November sequel. So Jake has already closed the deal Halifax - the story takes place in 2010. The snowboarder used to be world class before a fall on a half-pipe prior to the 2006 Olympics. She's now healed and can ride very well, but no longer a pro on the circuit. The trick could be anything that gets her up in the air and where she'd be showboating, makes a mistake and ends up landing on her back and not her feet. I have no idea what a table is. I'll google it! alecapone - thanks for the url. I sent her an email!
  16. I need some snowboarding help with a story. I ski and have only snowboarded once. I'm writing a 10K word on-line read at eHarlequin.com to promote my second Mt. Hood/mtn. rescuer book that's coming out soon. The short features two snowboarders who are the hero and heroine. One character is a graphic designer for a snowboarding manufacturing company. The other is pro, doing a guest coaching gig at a Mt. Hood snowboarding camp. Any snowboarders out there who could answer some questions? A few things I need to know... A jump in a terrain park at Timberline that would leave my heroine flat on her back upon landing due to over-rotation or some mistake she made, but not injury her other than a bruise or two. I could use some help with lingo that's used so they sound like snowboarders. If anyone has or knows someone who has attended Windells or High Cascade camp, I'd love to talk to them. Also if there's a better forum out there to post this at, please let me know. Thanks, Melissa
  17. The mechanical traction the PT did gave me horrible headaches. Fortunately the chiropractor got rid of those. Thanks.
  18. I was rear-ended on I-5 in March and have doing PT and saw a chiropractor, but still have numbness, tingling down my left arm and hand. According to the MRI results I got today, the extrusion at C5-C6 is compressing the exiting left C6 nerve. At least explains the symptoms I've been having, but the doc mentioned surgery and is referring me to a neurosurgeon. Anyone have experience with this? Anything I should know or need to ask about? Thx.
  19. Thanks! This one has been turned in and I'm on to the next one! Next up, I'll be tackling the world of sailing before hopefully heading back to Mount Hood for book 3 of my mountain rescuer series!
  20. Thanks, Recycled!
  21. Oh, thanks for that mkporwit. It takes place in a Balkan country known for being out-dated and following antiquated traditions/etc. I won't put a brand on the vehicle and just say it's old truck pulling a float. I'll also have the heroine mention that cars with carburators hadn't been sold in the US for twenty years, but they still worked on them every now and then!
  22. Something like this is what I was looking for. Thanks!
  23. I was living in Liberty Lake just east of Spokane. Heard it blew, but I was more interested in going to a school group-related BBQ that day. I remember the ash cloud coming towards us. That was really weird. The principal called and told everyone go home. The ash started to fall a little after that. My black cat was completely gray by the time he found his way home later that night. We were off school for days.
  24. I need something only a mechanic would be able to figure out looking under the hood and fix without any tools or materials that wouldn't be in, say, a woman's purse or the glovebox. Would a blown fuse cause a car to just stop?
  25. My current manuscript has a character who is a car mechanic. I have some questions (not too detailed since this is a romance) and also need ideas on what could break on an engine that would be easy to fix in the middle of a parade without a toolbox handy. If you wouldn't mind helping, please let me know. I'm under the gun here with a 5/31 deadline. Thanks! Mel
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